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Create Nutanix cluster
- 1: Overview
- 2: Requirements for EKS Anywhere on Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure
- 3: Preparing Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure for EKS Anywhere
- 4: Create Nutanix cluster
- 5: Configure for Nutanix
- 6:
1 - Overview
Creating a Nutanix cluster
The following diagram illustrates the cluster creation process for the Nutanix provider.
Start creating a Nutanix cluster
1. Generate a config file for Nutanix
Identify the provider (--provider nutanix
) and the cluster name in the eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig
command and direct the output to a cluster config .yaml
2. Modify the config file
Modify the generated cluster config file to suit your situation. Details about this config file can be found on the Nutanix Config page.
3. Launch the cluster creation
After modifying the cluster configuration file, run the eksctl anywhere cluster create
command, providing the cluster config.
The verbosity can be increased to see more details on the cluster creation process (-v=9 provides maximum verbosity).
4. Create bootstrap cluster
The cluster creation process starts with creating a temporary Kubernetes bootstrap cluster on the Administrative machine.
First, the cluster creation process runs a series of commands to validate the Nutanix environment:
- Checks that the Nutanix environment is available.
- Authenticates the Nutanix provider to the Nutanix environment using the supplied Prism Central endpoint information and credentials.
For each of the NutanixMachineConfig
objects, the following validations are performed:
- Validates the provided resource configuration (CPU, memory, storage)
- Validates the Nutanix subnet
- Validates the Nutanix Prism Element cluster
- Validates the image
- (Optional) Validates the Nutanix project
If all validations pass, you will see this message:
✅ Nutanix Provider setup is valid
During bootstrap cluster creation, the following messages will be shown:
Creating new bootstrap cluster
Provider specific pre-capi-install-setup on bootstrap cluster
Installing cluster-api providers on bootstrap cluster
Provider specific post-setup
Next, the Nutanix provider will create the machines in the Nutanix environment.
Continuing cluster creation
The following diagram illustrates the activities that occur next:
1. CAPI management
Cluster API (CAPI) management will orchestrate the creation of the target cluster in the Nutanix environment.
Creating new workload cluster
2. Create the target cluster nodes
The control plane and worker nodes will be created and configured using the Nutanix provider.
3. Add Cilium networking
Add Cilium as the CNI plugin to use for networking between the cluster services and pods.
Installing networking on workload cluster
4. Moving cluster management to target cluster
CAPI components are installed on the target cluster. Next, cluster management is moved from the bootstrap cluster to the target cluster.
Creating EKS-A namespace
Installing cluster-api providers on workload cluster
Installing EKS-A secrets on workload cluster
Installing resources on management cluster
Moving cluster management from bootstrap to workload cluster
Installing EKS-A custom components (CRD and controller) on workload cluster
Installing EKS-D components on workload cluster
Creating EKS-A CRDs instances on workload cluster
4. Saving cluster configuration file
The cluster configuration file is saved.
Writing cluster config file
5. Delete bootstrap cluster
The bootstrap cluster is no longer needed and is deleted when the target cluster is up and running:
The target cluster can now be used as either:
- A standalone cluster (to run workloads) or
- A management cluster (to optionally create one or more workload clusters)
Creating workload clusters (optional)
The target cluster acts as a management cluster. One or more workload clusters can be managed by this management cluster as described in Create separate workload clusters :
- Use
to generate a cluster config file for the new workload cluster. - Modify the cluster config with a new cluster name and different Nutanix resources.
- Use
to create the new workload cluster from the new cluster config file.
2 - Requirements for EKS Anywhere on Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure
To run EKS Anywhere, you will need:
Prepare Administrative machine
Set up an Administrative machine as described in Install EKS Anywhere .
Prepare a Nutanix environment
To prepare a Nutanix environment to run EKS Anywhere, you need the following:
A Nutanix environment running AOS 5.20.4+ with AHV and Prism Central 2022.1+
Capacity to deploy 6-10 VMs
DHCP service or Nutanix IPAM running in your environment in the primary VM network for your workload cluster
A VM image imported into the Prism Image Service for the workload VMs
User credentials to create VMs and attach networks, etc
One IP address routable from cluster but excluded from DHCP/IPAM offering. This IP address is to be used as the Control Plane Endpoint IP
Below are some suggestions to ensure that this IP address is never handed out by your DHCP server.
You may need to contact your network engineer.
- Pick an IP address reachable from cluster subnet which is excluded from DHCP range OR
- Alter DHCP ranges to leave out an IP address(s) at the top and/or the bottom of the range OR
- Create an IP reservation for this IP on your DHCP server. This is usually accomplished by adding a dummy mapping of this IP address to a non-existent mac address.
- Block an IP address from the Nutanix IPAM managed network using aCLI
Each VM will require:
- 2 vCPUs
- 40GB Disk
The administrative machine and the target workload environment will need network access (TCP/443) to:
- Prism Central endpoint (must be accessible to EKS Anywhere clusters)
- Prism Element Data Services IP and CVM endpoints (for CSI storage connections)
- (for pulling EKS Anywhere container images)
- (to download the EKS Anywhere binaries and manifests)
- (to download EKS Distro binaries and manifests)
- (for EKS Anywhere and EKS Distro ECR container images)
- (for EKS Anywhere package authentication matching your region)
- (for EKS Anywhere package ECR container images)
- (only if GitOps is enabled)
- (only if AWS IAM Authenticator is enabled)
Nutanix information needed before creating the cluster
You need to get the following information before creating the cluster:
Static IP Addresses: You will need one IP address for the management cluster control plane endpoint, and a separate one for the controlplane of each workload cluster you add.
Let’s say you are going to have the management cluster and two workload clusters. For those, you would need three IP addresses, one for each. All of those addresses will be configured the same way in the configuration file you will generate for each cluster.
A static IP address will be used for control plane API server HA in each of your EKS Anywhere clusters. Choose IP addresses in your network range that do not conflict with other VMs and make sure they are excluded from your DHCP offering.
An IP address will be the value of the property
in the config file of the management cluster. A separate IP address must be assigned for each workload cluster. -
Prism Central FQDN or IP Address: The Prism Central fully qualified domain name or IP address.
Prism Element Cluster Name: The AOS cluster to deploy the EKS Anywhere cluster on.
VM Subnet Name: The VM network to deploy your EKS Anywhere cluster on.
Machine Template Image Name: The VM image to use for your EKS Anywhere cluster.
additionalTrustBundle (required if using a self-signed PC SSL certificate): The PEM encoded CA trust bundle of the root CA that issued the certificate for Prism Central.
3 - Preparing Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure for EKS Anywhere
Certain resources must be in place with appropriate user permissions to create an EKS Anywhere cluster using the Nutanix provider.
Configuring Nutanix User
You need a Prism Admin user to create EKS Anywhere clusters on top of your Nutanix cluster.
Build Nutanix AHV node images
Follow the steps outlined in artifacts to create a Ubuntu-based image for Nutanix AHV and import it into the AOS Image Service.
4 - Create Nutanix cluster
EKS Anywhere supports a Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure (NCI) provider for EKS Anywhere deployments. This document walks you through setting up EKS Anywhere on Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure with AHV in a way that:
- Deploys an initial cluster in your Nutanix environment. That cluster can be used as a self-managed cluster (to run workloads) or a management cluster (to create and manage other clusters)
- Deploys zero or more workload clusters from the management cluster
If your initial cluster is a management cluster, it is intended to stay in place so you can use it later to modify, upgrade, and delete workload clusters. Using a management cluster makes it faster to provision and delete workload clusters. It also lets you keep NCI credentials for a set of clusters in one place: on the management cluster. The alternative is to simply use your initial cluster to run workloads. See Cluster topologies for details.
Creating an EKS Anywhere management cluster is the recommended model. Separating management features into a separate, persistent management cluster provides a cleaner model for managing the lifecycle of workload clusters (to create, upgrade, and delete clusters), while workload clusters run user applications. This approach also reduces provider permissions for workload clusters.Note: Before you create your cluster, you have the option of validating the EKS Anywhere bundle manifest container images by following instructions in the Verify Cluster Images page.
Prerequisite Checklist
EKS Anywhere needs to:
- Be run on an Admin machine that has certain machine requirements .
- Have certain resources from your Nutanix deployment available.
- Have some preparation done before creating an EKS Anywhere cluster.
Also, see the Ports and protocols page for information on ports that need to be accessible from control plane, worker, and Admin machines.
The following steps are divided into two sections:
- Create an initial cluster (used as a management or self-managed cluster)
- Create zero or more workload clusters from the management cluster
Create an initial cluster
Follow these steps to create an EKS Anywhere cluster that can be used either as a management cluster or as a self-managed cluster (for running workloads itself).
Optional Configuration
Set License Environment Variable
Add a license to any cluster for which you want to receive paid support. If you are creating a licensed cluster, set and export the license variable (see License cluster if you are licensing an existing cluster):
export EKSA_LICENSE='my-license-here'
After you have created your
and set your credential environment variables, you will be ready to create the cluster.Configure Curated Packages
The Amazon EKS Anywhere Curated Packages are only available to customers with the Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription. To request a free trial, talk to your Amazon representative or connect with one here . Cluster creation will succeed if authentication is not set up, but some warnings may be genered. Detailed package configurations can be found here .
If you are going to use packages, set up authentication. These credentials should have limited capabilities :
export EKSA_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your*access*id" export EKSA_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your*secret*key" export EKSA_AWS_REGION="us-west-2"
Generate an initial cluster config (named
for this example):CLUSTER_NAME=mgmt eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig $CLUSTER_NAME \ --provider nutanix > eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml
Modify the initial cluster config (
) as follows:- Refer to Nutanix configuration for information on configuring this cluster config for a Nutanix provider.
- Add Optional configuration settings as needed.
- Create at least three control plane nodes, three worker nodes, and three etcd nodes, to provide high availability and rolling upgrades.
Set Credential Environment Variables
Before you create the initial cluster, you will need to set and export these environment variables for your Nutanix Prism Central user name and password. Make sure you use single quotes around the values so that your shell does not interpret the values:
export EKSA_NUTANIX_USERNAME='billy' export EKSA_NUTANIX_PASSWORD='t0p$ecret'
If you have a username in the form ofdomain_name/user_name
, you must specify it asuser_name@domain_name
to avoid errors in cluster creation. For example,nutanix.local/admin
should be specified asadmin@nutanix.local
. -
Create cluster
For a regular cluster create (with internet access), type the following:
eksctl anywhere create cluster \ -f eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml \ # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
For an airgapped cluster create, follow Preparation for airgapped deployments instructions, then type the following:
eksctl anywhere create cluster \ -f eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml \ --bundles-override ./eks-anywhere-downloads/bundle-release.yaml \ # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
Once the cluster is created, you can access it with the generated
file in your local directory:export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
Check the cluster nodes:
To check that the cluster is ready, list the machines to see the control plane, and worker nodes:
kubectl get machines -n eksa-system
Example command output
NAME CLUSTER NODENAME PROVIDERID PHASE AGE VERSION mgmt-4gtt2 mgmt mgmt-control-plane-1670343878900-2m4ln nutanix://xxxx Running 11m v1.24.7-eks-1-24-4 mgmt-d42xn mgmt mgmt-control-plane-1670343878900-jbfxt nutanix://xxxx Running 11m v1.24.7-eks-1-24-4 mgmt-md-0-9868m mgmt mgmt-md-0-1670343878901-lkmxw nutanix://xxxx Running 11m v1.24.7-eks-1-24-4 mgmt-md-0-njpk2 mgmt mgmt-md-0-1670343878901-9clbz nutanix://xxxx Running 11m v1.24.7-eks-1-24-4 mgmt-md-0-p4gp2 mgmt mgmt-md-0-1670343878901-mbktx nutanix://xxxx Running 11m v1.24.7-eks-1-24-4 mgmt-zkwrr mgmt mgmt-control-plane-1670343878900-jrdkk nutanix://xxxx Running 11m v1.24.7-eks-1-24-4
Check the initial cluster’s CRD:
To ensure you are looking at the initial cluster, list the cluster CRD to see that the name of its management cluster is itself:
kubectl get clusters mgmt -o yaml
Example command output
... kubernetesVersion: "1.31" managementCluster: name: mgmt workerNodeGroupConfigurations: ...
The initial cluster is now ready to deploy workload clusters. However, if you just want to use it to run workloads, you can deploy pod workloads directly on the initial cluster without deploying a separate workload cluster and skip the section on running separate workload clusters. To make sure the cluster is ready to run workloads, run the test application in the Deploy test workload section.
Create separate workload clusters
Follow these steps if you want to use your initial cluster to create and manage separate workload clusters.
Set License Environment Variable (Optional)
Add a license to any cluster for which you want to receive paid support. If you are creating a licensed cluster, set and export the license variable (see License cluster if you are licensing an existing cluster):
export EKSA_LICENSE='my-license-here'
Generate a workload cluster config:
CLUSTER_NAME=w01 eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig $CLUSTER_NAME \ --provider nutanix > eksa-w01-cluster.yaml
Refer to the initial config described earlier for the required and optional settings. Ensure workload cluster object names (
, etc.) are distinct from management cluster object names. -
Be sure to set the
field to identify the name of the management cluster.For example, the management cluster, mgmt is defined for our workload cluster w01 as follows:
apiVersion: kind: Cluster metadata: name: w01 spec: managementCluster: name: mgmt
Create a workload cluster
To create a new workload cluster from your management cluster run this command, identifying:
- The workload cluster YAML file
- The initial cluster’s kubeconfig (this causes the workload cluster to be managed from the management cluster)
eksctl anywhere create cluster \ -f eksa-w01-cluster.yaml \ --kubeconfig mgmt/mgmt-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig \ # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
As noted earlier, adding the
option tellseksctl
to use the management cluster identified by that kubeconfig file to create a different workload cluster. -
Check the workload cluster:
You can now use the workload cluster as you would any Kubernetes cluster. Change your kubeconfig to point to the new workload cluster (for example,
), then run the test application with:export CLUSTER_NAME=w01 export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig kubectl apply -f ""
Verify the test application in the deploy test application section.
Add more workload clusters:
To add more workload clusters, go through the same steps for creating the initial workload, copying the config file to a new name (such as
), modifying resource names, and running the create cluster command again.
Next steps:
See the Cluster management section for more information on common operational tasks like scaling and deleting the cluster.
See the Package management section for more information on post-creation curated packages installation.
5 - Configure for Nutanix
This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference.
The following additional optional configuration can also be included:
- IAM Roles for Service Accounts
- IAM Authenticator
- Registry Mirror
- Proxy
- Gitops
- Machine Health Checks
- API Server Extra Args
kind: Cluster
name: mgmt
namespace: default
cilium: {}
count: 3
host: ""
kind: NutanixMachineConfig
name: mgmt-cp-machine
kind: NutanixDatacenterConfig
name: nutanix-cluster
count: 3
kind: NutanixMachineConfig
name: mgmt-etcd
kubernetesVersion: "1.31"
- count: 3
kind: NutanixMachineConfig
name: mgmt-machine
name: md-0
kind: NutanixDatacenterConfig
name: nutanix-cluster
namespace: default
port: 9440
kind: Secret
name: nutanix-credentials
- name: failure-domain-01
name: nx-cluster-01
type: name
- name: vm-network-01
type: name
- md-0
- name: failure-domain-02
name: nx-cluster-02
type: name
- name: vm-network-02
type: name
- md-0
- name: failure-domain-03
name: nx-cluster-03
type: name
- name: vm-network-03
type: name
- md-0
kind: NutanixMachineConfig
annotations: "true"
name: mgmt-cp-machine
namespace: default
name: nx-cluster-01
type: name
name: eksa-ubuntu-2004-kube-v1.31
type: name
memorySize: 4Gi
osFamily: ubuntu
name: vm-network
type: name
systemDiskSize: 40Gi
type: name
name: my-project
- name: eksa
- ssh-rsa AAAA…
vcpuSockets: 2
vcpusPerSocket: 1
- key: my-category
value: my-category-value
kind: NutanixMachineConfig
name: mgmt-etcd
namespace: default
name: nx-cluster-01
type: name
name: eksa-ubuntu-2004-kube-v1.31
type: name
memorySize: 4Gi
osFamily: ubuntu
name: vm-network
type: name
systemDiskSize: 40Gi
type: name
name: my-project
- name: eksa
- ssh-rsa AAAA…
vcpuSockets: 2
vcpusPerSocket: 1
kind: NutanixMachineConfig
name: mgmt-machine
namespace: default
name: nx-cluster-01
type: name
name: eksa-ubuntu-2004-kube-v1.31
type: name
memorySize: 4Gi
osFamily: ubuntu
name: vm-network
type: name
systemDiskSize: 40Gi
type: name
name: my-project
- name: eksa
- ssh-rsa AAAA…
vcpuSockets: 2
vcpusPerSocket: 1
- type: deviceID
deviceID: 1234
- type: name
name: my-gpu
Cluster Fields
name (required)
Name of your cluster mgmt
in this example.
clusterNetwork (required)
Network configuration.
clusterNetwork.cniConfig (required)
CNI plugin configuration. Supports cilium
clusterNetwork.cniConfig.cilium.policyEnforcementMode (optional)
Optionally specify a policyEnforcementMode of default
, always
or never
clusterNetwork.cniConfig.cilium.egressMasqueradeInterfaces (optional)
Optionally specify a network interface name or interface prefix used for masquerading. See EgressMasqueradeInterfaces option.
clusterNetwork.cniConfig.cilium.skipUpgrade (optional)
When true, skip Cilium maintenance during upgrades. Also see Use a custom CNI.
clusterNetwork.cniConfig.cilium.routingMode (optional)
Optionally specify the routing mode. Accepts default
and direct
. Also see RoutingMode
clusterNetwork.cniConfig.cilium.ipv4NativeRoutingCIDR (optional)
Optionally specify the CIDR to use when RoutingMode is set to direct. When specified, Cilium assumes networking for this CIDR is preconfigured and hands traffic destined for that range to the Linux network stack without applying any SNAT.
clusterNetwork.cniConfig.cilium.ipv6NativeRoutingCIDR (optional)
Optionally specify the IPv6 CIDR to use when RoutingMode is set to direct. When specified, Cilium assumes networking for this CIDR is preconfigured and hands traffic destined for that range to the Linux network stack without applying any SNAT.
clusterNetwork.pods.cidrBlocks[0] (required)
The pod subnet specified in CIDR notation. Only 1 pod CIDR block is permitted. The CIDR block should not conflict with the host or service network ranges.[0] (required)
The service subnet specified in CIDR notation. Only 1 service CIDR block is permitted. This CIDR block should not conflict with the host or pod network ranges.
clusterNetwork.dns.resolvConf.path (optional)
File path to a file containing a custom DNS resolver configuration.
controlPlaneConfiguration (required)
Specific control plane configuration for your Kubernetes cluster.
controlPlaneConfiguration.count (required)
Number of control plane nodes
controlPlaneConfiguration.machineGroupRef (required)
Refers to the Kubernetes object with Nutanix specific configuration for your nodes. See NutanixMachineConfig
fields below. (required)
A unique IP you want to use for the control plane VM in your EKS Anywhere cluster. Choose an IP in your network range that does not conflict with other VMs.
NOTE: This IP should be outside the network DHCP range as it is a floating IP that gets assigned to one of the control plane nodes for kube-apiserver loadbalancing. Suggestions on how to ensure this IP does not cause issues during cluster creation process are here .
workerNodeGroupConfigurations (required)
This takes in a list of node groups that you can define for your workers. You may define one or more worker node groups.
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].count (optional)
Number of worker nodes. (default: 1
) It will be ignored if the cluster autoscaler curated package
is installed and autoscalingConfiguration
is used to specify the desired range of replicas.
Refers to troubleshooting machine health check remediation not allowed and choose a sufficient number to allow machine health check remediation.
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].machineGroupRef (required)
Refers to the Kubernetes object with Nutanix specific configuration for your nodes. See NutanixMachineConfig
fields below.
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].name (required)
Name of the worker node group (default: md-0
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].autoscalingConfiguration.minCount (optional)
Minimum number of nodes for this node group’s autoscaling configuration.
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].autoscalingConfiguration.maxCount (optional)
Maximum number of nodes for this node group’s autoscaling configuration.
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].kubernetesVersion (optional)
The Kubernetes version you want to use for this worker node group. The Kubernetes versions supported by your EKS Anywhere version are tabulated in this section.
Known issue related to Kubernetes versions whose minor version is a multiple of 10
Must be less than or equal to the cluster kubernetesVersion
defined at the root level of the cluster spec. The worker node Kubernetes version must be no more than two minor Kubernetes versions lower than the cluster control plane’s Kubernetes version. Removing workerNodeGroupConfiguration.kubernetesVersion
will trigger an upgrade of the node group to the kubernetesVersion
defined at the root level of the cluster spec.
externalEtcdConfiguration.count (optional)
Number of etcd members
externalEtcdConfiguration.machineGroupRef (optional)
Refers to the Kubernetes object with Nutanix specific configuration for your etcd members. See NutanixMachineConfig
fields below.
datacenterRef (required)
Refers to the Kubernetes object with Nutanix environment specific configuration. See NutanixDatacenterConfig
fields below.
kubernetesVersion (required)
The Kubernetes version you want to use for your cluster. The Kubernetes versions supported by your EKS Anywhere version are tabulated in this section.
Known issue related to Kubernetes versions whose minor version is a multiple of 10
NutanixDatacenterConfig Fields
endpoint (required)
The Prism Central server fully qualified domain name or IP address. If the server IP is used, the PC SSL certificate must have an IP SAN configured.
port (required)
The Prism Central server port. (Default: 9440
credentialRef (required)
Reference to the Kubernetes secret that contains the Prism Central credentials.
insecure (optional)
Set insecure to true
if the Prism Central server does not have a valid certificate. This is not recommended for production use cases. (Default: false
additionalTrustBundle (optional; required if using a self-signed PC SSL certificate)
The PEM encoded CA trust bundle.
The additionalTrustBundle
needs to be populated with the PEM-encoded x509 certificate of the Root CA that issued the certificate for Prism Central. Suggestions on how to obtain this certificate are here
additionalTrustBundle: |
<certificate string>
<certificate string>
failureDomains (optional)
The list of failure domains used for the control plane nodes. Three failure domains are recommended.
NOTE: All the failure domain subnets must be on the same L2 network.
The name of the failure domain.
failureDomains[0].cluster (required)
Reference to the failure domain Prism Element cluster.
failureDomains[0].cluster.type (required)
Type to identify the failure domain Prism Element cluster. (Permitted values: name
or uuid
failureDomains[0] (failureDomains[0]
or failureDomains[0].cluster.uuid
Name of the failure domain Prism Element cluster.
failureDomains[0].cluster.uuid (failureDomains[0]
or failureDomains[0].cluster.uuid
UUID of the failure domain Prism Element cluster.
failureDomains[0].subnets (required)
Reference to the failure domain subnets to be assigned to the VMs.
failureDomains[0].subnets[0].name (failureDomains[0].subnets[0].name
or failureDomains[0].subnets[0].uuid
Name of the failure domain subnet.
failureDomains[0].subnets[0].type (required)
Type to identify the failure domain subnet. (Permitted values: name
or uuid
failureDomains[0].subnets[0].uuid (failureDomains[0].subnets[0].name
or failureDomains[0].subnets[0].uuid
UUID of the failure domain subnet.
failureDomains[0].workerMachineGroups (optional)
List of worker machine group names that belong to a specific failure domain. See Cluster.Spec.WorkerNodeGroupConfiguration
for more information.
ccmExcludeNodeIPs (optional)
Optional list of valid and properly formatted IP addresses and IP address ranges that should be excluded from the CCM IP pool for nodes. Examples of valid entries include single IP addresses like
, IP ranges like
, and CIDR blocks like
NOTE: Do not include
IP address, it will be ignored by default.
NutanixMachineConfig Fields
cluster (required)
Reference to the Prism Element cluster.
cluster.type (required)
Type to identify the Prism Element cluster. (Permitted values: name
or uuid
) (
or cluster.uuid
Name of the Prism Element cluster.
cluster.uuid (
or cluster.uuid
UUID of the Prism Element cluster.
image (required)
Reference to the OS image used for the system disk.
image.type (required)
Type to identify the OS image. (Permitted values: name
or uuid
) (
or image.uuid
Name of the image
must contain the Cluster.Spec.KubernetesVersion
or Cluster.Spec.WorkerNodeGroupConfiguration[].KubernetesVersion
version (in case of modular upgrade). For example, if the Kubernetes version is 1.31,
must include 1.31, 1_31, 1-31 or 131.
image.uuid (
or image.uuid
UUID of the image
The name of the image associated with the uuid
must contain the Cluster.Spec.KubernetesVersion
or Cluster.Spec.WorkerNodeGroupConfiguration[].KubernetesVersion
version (in case of modular upgrade). For example, if the Kubernetes version is 1.31, the name associated with image.uuid
field must include 1.31, 1_31, 1-31 or 131.
memorySize (optional)
Size of RAM on virtual machines (Default: 4Gi
osFamily (optional)
Operating System on virtual machines. Permitted values: ubuntu
and redhat
. (Default: ubuntu
subnet (required)
Reference to the subnet to be assigned to the VMs. (
or subnet.uuid
Name of the subnet.
subnet.type (required)
Type to identify the subnet. (Permitted values: name
or uuid
subnet.uuid (
or subnet.uuid
UUID of the subnet.
systemDiskSize (optional)
Amount of storage assigned to the system disk. (Default: 40Gi
vcpuSockets (optional)
Amount of vCPU sockets. (Default: 2
vcpusPerSocket (optional)
Amount of vCPUs per socket. (Default: 1
project (optional)
Reference to an existing project used for the virtual machines.
project.type (required)
Type to identify the project. (Permitted values: name
or uuid
) (
or project.uuid
Name of the project
project.uuid (
or project.uuid
UUID of the project
additionalCategories (optional)
Reference to a list of existing Nutanix Categories to be assigned to virtual machines.
Nutanix Category to add to the virtual machine.
Value of the Nutanix Category to add to the virtual machine
users (optional)
The users you want to configure to access your virtual machines. Only one is permitted at this time.
users[0].name (optional)
The name of the user you want to configure to access your virtual machines through ssh.
The default is eksa
if osFamily=ubuntu
users[0].sshAuthorizedKeys (optional)
The SSH public keys you want to configure to access your virtual machines through ssh (as described below). Only 1 is supported at this time.
users[0].sshAuthorizedKeys[0] (optional)
This is the SSH public key that will be placed in authorized_keys
on all EKS Anywhere cluster VMs so you can ssh into
them. The user will be what is defined under name above. For example:
ssh -i <private-key-file> <user>@<VM-IP>
The default is generating a key in your $(pwd)/<cluster-name>
folder when not specifying a value
gpus (optional)
Reference to the GPUs to be assigned to the VMs.
gpus[0].name (gpus[0].name
or gpus[0].deviceID
Name of the GPU.
gpus[0].deviceID (gpus[0].name
or gpus[0].deviceID
Device ID of the GPU.
gpus[0].type (required)
Type to identify the GPU. (Permitted values: name
or deviceID
6 -
- Prism Central endpoint (must be accessible to EKS Anywhere clusters)
- Prism Element Data Services IP and CVM endpoints (for CSI storage connections)
- (for pulling EKS Anywhere container images)
- (to download the EKS Anywhere binaries and manifests)
- (to download EKS Distro binaries and manifests)
- (for EKS Anywhere and EKS Distro ECR container images)
- (for EKS Anywhere package authentication matching your region)
- (for EKS Anywhere package ECR container images)
- (only if GitOps is enabled)
- (only if AWS IAM Authenticator is enabled)