FRRouting is currently not supported for MetalLB.
Configuring MetalLB in EKS Anywhere package spec
apiVersion: packages.eks.amazonaws.com/v1alpha1
kind: Package
name: mylb
namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
packageName: metallb
targetNamespace: metallb-system
config: |
- name: default
- name: bgp
- ipAddressPools:
- default
- ipAddressPools:
- bgp
autoAssign: false
- myASN: 123
peerASN: 55001
keepaliveTime: 30s
Parameter | Description | Default | Required |
IPAddressPools[] | A list of ip address pools. See IPAddressPool. | None | False |
L2Advertisements[] | A list of Layer 2 advertisements. See L2Advertisement. | None | False |
BGPAdvertisements[] | A list of BGP advertisements. See BGPAdvertisement. | None | False |
BGPPeers[] | A list of BGP peers. See BGPPeer. | None | False |
— | — | — | — |
IPAddressPool | A list of IP address ranges over which MetalLB has authority. You can list multiple ranges in a single pool and they will all share the same settings. Each range can be either a CIDR prefix, or an explicit start-end range of IPs. | ||
name | Name for the address pool. | None | True |
addresses[] | A list of string representing CIRD or IP ranges. | None | True |
autoAssign | AutoAssign flag used to prevent MetalLB from automatic allocation for a pool. | true | False |
— | — | — | — |
L2Advertisement | L2Advertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the LoadBalancer IPs provided by the selected pools via L2. | ||
ipAddressPools[] | The list of IPAddressPool names to advertise. | None | True |
name | Name for the L2Advertisement. | None | False |
— | — | — | — |
BGPAdvertisement | BGPAdvertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the IPs coming from the selected ipAddressPools via BGP, setting the parameters of the BGP Advertisement. | ||
aggregationLength | The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /32s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 32. Works for IPv4 addresses. | 32 | False |
aggregationLengthV6 | The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /128s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 128. Works for IPv6 addresses. | 128 | False |
communities[] | The BGP communities to be associated with the announcement. Each item can be a community of the form 1234:1234 or the name of an alias defined in the Community CRD. | None | False |
ipAddressPools[] | The list of IPAddressPool names to be advertised via BGP. | None | True |
localPref | The BGP LOCAL_PREF attribute which is used by BGP best path algorithm, Path with higher localpref is preferred over one with lower localpref. | None | False |
peers[] | List of peer names. Limits the bgppeer to advertise the ips of the selected pools to. When empty, the loadbalancer IP is announced to all the BGPPeers configured. | None | False |
— | — | — | — |
BGPPeer | Peers for the BGP protocol. | ||
holdTime | Requested BGP hold time, per RFC4271. | None | False |
keepaliveTime | Requested BGP keepalive time, per RFC4271. | None | False |
myASN | AS number to use for the local end of the session. | None | True |
password | Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. | None | False |
peerASN | AS number to expect from the remote end of the session. | None | True |
peerAddress | Address to dial when establishing the session. | None | True |
peerPort | Port to dial when establishing the session. | 179 | False |
routerID | BGP router ID to advertise to the peer. | None | False |
sourceAddress | Source address to use when establishing the session. | None | False |
password | Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. | None | False |
passwordSecret | passwordSecret is a reference to the authentication secret for BGP Peer. The secret must be of type ‘kubernetes.io/basic-auth’ and the password stored under the “password” key. Example: passwordSecret: |
None | False |