Configuring Cluster Autoscaler in EKS Anywhere package spec
Parameter | Description | Default |
General | ||
cloudProvider | Cluster Autoscaler cloud provider. This should always be clusterapi. Example: cloudProvider: “clusterapi” |
“clusterapi” |
autoDiscovery.clusterName | Name of the kubernetes cluster this autoscaler package should autoscale. Example: autoDiscovery.clusterName: “mgmt-cluster” |
false |
clusterAPIMode | Where Cluster Autoscaler should look for a kubeconfig to communicate with the cluster it will manage. See https://github.com/kubernetes/autoscaler/blob/master/cluster-autoscaler/cloudprovider/clusterapi/README.md#connecting-cluster-autoscaler-to-cluster-api-management-and-workload-clusters Example: clusterAPIMode: “incluster-kubeconfig” |
“incluster-incluster” |
clusterAPICloudConfigPath | Path to kubeconfig for connecting to Cluster API Management Cluster, only used if clusterAPIMode=kubeconfig-kubeconfig or incluster-kubeconfig Example: clusterAPICloudConfigPath: “/etc/kubernetes/value” |
“/etc/kubernetes/mgmt-kubeconfig” |
extraVolumeSecrets | Additional volumes to mount from Secrets. Example: extraVolumeSecrets: {} |
{} |