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Curated Package management

Managing EKS Anywhere Curated Packages

EKS Anywhere Curated Packages make it easy to install, configure, and maintain operational components in EKS Anywhere clusters. EKS Anywhere Curated Packages are built, tested, and distributed by AWS to use with EKS Anywhere clusters as part of EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscriptions.

See Prerequisites to get started. Check out EKS Anywhere curated packages concepts for more details.

1 - Overview of curated packages

Components of EKS Anywhere curated packages consist of a controller, a CLI, and artifacts.

Package controller

The package controller is responsible for installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing packages from the cluster. It performs these actions by watching the package and packagebundle custom resources. Moreover, it uses the packagebundle to determine which packages to run and sets appropriate configuration values.

Packages custom resources map to helm charts that the package controller uses to install packages workloads (such as cluster-autoscaler or metrics-server) on your clusters. The packagebundle object is the mapping between the package name and the specific helm chart and images that will be installed.

The package controller only runs on the management cluster, including single-node clusters, to perform the above outlined responsibilities. However, packages may be installed on both management and workload clusters. For more information, see the guide on installing packages on workload clusters.

Package release information is stored in a package bundle manifest. The package controller will continually monitor and download new package bundles. When a new package bundle is downloaded, it will show up as “available” in the PackageBundleController resource’s status.detail field. A package bundle upgrade always requires manual intervention as outlined in the package bundles docs.

Any changes to a package custom resource will trigger an install, upgrade, configuration or removal of that package. The package controller will use ECR or private registry to get all resources including bundle, helm charts, and container images.

You may install the package controller after cluster creation to take advantage of curated package features.

Packages CLI

The Curated Packages CLI provides the user experience required to manage curated packages. Through the CLI, a user is able to discover, create, delete, and upgrade curated packages to a cluster. These functionalities can be achieved during and after an EKS Anywhere cluster is created.

The CLI provides both imperative and declarative mechanisms to manage curated packages. These packages will be included as part of a packagebundle that will be provided by the EKS Anywhere team. Whenever a user requests a package creation through the CLI (eksctl anywhere create package), a custom resource is created on the cluster indicating the existence of a new package that needs to be installed. When a user executes a delete operation (eksctl anywhere delete package), the custom resource will be removed from the cluster indicating the need for uninstalling a package. An upgrade through the CLI (eksctl anywhere upgrade packages) upgrades all packages to the latest release.

Please check out Install EKS Anywhere to install the eksctl anywhere CLI on your machine.

The create cluster page for each EKS Anywhere provider describes how to configure and install curated packages at cluster creation time.

Curated packages artifacts

There are three types of build artifacts for packages: the container images, the helm charts and the package bundle manifests. The container images, helm charts and bundle manifests for all of the packages will be built and stored in EKS Anywhere ECR repository. Each package may have multiple versions specified in the packages bundle. The bundle will reference the helm chart tag in the ECR repository. The helm chart will reference the container images for the package.

Installing packages on workload clusters

Installing packages on workload clusters

The package controller only runs on the management cluster. It determines which cluster to install your package on based on the namespace specified in the Package resource.

See an example package below:

kind: Package
  name: my-hello-eks-anywhere
  namespace: eksa-packages-wk0
  config: |
        title: "My Hello"
  packageName: hello-eks-anywhere
  targetNamespace: default

By specifying metadata.namespace: eksa-packages-wk0, the package controller will install the resource on workload cluster wk0. The pattern for these namespaces is always eksa-packages-<cluster-name>.

By specifying spec.targetNamespace: default, the package controller will install the hello-eks-anywhere package helm chart in the default namespace in cluster wk0.

2 - Prerequisites

Prerequisites for using curated packages


Before installing any curated packages for EKS Anywhere, do the following:

  • Check that the cluster Kubernetes version is v1.21 or above. For example, you could run kubectl get cluster -o yaml <cluster-name> | grep -i kubernetesVersion

  • Check that the version of eksctl anywhere is v0.11.0 or above with the eksctl anywhere version command.

  • It is recommended that the package controller is only installed on the management cluster.

  • Check the existence of package controller:

    kubectl get pods -n eksa-packages | grep "eks-anywhere-packages"

    If the returned result is empty, you need to install the package controller.

  • Install the package controller if it is not installed: Install the package controller

    Note This command is temporarily provided to ease integration with curated packages. This command will be deprecated in the future

    eksctl anywhere install packagecontroller -f $CLUSTER_NAME.yaml

To request a free trial, talk to your Amazon representative or connect with one here .

Identify AWS account ID for ECR packages registry

The AWS account ID for ECR packages registry depends on the EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription.

  • For EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscriptions purchased through the AWS console or APIs the AWS account ID for ECR packages registry varies depending on the region the Enterprise Subscription was purchased. Reference the table in the expanded output below for a mapping of AWS Regions to ECR package registries.
Expand for packages registry to AWS Region table
AWS Region Packages Registry Account
us-west-2 346438352937
us-west-1 440460740297
us-east-1 331113665574
us-east-2 297090588151
ap-east-1 804323328300
ap-northeast-1 143143237519
ap-northeast-2 447311122189
ap-south-1 357015164304
ap-south-2 388483641499
ap-southeast-1 654894141437
ap-southeast-2 299286866837
ap-southeast-3 703305448174
ap-southeast-4 106475008004
af-south-1 783635962247
ca-central-1 064352486547
eu-central-1 364992945014
eu-central-2 551422459769
eu-north-1 826441621985
eu-south-1 787863792200
eu-west-1 090204409458
eu-west-2 371148654473
eu-west-3 282646289008
il-central-1 131750224677
me-central-1 454241080883
me-south-1 158698011868
sa-east-1 517745584577

  • For EKS Anywhere Curated Packages trials or EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscriptions purchased before October 2023 the AWS account ID for ECR packages registry is 783794618700. This supports pulling images from the following regions.
Expand for AWS Regions table
AWS Region

After identifying the AWS account ID; export it for further reference. Example

export ECR_PACKAGES_ACCOUNT=346438352937

Setup authentication to use curated packages

When you have been notified that your account has been given access to curated packages, create an IAM user in your account with a policy that only allows ECR read access to the Curated Packages repository; similar to this:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "ECRRead",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:ecr:*:<ECR_PACKAGES_ACCOUNT>:repository/*"
            "Sid": "ECRLogin",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Note Use the corresponding EKSA_AWS_REGION prior to cluster creation to choose which region to pull form.

Create credentials for this user and set and export the following environment variables:

export EKSA_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your*access*id"
export EKSA_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your*secret*key"
export EKSA_AWS_REGION="aws*region"

Make sure you are authenticated with the AWS CLI

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your*access*id"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your*secret*key"
aws sts get-caller-identity

Login to docker

aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $ECR_PACKAGES_ACCOUNT.dkr.ecr.$

Verify you can pull an image

docker pull $ECR_PACKAGES_ACCOUNT.dkr.ecr.$

If the image downloads successfully, it worked!

Prepare for using curated packages for airgapped environments

If you are running in an airgapped environment and you set up a local registry mirror, you can copy curated packages from Amazon ECR to your local registry mirror with the following command.

The $BUNDLE_RELEASE_YAML_PATH should be set to the eks-anywhere-downloads/bundle-release.yaml location where you unpacked the tarball from theeksctl anywhere download artifacts command. The $REGISTRY_MIRROR_CERT_PATH and $REGISTRY_MIRROR_URL values must be the same as the registryMirrorConfiguration in your EKS Anywhere cluster specification.

eksctl anywhere copy packages \

Once the curated packages images are in your local registry mirror, you must configure the curated packages controller to use your local registry mirror post-cluster creation. Configure the defaultImageRegistry and defaultRegistry settings for the PackageBundleController to point to your local registry mirror by applying a similar yaml definition as the one below to your standalone or management cluster. Existing PackageBundleController can be changed, and you do not need to deploy a new PackageBundleController. See the Packages configuration documentation for more information.

kind: PackageBundleController
  name: eksa-packages-bundle-controller
  namespace: eksa-packages
  defaultImageRegistry: ${REGISTRY_MIRROR_URL}/curated-packages
  defaultRegistry: ${REGISTRY_MIRROR_URL}/eks-anywhere

Discover curated packages

You can get a list of the available packages from the command line:

export CLUSTER_NAME=<your-cluster-name>
export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
eksctl anywhere list packages --kube-version 1.32

Example command output:

Package                 Version(s)
-------                 ----------
hello-eks-anywhere      0.1.2-a6847010915747a9fc8a412b233a2b1ee608ae76
adot                    0.25.0-c26690f90d38811dbb0e3dad5aea77d1efa52c7b
cert-manager            1.9.1-dc0c845b5f71bea6869efccd3ca3f2dd11b5c95f
cluster-autoscaler      9.21.0-1.23-5516c0368ff74d14c328d61fe374da9787ecf437
harbor                  2.5.1-ee7e5a6898b6c35668a1c5789aa0d654fad6c913
metallb                 0.13.7-758df43f8c5a3c2ac693365d06e7b0feba87efd5
metallb-crds            0.13.7-758df43f8c5a3c2ac693365d06e7b0feba87efd5
metrics-server          0.6.1-eks-1-23-6-c94ed410f56421659f554f13b4af7a877da72bc1
emissary                3.3.0-cbf71de34d8bb5a72083f497d599da63e8b3837b
emissary-crds           3.3.0-cbf71de34d8bb5a72083f497d599da63e8b3837b
prometheus              2.41.0-b53c8be243a6cc3ac2553de24ab9f726d9b851ca

Generate curated packages configuration

The example shows how to install the harbor package from the curated package list .

export CLUSTER_NAME=<your-cluster-name>
eksctl anywhere generate package harbor --cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME} --kube-version 1.32 > harbor-spec.yaml

3 - Packages configuration

Full EKS Anywhere configuration reference for curated packages

This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference. To generate your own package configuration, follow instructions from Package Management section and modify it using descriptions below.

kind: PackageBundleController
  name: eksa-packages-bundle-controller
  namespace: eksa-packages
  activeBundle: v1-21-83
  privateRegistry: ""
  upgradeCheckInterval: 24h0m0s

kind: PackageBundle
  name: package-bundle
  namespace: eksa-packages
    - name: hello-eks-anywhere
        repository: hello-eks-anywhere
          - digest: sha256:c31242a2f94a58017409df163debc01430de65ded6bdfc5496c29d6a6cbc0d94
              - digest: sha256:26e3f2f9aa546fee833218ece3fe7561971fd905cef40f685fd1b5b09c6fb71d
                repository: hello-eks-anywhere
            name: 0.1.1-083e68edbbc62ca0228a5669e89e4d3da99ff73b
            schema: H4sIAJc5EW...

kind: Package
  name: my-hello-eks-anywhere
  namespace: eksa-packages
  config: |
        title: "My Hello"
  packageName: hello-eks-anywhere
  targetNamespace: eksa-packages

API Reference


Resource Types:


↩ Parent

PackageBundleController is the Schema for the packagebundlecontroller API.

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string true
kind string PackageBundleController true
metadata object Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. true
spec object PackageBundleControllerSpec defines the desired state of PackageBundleController.
status object PackageBundleControllerStatus defines the observed state of PackageBundleController.


↩ Parent

PackageBundleControllerSpec defines the desired state of PackageBundleController.

Name Type Description Required
activeBundle string ActiveBundle is name of the bundle from which packages should be sourced.
bundleRepository string Repository portion of an OCI address to the bundle

Default: eks-anywhere-packages-bundles
createNamespace boolean Allow target namespace creation by the controller

Default: false
defaultImageRegistry string DefaultImageRegistry for pulling images

defaultRegistry string DefaultRegistry for pulling helm charts and the bundle

logLevel integer LogLevel controls the verbosity of logging in the controller.

Format: int32
privateRegistry string PrivateRegistry is the registry being used for all images, charts and bundles
upgradeCheckInterval string UpgradeCheckInterval is the time between upgrade checks. The format is that of time's ParseDuration.

Default: 24h
upgradeCheckShortInterval string UpgradeCheckShortInterval time between upgrade checks if there is a problem. The format is that of time's ParseDuration.

Default: 1h


↩ Parent

PackageBundleControllerStatus defines the observed state of PackageBundleController.

Name Type Description Required
detail string Detail of the state.
spec object Spec previous settings
state enum State of the bundle controller.

Enum: ignored, active, disconnected, upgrade available


↩ Parent

Spec previous settings

Name Type Description Required
activeBundle string ActiveBundle is name of the bundle from which packages should be sourced.
bundleRepository string Repository portion of an OCI address to the bundle

Default: eks-anywhere-packages-bundles
createNamespace boolean Allow target namespace creation by the controller

Default: false
defaultImageRegistry string DefaultImageRegistry for pulling images

defaultRegistry string DefaultRegistry for pulling helm charts and the bundle

logLevel integer LogLevel controls the verbosity of logging in the controller.

Format: int32
privateRegistry string PrivateRegistry is the registry being used for all images, charts and bundles
upgradeCheckInterval string UpgradeCheckInterval is the time between upgrade checks. The format is that of time's ParseDuration.

Default: 24h
upgradeCheckShortInterval string UpgradeCheckShortInterval time between upgrade checks if there is a problem. The format is that of time's ParseDuration.

Default: 1h


↩ Parent

PackageBundle is the Schema for the packagebundle API.

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string true
kind string PackageBundle true
metadata object Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. true
spec object PackageBundleSpec defines the desired state of PackageBundle.
status object PackageBundleStatus defines the observed state of PackageBundle.


↩ Parent

PackageBundleSpec defines the desired state of PackageBundle.

Name Type Description Required
packages []object Packages supported by this bundle.
minControllerVersion string Minimum required packages controller version


↩ Parent

BundlePackage specifies a package within a bundle.

Name Type Description Required
source object Source location for the package (probably a helm chart).
name string Name of the package.
workloadonly boolean WorkloadOnly specifies if the package should be installed only on the workload cluster


↩ Parent

Source location for the package (probably a helm chart).

Name Type Description Required
repository string Repository within the Registry where the package is found.
versions []object Versions of the package supported by this bundle.
registry string Registry in which the package is found.


↩ Parent

SourceVersion describes a version of a package within a repository.

Name Type Description Required
digest string Digest is a checksum value identifying the version of the package and its contents.
name string Name is a human-friendly description of the version, e.g. "v1.0".
dependencies []string Dependencies to be installed before the package
images []object Images is a list of images used by this version of the package.
schema string Schema is a base64 encoded, gzipped json schema used to validate package configurations.


↩ Parent

VersionImages is an image used by a version of a package.

Name Type Description Required
digest string Digest is a checksum value identifying the version of the package and its contents.
repository string Repository within the Registry where the package is found.


↩ Parent

PackageBundleStatus defines the observed state of PackageBundle.

Name Type Description Required
state enum PackageBundleStateEnum defines the observed state of PackageBundle.

Enum: available, ignored, invalid, controller upgrade required
spec object PackageBundleSpec defines the desired state of PackageBundle.


↩ Parent

PackageBundleSpec defines the desired state of PackageBundle.

Name Type Description Required
packages []object Packages supported by this bundle.
minControllerVersion string Minimum required packages controller version


↩ Parent

BundlePackage specifies a package within a bundle.

Name Type Description Required
source object Source location for the package (probably a helm chart).
name string Name of the package.
workloadonly boolean WorkloadOnly specifies if the package should be installed only on the workload cluster


↩ Parent

Source location for the package (probably a helm chart).

Name Type Description Required
repository string Repository within the Registry where the package is found.
versions []object Versions of the package supported by this bundle.
registry string Registry in which the package is found.


↩ Parent

SourceVersion describes a version of a package within a repository.

Name Type Description Required
digest string Digest is a checksum value identifying the version of the package and its contents.
name string Name is a human-friendly description of the version, e.g. "v1.0".
dependencies []string Dependencies to be installed before the package
images []object Images is a list of images used by this version of the package.
schema string Schema is a base64 encoded, gzipped json schema used to validate package configurations.


↩ Parent

VersionImages is an image used by a version of a package.

Name Type Description Required
digest string Digest is a checksum value identifying the version of the package and its contents.
repository string Repository within the Registry where the package is found.


↩ Parent

Package is the Schema for the package API.

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string true
kind string Package true
metadata object Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. true
spec object PackageSpec defines the desired state of an package.
status object PackageStatus defines the observed state of Package.


↩ Parent

PackageSpec defines the desired state of an package.

Name Type Description Required
packageName string PackageName is the name of the package as specified in the bundle.
config string Config for the package.
packageVersion string PackageVersion is a human-friendly version name or sha256 checksum for the package, as specified in the bundle.
targetNamespace string TargetNamespace defines where package resources will be deployed.


↩ Parent

PackageStatus defines the observed state of Package.

Name Type Description Required
currentVersion string Version currently installed.
source object Source associated with the installation.
detail string Detail of the state.
spec object Spec previous settings
state enum State of the installation.

Enum: initializing, installing, installing dependencies, installed, updating, uninstalling, unknown
targetVersion string Version to be installed.
upgradesAvailable []object UpgradesAvailable indicates upgraded versions in the bundle.


↩ Parent

Source associated with the installation.

Name Type Description Required
digest string Digest is a checksum value identifying the version of the package and its contents.
registry string Registry in which the package is found.
repository string Repository within the Registry where the package is found.
version string Versions of the package supported.


↩ Parent

Spec previous settings

Name Type Description Required
packageName string PackageName is the name of the package as specified in the bundle.
config string Config for the package.
packageVersion string PackageVersion is a human-friendly version name or sha256 checksum for the package, as specified in the bundle.
targetNamespace string TargetNamespace defines where package resources will be deployed.


↩ Parent

PackageAvailableUpgrade details the package’s available upgrade versions.

Name Type Description Required
tag string Tag is a specific version number or sha256 checksum for the package upgrade.
version string Version is a human-friendly version name for the package upgrade.

4 - Managing the package controller

Installing the package controller

The package controller is typically installed during cluster creation, but may be disabled intentionally in your cluster.yaml by setting spec.packages.disable to true.

If you created a cluster without the package controller or if the package controller was not properly configured, you may need to manually install it.

  1. Enable the package controller in your cluster.yaml, if it was previously disabled:

    kind: Cluster
      name: mgmt
        disable: false
  2. Make sure you are authenticated with the AWS CLI. Use the credentials you set up for packages. These credentials should have limited capabilities :

    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your*access*id"
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your*secret*key"
    export EKSA_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your*access*id"
    export EKSA_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your*secret*key"
  3. Verify your credentials are working:

    aws sts get-caller-identity
  4. Authenticate docker to the private AWS ECR registry with your AWS credentials. Reference prerequisites to identity the AWS account that houses the EKS Anywhere packages artifacts. Authentication is required to pull images from it.

    aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $ECR_PACKAGES_ACCOUNT.dkr.ecr.$
  5. Verify you can pull an image from the packages registry:

    docker pull $ECR_PACKAGES_ACCOUNT.dkr.ecr.$

    If the image downloads successfully, it worked!

  6. Now, install the package controller using the EKS Anywhere Packages CLI:

    eksctl anywhere install packagecontroller -f cluster.yaml

    The package controller should now be installed!

  7. Use kubectl to check the eks-anywhere-packages pod is running in your management cluster:

    kubectl get pods -n eksa-packages 
    NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    eks-anywhere-packages-55bc54467c-jfhgp   1/1     Running   0          21s

Updating the package credentials

You may need to create or update your credentials which you can do with a command like this. Set the environment variables to the proper values before running the command.

kubectl delete secret -n eksa-packages aws-secret
kubectl create secret -n eksa-packages generic aws-secret \

Upgrade the packages controller

EKS Anywhere v0.15.0 (packages controller v0.3.9+) and onwards includes support for the eks-anywhere-packages controller as a self-managed package feature. The package controller now upgrades automatically according to the version specified within the management cluster’s selected package bundle.

For any version prior to v0.3.X, manual steps must be executed to upgrade.

To manually upgrade the package controller, do the following:

  1. Ensure the namespace will be kept
kubectl annotate namespaces eksa-packages
  1. Uninstall the eks-anywhere-packages helm release
helm uninstall -n eksa-packages eks-anywhere-packages
  1. Remove the secret called aws-secret (we will need credentials when installing the new version)
kubectl delete secret -n eksa-packages aws-secret
  1. Install the new version using the latest eksctl-anywhere binary on your management cluster
eksctl anywhere install packagecontroller -f eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml

5 - Packages regional ECR migration

Migrating EKS Anywhere Curated Packages to latest regional ECR repositories

When you purchase an EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription through the Amazon EKS console or APIs, the AWS account that purchased the subscription is automatically granted access to EKS Anywhere Curated Packages in the AWS Region where the subscription is created. If you received trial access to EKS Anywhere Curated Packages or if you have an EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription that was created before October 2023, then you need to migrate your EKS Anywhere Curated Packages configuration to use the latest ECR regional repositories. This process would cause all the Curated Packages installed on the cluster to rollout and be deployed from the latest ECR regional repositories.

Expand for packages registry to AWS Region table
AWS Region Packages Registry Account
us-west-2 346438352937
us-west-1 440460740297
us-east-1 331113665574
us-east-2 297090588151
ap-east-1 804323328300
ap-northeast-1 143143237519
ap-northeast-2 447311122189
ap-south-1 357015164304
ap-south-2 388483641499
ap-southeast-1 654894141437
ap-southeast-2 299286866837
ap-southeast-3 703305448174
ap-southeast-4 106475008004
af-south-1 783635962247
ca-central-1 064352486547
eu-central-1 364992945014
eu-central-2 551422459769
eu-north-1 826441621985
eu-south-1 787863792200
eu-west-1 090204409458
eu-west-2 371148654473
eu-west-3 282646289008
il-central-1 131750224677
me-central-1 454241080883
me-south-1 158698011868
sa-east-1 517745584577

Steps for Migration

  1. Ensure you have an active EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription. For more information, refer Purchase subscriptions.

  2. If the AWS account that created the EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription through the Amazon EKS console or APIs and the AWS IAM user credentials for curated packages on your existing cluster are different, you need to update the aws-secret object on the cluster with new credentials. Refer Updating the package credentials .

  3. Edit the ecr-credential-provider-package package on the cluster and update matchImages with the correct ECR package registry for the AWS Region where you created your subscription. Example, for us-west-2. Reference the table in the expanded output at the top of this page for a mapping of AWS Regions to ECR package registries.

    kubectl edit package ecr-credential-provider-package  -n eksa-packages-<cluster name>

    This causes ecr-credential-provider-package pods to rollout and the kubelet is configured to use AWS credentials for pulling images from the new regional ECR packages registry.

  4. Edit the PackageBundleController object on the cluster and set the defaultImageRegistry and defaultRegistry to point to the ECR package registry for the AWS Region where you created your subscription.

    kubectl edit packagebundlecontroller <cluster name> -n eksa-packages
  5. Restart the eks-anywhere-packages controller deployment.

    kubectl rollout restart deployment eks-anywhere-packages -n eksa-packages

    This step causes the package controller to pull down a new package bundle onto the cluster and marks the PackageBundleController as upgrade available. Example

    NAMESPACE       NAME              ACTIVEBUNDLE   STATE               DETAIL
    eksa-packages   my-cluster-name   v1-28-160      upgrade available   v1-28-274 available
  6. Edit the PackageBundleController object on the cluster and set the activeBundle field to the new bundle number that is available.

    kubectl edit packagebundlecontroller <cluster name> -n eksa-packages

    This step causes all the packages on the cluster to be reinstalled and pods rolled out from the new registry.

  7. Edit the ecr-credential-provider-package package again and now set the sourceRegistry to point to the ECR package registry for the AWS Region where you created your subscription.

    kubectl edit package ecr-credential-provider-package  -n eksa-packages-<cluster name>

    This causes ecr-credential-provider-package to be reinstalled from the new registry.

6 - Managing package bundles

Getting new package bundles

Package bundle resources are created and managed in the management cluster, so first set up the KUBECONFIG environment variable for the management cluster.

export KUBECONFIG=mgmt/mgmt-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig

The EKS Anywhere package controller periodically checks upstream for the latest package bundle and applies it to your management cluster, except for when in an airgapped environment . In that case, you would have to get the package bundle manually from outside of the airgapped environment and apply it to your management cluster.

To view the available packagebundles in your cluster, run the following:

kubectl get packagebundles -n eksa-packages
eksa-packages   v1-27-125   available

To get a package bundle manually, you can use oras to pull the package bundle (bundle.yaml) from the repository. (See the ORAS CLI official documentation for more details)

oras pull
Downloading 1ba8253d19f9 bundle.yaml
Downloaded  1ba8253d19f9 bundle.yaml
Pulled [registry]

Use kubectl to apply the new package bundle to your cluster to make it available for use.

kubectl apply -f bundle.yaml

The package bundle should now be available for use in the management cluster.

kubectl get packagebundles -n eksa-packages
eksa-packages   v1-27-125   available
eksa-packages   v1-27-126   available

Activating a package bundle

There are multiple packagebundlecontrollers resources in the management cluster which allows for each cluster to activate different package bundle versions. The active package bundle determines the versions of the packages that are installed on that cluster.

To view which package bundle is active for each cluster, use the kubectl command to list the packagebundlecontrollers objects in the management cluster.

kubectl get packagebundlecontrollers -A
eksa-packages   mgmt   v1-27-125     active   
eksa-packages   w01    v1-27-125     active 

To upgrade the active package bundle for the target cluster, edit the packagebundlecontroller object on the cluster and set the activeBundle field to the new bundle number that is available.

kubectl edit packagebundlecontroller <cluster name> -n eksa-packages

7 - Configuration best practices

Best practices with curated packages

Best Practice

Any supported EKS Anywhere curated package should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package) and applied through the command kubectl apply -f packageFileName. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.

For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace field: PackagebundleController.spec

8 - Packages

List of EKS Anywhere curated packages

Curated package list

Name Description Versions GitHub
ADOT ADOT Collector is an AWS distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector, which provides a vendor-agnostic solution to receive, process and export telemetry data. v0.41.1
Cert-manager Cert-manager is a certificate manager for Kubernetes clusters. v1.16.1
Cluster Autoscaler Cluster Autoscaler is a component that automatically adjusts the size of a Kubernetes Cluster so that all pods have a place to run and there are no unneeded nodes. v9.43.2
Emissary Ingress Emissary Ingress is an open source Ingress supporting API Gateway + Layer 7 load balancer built on Envoy Proxy. v3.9.1
Harbor Harbor is an open source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content. v2.11.1
MetalLB MetalLB is a virtual IP provider for services of type LoadBalancer supporting ARP and BGP. v0.14.9
Metrics Server Metrics Server is a scalable, efficient source of container resource metrics for Kubernetes built-in autoscaling pipelines. v3.12.2
Prometheus Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit that collects and stores metrics as time series data. v2.55.1

9 - Changelog

Changelog for Curated packages release

Package Bundle Release (12-26-2024)


  • cert-manager 1.15.3 to 1.16.1
    • Updated helm patch to include properties for eksa-packages in values.schema.json #4171
  • cluster-autoscaler 9.43.0 to 9.43.2
  • credential-provider-package 0.4.4 to 0.4.5
    • Added support to update both legacy and default path for kubelet-extra-args for ubuntu #1177
  • metallb 0.14.8 to 0.14.9
  • prometheus 2.54.1 to 2.55.1

Package Bundle Release (10-18-2024)


  • adot 0.40.1 to 0.41.1
  • cert-manager 1.14.7 to 1.15.3
    • Startupapicheck image change #3790

      As of this release the cert-manager ctl is no longer part of the main repo, it has been broken out into its own project. As such the startupapicheck job uses a new OCI image called startupapicheck. If you run in an environment in which images cannot be pulled, be sure to include the new image.

  • cluster-autoscaler 9.37.0 to 9.43.0
  • harbor 2.11.0 to 2.11.1
  • metrics-server 0.7.1 to 0.7.2
  • prometheus 2.54.0 to 2.54.1

10 - Curated packages troubleshooting

Troubleshooting specific to curated packages

General debugging

The major component of Curated Packages is the package controller. If the container is not running or not running correctly, packages will not be installed. Generally it should be debugged like any other Kubernetes application. The first step is to check that the pod is running.

kubectl get pods -n eksa-packages

You should see at least two pods with running and one or more refresher completed.

NAME                                     READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
eks-anywhere-packages-69d7bb9dd9-9d47l   1/1     Running     0          14s
eksa-auth-refresher-w82nm                0/1     Completed   0          10s

The describe command might help to get more detail on why there is a problem:

kubectl describe pods -n eksa-packages

Logs of the controller can be seen in a normal Kubernetes fashion:

kubectl logs deploy/eks-anywhere-packages -n eksa-packages controller

To get the general state of the package controller, run the following command:

kubectl get packages,packagebundles,packagebundlecontrollers -A

You should see an active packagebundlecontroller and an available bundle. The packagebundlecontroller should indicate the active bundle. It may take a few minutes to download and activate the latest bundle. The state of the package in this example is installing and there is an error downloading the chart.

NAMESPACE              NAME                                          PACKAGE              AGE   STATE       CURRENTVERSION                                   TARGETVERSION                                             DETAIL
eksa-packages-sammy   hello-eks-anywhere   42h   installed   0.1.1-bc7dc6bb874632972cd92a2bca429a846f7aa785   0.1.1-bc7dc6bb874632972cd92a2bca429a846f7aa785 (latest)   
eksa-packages-tlhowe   hello-eks-anywhere   44h   installed   0.1.1-083e68edbbc62ca0228a5669e89e4d3da99ff73b   0.1.1-083e68edbbc62ca0228a5669e89e4d3da99ff73b (latest)   

NAMESPACE       NAME                                                 STATE
eksa-packages    available
eksa-packages    available
eksa-packages    available
eksa-packages    available
eksa-packages    available

NAMESPACE       NAME                                                        ACTIVEBUNDLE   STATE               DETAIL
eksa-packages    v1-23-70       upgrade available   v1-23-83 available
eksa-packages   v1-21-83       active       active   

Package controller not running

If you do not see a pod or various resources for the package controller, it may be that it is not installed.

No resources found in eksa-packages namespace.

Most likely the cluster was created with an older version of the EKS Anywhere CLI. Curated packages became generally available with v0.11.0. Use the eksctl anywhere version command to verify you are running a new enough release and you can use the eksctl anywhere install packagecontroller command to install the package controller on an older release.

Error: this command is currently not supported

Error: this command is currently not supported

Curated packages became generally available with version v0.11.0. Use the version command to make sure you are running version v0.11.0 or later:

eksctl anywhere version

Error: cert-manager is not present in the cluster

Error: curated packages cannot be installed as cert-manager is not present in the cluster

This is most likely caused by an action to install curated packages at a workload cluster with eksctl anywhere version older than v0.12.0. In order to use packages on workload clusters, please upgrade eksctl anywhere version to v0.12+. The package manager will remotely manage packages on the workload cluster from the management cluster.

Package registry authentication

Error: ImagePullBackOff on Package

If a package fails to start with ImagePullBackOff:

NAME                                     READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
generated-harbor-jobservice-564d6fdc87   0/1     ImagePullBackOff   0          2d23h

If a package pod cannot pull images, you may not have your AWS credentials set up properly. Verify that your credentials are working properly.

Make sure you are authenticated with the AWS CLI. Use the credentials you set up for packages. These credentials should have limited capabilities :

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your*access*id"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your*secret*key"
aws sts get-caller-identity

Login to docker

aws ecr get-login-password |docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

Verify you can pull an image

docker pull

If the image downloads successfully, it worked!

You may need to create or update your credentials which you can do with a command like this. Set the environment variables to the proper values before running the command.

kubectl delete secret -n eksa-packages aws-secret
kubectl create secret -n eksa-packages generic aws-secret --from-literal=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=${EKSA_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} --from-literal=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=${EKSA_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}  --from-literal=REGION=${EKSA_AWS_REGION}

Package on workload clusters

Starting at eksctl anywhere version v0.12.0, packages on workload clusters are remotely managed by the management cluster. While interacting with the package resources by the following commands for a workload cluster, please make sure the kubeconfig is pointing to the management cluster that was used to create the workload cluster.

Package manager is not managing packages on workload cluster

If the package manager is not managing packages on a workload cluster, make sure the management cluster has various resources for the workload cluster:

kubectl get packages,packagebundles,packagebundlecontrollers -A

You should see a PackageBundleController for the workload cluster named with the name of the workload cluster and the status should be set. There should be a namespace for the workload cluster as well:

kubectl get ns | grep eksa-packages

Create a PackageBundlecController for the workload cluster if it does not exist (where billy here is the cluster name):

 cat <<! | kubectl apply -f -
kind: PackageBundleController
  name: billy
  namespace: eksa-packages

Workload cluster is disconnected

Cluster is disconnected:

NAMESPACE       NAME                                                        ACTIVEBUNDLE   STATE               DETAIL
eksa-packages                   disconnected        initializing target client: getting kubeconfig for cluster "billy": Secret "billy-kubeconfig" not found

In the example above, the secret does not exist which may be that the management cluster is not managing the cluster, the PackageBundleController name is wrong or the secret was deleted.

This also may happen if the management cluster cannot communicate with the workload cluster or the workload cluster was deleted, although the detail would be different.

Error: the server doesn’t have a resource type “packages”

All packages are remotely managed by the management cluster, and packages, packagebundles, and packagebundlecontrollers resources are all deployed on the management cluster. Please make sure the kubeconfig is pointing to the management cluster that was used to create the workload cluster while interacting with package-related resources.

Error: “clusterName” not found

A package command run on a cluster that does not seem to be managed by the management cluster. To get a list of the clusters managed by the management cluster run the following command:

eksctl anywhere get packagebundlecontroller
billy    v1-21-87       active

There will be one packagebundlecontroller for each cluster that is being managed. The only valid cluster name in the above example is billy.

11 - ADOT Configuration

OpenTelemetry Collector provides a vendor-agnostic solution to receive, process and export telemetry data. It removes the need to run, operate, and maintain multiple agents/collectors. ADOT Collector is an AWS-supported distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector.

Best Practice

Any supported EKS Anywhere curated package should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package) and applied through the command kubectl apply -f packageFileName. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.

For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace field: PackagebundleController.spec

Configuration options for ADOT

11.1 - ADOT with AMP and AMG

This tutorial demonstrates how to config the ADOT package to scrape metrics from an EKS Anywhere cluster, and send them to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) and Amazon Managed Grafana (AMG).

This tutorial walks through the following procedures:

Create an AMP workspace

An AMP workspace is created to receive metrics from the ADOT package, and respond to query requests from AMG. Follow steps below to complete the set up:

  1. Open the AMP console at

  2. Choose region us-west-2 from the top right corner.

  3. Click on Create to create a workspace.

  4. Type a workspace alias (adot-amp-test as an example), and click on Create workspace.

    ADOT AMP Create Workspace

  5. Make notes of the URLs displayed for Endpoint - remote write URL and Endpoint - query URL. You’ll need them when you configure your ADOT package to remote write metrics to this workspace and when you query metrics from this workspace. Make sure the workspace’s Status shows Active before proceeding to the next step.

    ADOT AMP Identify URLs

For additional options (i.e. through CLI) and configurations (i.e. add a tag) to create an AMP workspace, refer to AWS AMP create a workspace guide.

Create a cluster with IRSA

To enable ADOT pods that run in EKS Anywhere clusters to authenticate with AWS services, a user needs to set up IRSA at cluster creation. EKS Anywhere cluster spec for Pod IAM gives step-by-step guidance on how to do so. There are a few things to keep in mind while working through the guide:

  1. While completing step Create an OIDC provider , a user should:

    • create the S3 bucket in the us-west-2 region, and

    • attach an IAM policy with proper AMP access to the IAM role.

      Below is an example that gives full access to AMP actions and resources. Refer to AMP IAM permissions and policies guide for more customized options.

          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Action": [
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Resource": "*"
  2. While completing step deploy pod identity webhook , a user should:

    • make sure the service account is created in the same namespace as the ADOT package (which is controlled by the package definition file with field spec.targetNamespace);
    • take a note of the service account that gets created in this step as it will be used in ADOT package installation;
    • add an annotation <role-arn> to the created service account.

    By default, the service account is installed in the default namespace with name pod-identity-webhook, and the annotation <role-arn> is not added automatically.

IRSA Set Up Test

To ensure IRSA is set up properly in the cluster, a user can create an awscli pod for testing.

  1. Apply the following yaml file in the cluster:

    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: awscli
      serviceAccountName: pod-identity-webhook
      - image: amazon/aws-cli
          - sleep
          - "infinity"
        name: awscli
        resources: {}
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
      restartPolicy: Always
  2. Exec into the pod:

    kubectl exec -it awscli -- /bin/bash
  3. Check if the pod can list AMP workspaces:

    aws amp list-workspaces --region=us-west-2
  4. If the pod has issues listing AMP workspaces, re-visit IRSA set up guidance before proceeding to the next step.

  5. Exit the pod:


Install the ADOT package

The ADOT package will be created with three components:

  1. the Prometheus Receiver, which is designed to be a drop-in replacement for a Prometheus Server and is capable of scraping metrics from microservices instrumented with the Prometheus client library ;

  2. the Prometheus Remote Write Exporter, which employs the remote write features and send metrics to AMP for long term storage;

  3. the Sigv4 Authentication Extension, which enables ADOT pods to authenticate to AWS services.

Follow steps below to complete the ADOT package installation:

  1. Update the following config file. Review comments carefully and replace everything that is wrapped with a <> tag. Note this configuration aims to mimic the Prometheus community helm chart. A user can tailor the scrape targets further by modifying the receiver section below. Refer to ADOT package spec for additional explanations of each section.

    Click to expand ADOT package config
    kind: Package
      name: my-adot
      namespace: eksa-packages
      packageName: adot
      targetNamespace: default # this needs to match the namespace of the serviceAccount below
      config: |
        mode: deployment
          # Specifies whether a service account should be created
          create: false
          # Annotations to add to the service account
          annotations: {}
          # Specifies the serviceAccount annotated with
          name: "pod-identity-webhook" # name of the service account created at step Create a cluster with IRSA
              region: "us-west-2"
              service: "aps"
                sts_region: "us-west-2"
            # Scrape configuration for the Prometheus Receiver
                  scrape_interval: 15s
                  scrape_timeout: 10s
                - job_name: kubernetes-apiservers
                  bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  - role: endpoints
                  - action: keep
                    regex: default;kubernetes;https
                    - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_name
                    - __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name
                  scheme: https
                    ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                    insecure_skip_verify: false
                - job_name: kubernetes-nodes
                  bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  - role: node
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
                  - replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
                    target_label: __address__
                  - regex: (.+)
                    replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$$1/proxy/metrics
                    - __meta_kubernetes_node_name
                    target_label: __metrics_path__
                  scheme: https
                    ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                    insecure_skip_verify: false
                - job_name: kubernetes-nodes-cadvisor
                  bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  - role: node
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
                  - replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
                    target_label: __address__
                  - regex: (.+)
                    replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$$1/proxy/metrics/cadvisor
                    - __meta_kubernetes_node_name
                    target_label: __metrics_path__
                  scheme: https
                    ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                    insecure_skip_verify: false
                - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints
                  - role: endpoints
                  - action: keep
                    regex: true
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape
                  - action: replace
                    regex: (https?)
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme
                    target_label: __scheme__
                  - action: replace
                    regex: (.+)
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path
                    target_label: __metrics_path__
                  - action: replace
                    regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                    replacement: $$1:$$2
                    - __address__
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port
                    target_label: __address__
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                    replacement: __param_$$1
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
                    target_label: kubernetes_namespace
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_name
                    target_label: kubernetes_name
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name
                    target_label: kubernetes_node
                - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints-slow
                  - role: endpoints
                  - action: keep
                    regex: true
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow
                  - action: replace
                    regex: (https?)
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme
                    target_label: __scheme__
                  - action: replace
                    regex: (.+)
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path
                    target_label: __metrics_path__
                  - action: replace
                    regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                    replacement: $$1:$$2
                    - __address__
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port
                    target_label: __address__
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                    replacement: __param_$$1
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
                    target_label: kubernetes_namespace
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_name
                    target_label: kubernetes_name
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name
                    target_label: kubernetes_node
                  scrape_interval: 5m
                  scrape_timeout: 30s
                - job_name: prometheus-pushgateway
                  - role: service
                  - action: keep
                    regex: pushgateway
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe
                - job_name: kubernetes-services
                  - role: service
                  metrics_path: /probe
                    - http_2xx
                  - action: keep
                    regex: true
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe
                  - source_labels:
                    - __address__
                    target_label: __param_target
                  - replacement: blackbox
                    target_label: __address__
                  - source_labels:
                    - __param_target
                    target_label: instance
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  - source_labels:
                    - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
                    target_label: kubernetes_namespace
                  - source_labels:
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_name
                    target_label: kubernetes_name
                - job_name: kubernetes-pods
                  - role: pod
                  - action: keep
                    regex: true
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape
                  - action: replace
                    regex: (https?)
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme
                    target_label: __scheme__
                  - action: replace
                    regex: (.+)
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path
                    target_label: __metrics_path__
                  - action: replace
                    regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                    replacement: $$1:$$2
                    - __address__
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port
                    target_label: __address__
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                    replacement: __param_$$1
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
                    target_label: kubernetes_namespace
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_name
                    target_label: kubernetes_pod_name
                  - action: drop
                    regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed|Completed
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_phase
                - job_name: kubernetes-pods-slow
                  scrape_interval: 5m
                  scrape_timeout: 30s          
                  - role: pod
                  - action: keep
                    regex: true
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow
                  - action: replace
                    regex: (https?)
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme
                    target_label: __scheme__
                  - action: replace
                    regex: (.+)
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path
                    target_label: __metrics_path__
                  - action: replace
                    regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                    replacement: $$1:$$2
                    - __address__
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port
                    target_label: __address__
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                    replacement: __param_$1
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
                    target_label: namespace
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_name
                    target_label: pod
                  - action: drop
                    regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed|Completed
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_phase
              timeout: 60s
              logLevel: info
              endpoint: "<AMP-WORKSPACE>/api/v1/remote_write" # Replace with your AMP workspace
                authenticator: sigv4auth
              - health_check
              - memory_ballast
              - sigv4auth
                receivers: [prometheus]
                processors: [batch/metrics]
                exporters: [logging, prometheusremotewrite]    
  2. Bind additional roles to the service account pod-identity-webhook (created at step Create a cluster with IRSA ) by applying the following file in the cluster (using kubectl apply -f <file-name>). This is because pod-identity-webhook by design does not have sufficient permissions to scrape all Kubernetes targets listed in the ADOT config file above. If modifications are made to the Prometheus Receiver, make updates to the file below to add / remove additional permissions before applying the file.

    Click to expand clusterrole and clusterrolebinding config
    kind: ClusterRole
      name: otel-prometheus-role
      - apiGroups:
          - ""
          - nodes
          - nodes/proxy
          - services
          - endpoints
          - pods
          - get
          - list
          - watch
      - apiGroups:
          - extensions
          - ingresses
          - get
          - list
          - watch
      - nonResourceURLs:
          - /metrics
          - get
    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      name: otel-prometheus-role-binding
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: otel-prometheus-role
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: pod-identity-webhook  # replace with name of the service account created at step Create a cluster with IRSA
        namespace: default  # replace with namespace where the service account was created at step Create a cluster with IRSA
  3. Use the ADOT package config file defined above to complete the ADOT installation. Refer to ADOT installation guide for details.

ADOT Package Test

To ensure the ADOT package is installed correctly in the cluster, a user can perform the following tests.

Check pod logs

Check ADOT pod logs using kubectl logs <adot-pod-name> -n <namespace>. It should display logs similar to below.

2022-09-30T23:22:59.184Z	info	service/telemetry.go:103	Setting up own telemetry...
2022-09-30T23:22:59.184Z	info	service/telemetry.go:138	Serving Prometheus metrics	{"address": "", "level": "basic"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.185Z	info	components/components.go:30	In development component. May change in the future.	{"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "logging", "stability": "in development"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.186Z	info	extensions/extensions.go:42	Starting extensions...
2022-09-30T23:22:59.186Z	info	extensions/extensions.go:45	Extension is starting...	{"kind": "extension", "name": "health_check"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.186Z	info	healthcheckextension@v0.58.0/healthcheckextension.go:44	Starting health_check extension	{"kind": "extension", "name": "health_check", "config": {"Endpoint":"","TLSSetting":null,"CORS":null,"Auth":null,"MaxRequestBodySize":0,"IncludeMetadata":false,"Path":"/","CheckCollectorPipeline":{"Enabled":false,"Interval":"5m","ExporterFailureThreshold":5}}}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.186Z	info	extensions/extensions.go:49	Extension started.	{"kind": "extension", "name": "health_check"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.186Z	info	extensions/extensions.go:45	Extension is starting...	{"kind": "extension", "name": "memory_ballast"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	ballastextension/memory_ballast.go:52	Setting memory ballast	{"kind": "extension", "name": "memory_ballast", "MiBs": 0}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	extensions/extensions.go:49	Extension started.	{"kind": "extension", "name": "memory_ballast"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	extensions/extensions.go:45	Extension is starting...	{"kind": "extension", "name": "sigv4auth"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	extensions/extensions.go:49	Extension started.	{"kind": "extension", "name": "sigv4auth"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:74	Starting exporters...
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:78	Exporter is starting...	{"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "logging"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:82	Exporter started.	{"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "logging"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:78	Exporter is starting...	{"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "prometheusremotewrite"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:82	Exporter started.	{"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "prometheusremotewrite"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:86	Starting processors...
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:90	Processor is starting...	{"kind": "processor", "name": "batch/metrics", "pipeline": "metrics"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:94	Processor started.	{"kind": "processor", "name": "batch/metrics", "pipeline": "metrics"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:98	Starting receivers...
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:102	Receiver is starting...	{"kind": "receiver", "name": "prometheus", "pipeline": "metrics"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	kubernetes/kubernetes.go:326	Using pod service account via in-cluster config	{"kind": "receiver", "name": "prometheus", "pipeline": "metrics", "discovery": "kubernetes"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.188Z	info	kubernetes/kubernetes.go:326	Using pod service account via in-cluster config	{"kind": "receiver", "name": "prometheus", "pipeline": "metrics", "discovery": "kubernetes"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.188Z	info	kubernetes/kubernetes.go:326	Using pod service account via in-cluster config	{"kind": "receiver", "name": "prometheus", "pipeline": "metrics", "discovery": "kubernetes"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.188Z	info	kubernetes/kubernetes.go:326	Using pod service account via in-cluster config	{"kind": "receiver", "name": "prometheus", "pipeline": "metrics", "discovery": "kubernetes"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.189Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:106	Receiver started.	{"kind": "receiver", "name": "prometheus", "pipeline": "metrics"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.189Z	info	healthcheck/handler.go:129	Health Check state change	{"kind": "extension", "name": "health_check", "status": "ready"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.189Z	info	service/collector.go:215	Starting aws-otel-collector...	{"Version": "v0.21.1", "NumCPU": 2}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.189Z	info	service/collector.go:128	Everything is ready. Begin running and processing data.

Check AMP endpoint using awscurl

Use awscurl commands below to check if AMP received the metrics data sent by ADOT. The awscurl tool is a curl like tool with AWS Signature Version 4 request signing. The command below should return a status code success.

pip install awscurl
awscurl -X POST --region us-west-2 --service aps "<amp-query-endpoint>?query=up"

Create an AMG workspace and connect to the AMP workspace

An AMG workspace is created to query metrics from the AMP workspace and visualize the metrics in user-selected or user-built dashboards.

Follow steps below to create the AMG workspace:

  1. Enable AWS Single-Sign-on (AWS SSO). Refer to IAM Identity Center for details.

  2. Open the Amazon Managed Grafana console at

  3. Choose Create workspace.

  4. In the Workspace details window, for Workspace name, enter a name for the workspace.

    ADOT AMG Workspace Details

  5. In the config settings window, choose Authentication access by AWS IAM Identity Center, and Permission type of Service managed.

    ADOT AMG Workspace Configure Settings

  6. In the IAM permission access setting window, choose Current account access, and Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus as data source.

    ADOT AMG Workspace Permission Settings

  7. Review all settings and click on Create workspace.

    ADOT AMG Workspace Review and Create

  8. Once the workspace shows a Status of Active, you can access it by clicking the Grafana workspace URL. Click on Sign in with AWS IAM Identity Center to finish the authentication.

Follow steps below to add the AMP workspace to AMG.

  1. Click on the config sign on the left navigation bar, select Data sources, then choose Prometheus as the Data source.

    ADOT AMG Add Data Source

  2. Configure Prometheus data source with the following details:

    • Name: AMPDataSource as an example.
    • URL: add the AMP workspace remote write URL without the api/v1/remote_write at the end.
    • SigV4 auth: enable.
    • Under the SigV4 Auth Details section:
      • Authentication Provider: choose Workspace IAM Role;
      • Default Region: choose us-west-2 (where you created the AMP workspace)
    • Select the Save and test, and a notification data source is working should be displayed.

    ADOT AMG Config Data Source

  3. Import a dashboard template by clicking on the plus (+) sign on the left navigation bar. In the Import screen, type 3119 in the Import via textbox and select Import. From the dropdown at the bottom, select AMPDataSource and select Import.

    ADOT AMG Import Dashboard

  4. A Kubernetes cluster monitoring (via Prometheus) dashboard will be displayed.

    ADOT AMG View Dashboard

11.2 - AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT)

Install/upgrade/uninstall ADOT

If you have not already done so, make sure your cluster meets the package prerequisites. Be sure to refer to the troubleshooting guide in the event of a problem.


  1. Generate the package configuration

    eksctl anywhere generate package adot --cluster <cluster-name> > adot.yaml
  2. Add the desired configuration to adot.yaml

    Please see complete configuration options for all configuration options and their default values.

    Example package file with daemonSet mode and default configuration:

     kind: Package
       name: my-adot
       namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
       packageName: adot
       targetNamespace: observability
       config: | 
         mode: daemonset

    Example package file with deployment mode and customized collector components to scrap ADOT collector’s own metrics:

     kind: Package
       name: my-adot
       namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
       packageName: adot
       targetNamespace: observability
       config: | 
         mode: deployment
         replicaCount: 2
                   - job_name: opentelemetry-collector
                     scrape_interval: 10s
                       - targets:
                           - ${MY_POD_IP}:8888
             batch: {}
             memory_limiter: null
               loglevel: debug
               endpoint: "<prometheus-remote-write-end-point>"
             health_check: {}
             memory_ballast: {}
                 receivers: [prometheus]
                 processors: [batch]
                 exporters: [logging, prometheusremotewrite]
  3. Create the namespace (If overriding targetNamespace, change observability to the value of targetNamespace)

    kubectl create namespace observability
  4. Install adot

    eksctl anywhere create packages -f adot.yaml
  5. Validate the installation

    eksctl anywhere get packages --cluster <cluster-name>

    Example command output

    NAME   PACKAGE   AGE   STATE       CURRENTVERSION                                                            TARGETVERSION                                                                   DETAIL
    my-adot   adot   19h   installed   0.25.0-c26690f90d38811dbb0e3dad5aea77d1efa52c7b   0.25.0-c26690f90d38811dbb0e3dad5aea77d1efa52c7b (latest)


To update package configuration, update adot.yaml file, and run the following command:

eksctl anywhere apply package -f adot.yaml


ADOT will automatically be upgraded when a new bundle is activated.


To uninstall ADOT, simply delete the package

eksctl anywhere delete package --cluster <cluster-name> my-adot

11.3 - v0.21.1

Configuring ADOT in EKS Anywhere package spec


We included a sample configuration below for reference. For in-depth examples and use cases, please refer to ADOT with AMP and AMG.

kind: Package
  name: my-adot
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: adot
  targetNamespace: observability
  config: | 
    mode: daemonset

Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config

Parameter Description Default
hostNetwork Indicates if the pod should run in the host networking namespace. false
image.pullPolicy Specifies image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never. "IfNotPresent"
mode Specifies Collector deployment options: daemonset, deployment, or statefulset. "daemonset"
ports.[*].containerPort Specifies containerPort used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].enabled Indicates if a port is enabled. See footnote 1
ports.[*].hostPort Specifies hostPort used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].protocol Specifies protocol used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].servicePort Specifies servicePort used. See footnote 1
resources.limits.cpu Specifies CPU resource limits for containers. 1
resources.limits.memory Specifies memory resource limits for containers. "2Gi"
config.config Specifies Collector receiver, processor, exporter, and extensions configurations. Refer to aws-otel-collector for full details. Note EKS Anywhere ADOT package version matches the exact aws-otel-collector version. See footnote 2
config.config.receiver Specifies how data gets in the Collector. Receivers can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. See footnote 2
config.config.processor Specifies how processors are run on data between the stage of being received and being exported. Processors are optional though some are recommended. See footnote 2
config.config.exporters Specifies how data gets sent to backends/destinations. Exporters can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. See footnote 2
config.config.extensions Specifies tasks that do not involve processing telemetry data. Examples of extensions include health monitoring, service discovery, and data forwarding. Extensions are optional. See footnote 2
config.config.service Specifies what components are enabled in the Collector based on the configuration found in the receivers, processors, exporters, and extensions sections. If a component is configured, but not defined within the service section, then it is not enabled. See footnote 2
Deployment mode only
replicaCount Specifies replicaCount for pods. 1
service.type Specifies service types: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, ExternalName. "ClusterIP"

  1. The default ports enables otlp and otlp-http. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            enabled: true
            containerPort: 4317
            servicePort: 4317
            hostPort: 4317
            protocol: TCP
            enabled: true
            containerPort: 4318
            servicePort: 4318
            hostPort: 4318
            protocol: TCP    
  2. The default config.config deploys an ADOT Collector with the metrics pipeline, which includes otlp and prometheus receiver, and logging exporter. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
                  - job_name: opentelemetry-collector
                    scrape_interval: 10s
                      - targets:
                          - ${MY_POD_IP}:8888
            batch: {}
            memory_limiter: null
              loglevel: info
            health_check: {}
            memory_ballast: {}
              - health_check
              - memory_ballast
                  - logging
                  - memory_limiter
                  - batch
                  - otlp
                  - prometheus    

11.4 - v0.23.0

Configuring ADOT in EKS Anywhere package spec


We included a sample configuration below for reference. For in-depth examples and use cases, please refer to ADOT with AMP and AMG.

kind: Package
  name: my-adot
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: adot
  targetNamespace: observability
  config: | 
    mode: daemonset

Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config

Parameter Description Default
hostNetwork Indicates if the pod should run in the host networking namespace. false
image.pullPolicy Specifies image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never. "IfNotPresent"
mode Specifies Collector deployment options: daemonset, deployment, or statefulset. "daemonset"
ports.[*].containerPort Specifies containerPort used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].enabled Indicates if a port is enabled. See footnote 1
ports.[*].hostPort Specifies hostPort used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].protocol Specifies protocol used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].servicePort Specifies servicePort used. See footnote 1
resources.limits.cpu Specifies CPU resource limits for containers. 1
resources.limits.memory Specifies memory resource limits for containers. "2Gi"
config.config Specifies Collector receiver, processor, exporter, and extensions configurations. Refer to aws-otel-collector for full details. Note EKS Anywhere ADOT package version matches the exact aws-otel-collector version. See footnote 2
config.config.receiver Specifies how data gets in the Collector. Receivers can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. See footnote 2
config.config.processor Specifies how processors are run on data between the stage of being received and being exported. Processors are optional though some are recommended. See footnote 2
config.config.exporters Specifies how data gets sent to backends/destinations. Exporters can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. See footnote 2
config.config.extensions Specifies tasks that do not involve processing telemetry data. Examples of extensions include health monitoring, service discovery, and data forwarding. Extensions are optional. See footnote 2
config.config.service Specifies what components are enabled in the Collector based on the configuration found in the receivers, processors, exporters, and extensions sections. If a component is configured, but not defined within the service section, then it is not enabled. See footnote 2
Deployment mode only
replicaCount Specifies replicaCount for pods. 1
service.type Specifies service types: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, ExternalName. "ClusterIP"

  1. The default ports enables otlp and otlp-http. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            enabled: true
            containerPort: 4317
            servicePort: 4317
            hostPort: 4317
            protocol: TCP
            enabled: true
            containerPort: 4318
            servicePort: 4318
            hostPort: 4318
            protocol: TCP    
  2. The default config.config deploys an ADOT Collector with the metrics pipeline, which includes otlp and prometheus receiver, and logging exporter. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
                  - job_name: opentelemetry-collector
                    scrape_interval: 10s
                      - targets:
                          - ${MY_POD_IP}:8888
            batch: {}
            memory_limiter: null
              loglevel: info
            health_check: {}
            memory_ballast: {}
              - health_check
              - memory_ballast
                  - logging
                  - memory_limiter
                  - batch
                  - otlp
                  - prometheus    

11.5 - v0.25.0

Configuring ADOT in EKS Anywhere package spec


We included a sample configuration below for reference. For in-depth examples and use cases, please refer to ADOT with AMP and AMG.

kind: Package
  name: my-adot
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: adot
  targetNamespace: observability
  config: | 
    mode: daemonset

Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config

Parameter Description Default
hostNetwork Indicates if the pod should run in the host networking namespace. false
image.pullPolicy Specifies image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never. "IfNotPresent"
mode Specifies Collector deployment options: daemonset, deployment, or statefulset. "daemonset"
ports.[*].containerPort Specifies containerPort used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].enabled Indicates if a port is enabled. See footnote 1
ports.[*].hostPort Specifies hostPort used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].protocol Specifies protocol used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].servicePort Specifies servicePort used. See footnote 1
resources.limits.cpu Specifies CPU resource limits for containers. 1
resources.limits.memory Specifies memory resource limits for containers. "2Gi"
config.config Specifies Collector receiver, processor, exporter, and extensions configurations. Refer to aws-otel-collector for full details. Note EKS Anywhere ADOT package version matches the exact aws-otel-collector version. See footnote 2
config.config.receiver Specifies how data gets in the Collector. Receivers can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. See footnote 2
config.config.processor Specifies how processors are run on data between the stage of being received and being exported. Processors are optional though some are recommended. See footnote 2
config.config.exporters Specifies how data gets sent to backends/destinations. Exporters can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. See footnote 2
config.config.extensions Specifies tasks that do not involve processing telemetry data. Examples of extensions include health monitoring, service discovery, and data forwarding. Extensions are optional. See footnote 2
config.config.service Specifies what components are enabled in the Collector based on the configuration found in the receivers, processors, exporters, and extensions sections. If a component is configured, but not defined within the service section, then it is not enabled. See footnote 2
Deployment mode only
replicaCount Specifies replicaCount for pods. 1
service.type Specifies service types: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, ExternalName. "ClusterIP"

  1. The default ports enables otlp and otlp-http. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            enabled: true
            containerPort: 4317
            servicePort: 4317
            hostPort: 4317
            protocol: TCP
            enabled: true
            containerPort: 4318
            servicePort: 4318
            hostPort: 4318
            protocol: TCP    
  2. The default config.config deploys an ADOT Collector with the metrics pipeline, which includes otlp and prometheus receiver, and logging exporter. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
                  - job_name: opentelemetry-collector
                    scrape_interval: 10s
                      - targets:
                          - ${MY_POD_IP}:8888
            batch: {}
            memory_limiter: null
              loglevel: info
            health_check: {}
            memory_ballast: {}
              - health_check
              - memory_ballast
                  - logging
                  - memory_limiter
                  - batch
                  - otlp
                  - prometheus    

11.6 - v0.39.0

Configuring ADOT in EKS Anywhere package spec


We included a sample configuration below for reference. For in-depth examples and use cases, please refer to ADOT with AMP and AMG.

kind: Package
  name: my-adot
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: adot
  targetNamespace: observability
  config: | 
    mode: daemonset

Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config

Parameter Description Default
hostNetwork Indicates if the pod should run in the host networking namespace. false
image.pullPolicy Specifies image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never. "IfNotPresent"
mode Specifies Collector deployment options: daemonset, deployment, or statefulset. "daemonset"
ports.[*].containerPort Specifies containerPort used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].enabled Indicates if a port is enabled. See footnote 1
ports.[*].hostPort Specifies hostPort used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].protocol Specifies protocol used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].servicePort Specifies servicePort used. See footnote 1
resources.limits.cpu Specifies CPU resource limits for containers. 1
resources.limits.memory Specifies memory resource limits for containers. "2Gi"
config.config Specifies Collector receiver, processor, exporter, and extensions configurations. Refer to aws-otel-collector for full details. Note EKS Anywhere ADOT package version matches the exact aws-otel-collector version. See footnote 2
config.config.receiver Specifies how data gets in the Collector. Receivers can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. See footnote 2
config.config.processor Specifies how processors are run on data between the stage of being received and being exported. Processors are optional though some are recommended. See footnote 2
config.config.exporters Specifies how data gets sent to backends/destinations. Exporters can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. See footnote 2
config.config.extensions Specifies tasks that do not involve processing telemetry data. Examples of extensions include health monitoring, service discovery, and data forwarding. Extensions are optional. See footnote 2
config.config.service Specifies what components are enabled in the Collector based on the configuration found in the receivers, processors, exporters, and extensions sections. If a component is configured, but not defined within the service section, then it is not enabled. See footnote 2
Deployment mode only
replicaCount Specifies replicaCount for pods. 1
service.type Specifies service types: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, ExternalName. "ClusterIP"

  1. The default ports enables otlp and otlp-http. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            enabled: true
            containerPort: 4317
            servicePort: 4317
            hostPort: 4317
            protocol: TCP
            enabled: true
            containerPort: 4318
            servicePort: 4318
            hostPort: 4318
            protocol: TCP    
  2. The default config.config deploys an ADOT Collector with the metrics pipeline, which includes otlp and prometheus receiver, and logging exporter. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
                  - job_name: opentelemetry-collector
                    scrape_interval: 10s
                      - targets:
                          - ${MY_POD_IP}:8888
            batch: {}
            memory_limiter: null
              loglevel: info
            health_check: {}
            memory_ballast: {}
              - health_check
              - memory_ballast
                  - logging
                  - memory_limiter
                  - batch
                  - otlp
                  - prometheus    

11.7 - v0.41.1

Configuring ADOT in EKS Anywhere package spec


We included a sample configuration below for reference. For in-depth examples and use cases, please refer to ADOT with AMP and AMG.

kind: Package
  name: my-adot
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: adot
  targetNamespace: observability
  config: |
    mode: daemonset

Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config

Parameter Description Default
hostNetwork Indicates if the pod should run in the host networking namespace. false
image.pullPolicy Specifies image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never. "IfNotPresent"
mode Specifies Collector deployment options: daemonset, deployment, or statefulset. "daemonset"
ports.[*].containerPort Specifies containerPort used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].enabled Indicates if a port is enabled. See footnote 1
ports.[*].hostPort Specifies hostPort used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].protocol Specifies protocol used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].servicePort Specifies servicePort used. See footnote 1
resources.limits.cpu Specifies CPU resource limits for containers. 1
resources.limits.memory Specifies memory resource limits for containers. "2Gi"
config.config Specifies Collector receiver, processor, exporter, and extensions configurations. Refer to aws-otel-collector for full details. Note EKS Anywhere ADOT package version matches the exact aws-otel-collector version. See footnote 2
config.config.receiver Specifies how data gets in the Collector. Receivers can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. See footnote 2
config.config.processor Specifies how processors are run on data between the stage of being received and being exported. Processors are optional though some are recommended. See footnote 2
config.config.exporters Specifies how data gets sent to backends/destinations. Exporters can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. See footnote 2
config.config.extensions Specifies tasks that do not involve processing telemetry data. Examples of extensions include health monitoring, service discovery, and data forwarding. Extensions are optional. See footnote 2
config.config.service Specifies what components are enabled in the Collector based on the configuration found in the receivers, processors, exporters, and extensions sections. If a component is configured, but not defined within the service section, then it is not enabled. See footnote 2
Deployment mode only
replicaCount Specifies replicaCount for pods. 1
service.type Specifies service types: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, ExternalName. "ClusterIP"

  1. The default ports enables otlp and otlp-http. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            enabled: true
            containerPort: 4317
            servicePort: 4317
            hostPort: 4317
            protocol: TCP
            enabled: true
            containerPort: 4318
            servicePort: 4318
            hostPort: 4318
            protocol: TCP    
  2. The default config.config deploys an ADOT Collector with the metrics pipeline, which includes otlp and prometheus receiver, and logging exporter. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
                  - job_name: opentelemetry-collector
                    scrape_interval: 10s
                      - targets:
                          - ${MY_POD_IP}:8888
            batch: {}
            memory_limiter: null
              loglevel: info
            health_check: {}
            memory_ballast: {}
              - health_check
              - memory_ballast
                  - logging
                  - memory_limiter
                  - batch
                  - otlp
                  - prometheus    

12 - Cert-Manager Configuration

The cert-manager package adds certificates and certificate issuers as resource types in Kubernetes clusters, and simplifies the process of obtaining, renewing and using those certificates.

Best Practice

Any supported EKS Anywhere curated package should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package) and applied through the command kubectl apply -f packageFileName. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.

For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace field: PackagebundleController.spec

Configuration options for Cert-Manager

12.1 - Cert-Manager

Install/update/upgrade/uninstall Cert-Manager

If you have not already done so, make sure your cluster meets the package prerequisites. Be sure to refer to the troubleshooting guide in the event of a problem.

Install on workload cluster

NOTE: The cert-manager package can only be installed on a workload cluster

  1. Generate the package configuration

    eksctl anywhere generate package cert-manager --cluster <cluster-name> > cert-manager.yaml
  2. Add the desired configuration to cert-manager.yaml

    Please see complete configuration options for all configuration options and their default values.

    Example package file configuring a cert-manager package to run on a workload cluster.

    kind: Package
      name: my-cert-manager
      namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
      packageName: cert-manager
      targetNamespace: <namespace-to-install-component>
  3. Install Cert-Manager

    eksctl anywhere create packages -f cert-manager.yaml
  4. Validate the installation

    eksctl anywhere get packages --cluster <cluster-name>

    Example command output

    NAME                          PACKAGE              AGE   STATE       CURRENTVERSION                                               TARGETVERSION                                                         DETAIL
    my-cert-manager               cert-manager         15s   installed   1.9.1-dc0c845b5f71bea6869efccd3ca3f2dd11b5c95f               1.9.1-dc0c845b5f71bea6869efccd3ca3f2dd11b5c95f (latest)


To update package configuration, update cert-manager.yaml file, and run the following command:

eksctl anywhere apply package -f cert-manager.yaml


Cert-Manager will automatically be upgraded when a new bundle is activated.


To uninstall cert-manager, simply delete the package

eksctl anywhere delete package --cluster <cluster-name> cert-manager

12.2 - v1.9.1

Configuring Cert-Manager in EKS Anywhere package spec


kind: Package
  name: my-cert-manager
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: cert-manager
  config: | 
        logLevel: 4

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the cert-manager package spec and the default values.

Parameter Description Default
namespace The namespace to use for installing cert-manager package cert-manager
imagePullPolicy The image pull policy IfNotPresent
global.logLevel The log level: integer from 0-6 2
webhook.timeoutSeconds The time in seconds to wait for the webhook to connect with the kube-api server 0

12.3 - v1.14.5

Configuring Cert-Manager in EKS Anywhere package spec


kind: Package
  name: my-cert-manager
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: cert-manager
  config: | 
        logLevel: 4

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the cert-manager package spec and the default values.

Parameter Description Default
namespace The namespace to use for installing cert-manager package cert-manager
imagePullPolicy The image pull policy IfNotPresent
global.logLevel The log level: integer from 0-6 2
webhook.timeoutSeconds The time in seconds to wait for the webhook to connect with the kube-api server 0

12.4 - v1.15.3

Configuring Cert-Manager in EKS Anywhere package spec


kind: Package
  name: my-cert-manager
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: cert-manager
  config: |
        logLevel: 4

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the cert-manager package spec and the default values.

Parameter Description Default
namespace The namespace to use for installing cert-manager package cert-manager
imagePullPolicy The image pull policy IfNotPresent
global.logLevel The log level: integer from 0-6 2
webhook.timeoutSeconds The time in seconds to wait for the webhook to connect with the kube-api server 0

12.5 - v1.16.1

Configuring Cert-Manager in EKS Anywhere package spec


kind: Package
  name: my-cert-manager
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: cert-manager
  config: |
        logLevel: 4

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the cert-manager package spec and the default values.

Parameter Description Default
namespace The namespace to use for installing cert-manager package cert-manager
imagePullPolicy The image pull policy IfNotPresent
global.logLevel The log level: integer from 0-6 2
webhook.timeoutSeconds The time in seconds to wait for the webhook to connect with the kube-api server 0

13 - Cluster Autoscaler Configuration

Cluster Autoscaler is a component that automatically adjusts the size of a Kubernetes Cluster so that all pods have a place to run and there are no unneeded nodes.

Configuration options for Cluster Autoscaler

13.1 - Cluster Autoscaler

Install/upgrade/uninstall Cluster Autoscaler

If you have not already done so, make sure your EKS Anywhere cluster meets the package prerequisites.

Refer to the troubleshooting guide in the event of a problem.

Enable Cluster Autoscaling

  1. Ensure you have configured at least one worker node group in your cluster specification to enable autoscaling as outlined in Autoscaling configuration. Cluster Autoscaler only works on node groups with an autoscalingConfiguration set:

    kind: Cluster
      name: <cluster-name>
        - autoscalingConfiguration:
            minCount: 1
            maxCount: 5
            kind: VSphereMachineConfig
            name: <worker-machine-config-name>
          count: 1
          name: md-0
  2. Generate the package configuration.

    eksctl anywhere generate package cluster-autoscaler --cluster <cluster-name> > cluster-autoscaler.yaml
  3. Add the desired configuration to cluster-autoscaler.yaml. See configuration options for all configuration options and their default values. See below for an example package file configuring a Cluster Autoscaler package.

    kind: Package
      name: cluster-autoscaler-<cluster-name>
      namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
      packageName: cluster-autoscaler
      targetNamespace: default
      config: |-
          cloudProvider: "clusterapi"
            clusterName: "<cluster-name>"      
  4. Install Cluster Autoscaler

    eksctl anywhere create packages -f cluster-autoscaler.yaml
  5. Validate the installation

    eksctl anywhere get packages --cluster <cluster-name>
    NAMESPACE                  NAME                          PACKAGE              AGE   STATE       CURRENTVERSION                                               TARGETVERSION                                                         DETAIL
    eksa-packages-mgmt-v-vmc   cluster-autoscaler            cluster-autoscaler   18h   installed   9.21.0-1.21-147e2a701f6ab625452fe311d5c94a167270f365         9.21.0-1.21-147e2a701f6ab625452fe311d5c94a167270f365 (latest)

    To verify that autoscaling works, apply the deployment below. You must continue scaling pods until the deployment has pods in a pending state. This is when Cluster Autoscaler will begin to autoscale your machine deployment. This process may take a few minutes.

    kubectl apply -f
    kubectl scale deployment hpa-busybox-test --replicas 100


To update package configuration, update the cluster-autoscaler.yaml file and run the following command:

eksctl anywhere apply package -f cluster-autoscaler.yaml

Update Worker Node Group Autoscaling Configuration

It is possible to change the autoscaling configuration of a worker node group by updating the autoscalingConfiguration in your cluster specification and running a cluster upgrade.


The Cluster Autoscaler can be upgraded by PackageController’s activeBundle field to a newer version. The curated packages bundle contains the SHAs of the images and helm charts associated with a particular package. When a new version is activated, the Package Controller will reconcile all active packages to their newest versions as defined in the bundle. The Curated Packages Controller automatically polls the bundle repository for new bundle resources. The curated packages controller automatically polls for the latest bundle, but requires the activeBundle field on the PackageController resource to be updated before a new bundle will take effect and upgrade the resources.


To uninstall Cluster Autoscaler, delete the package

eksctl anywhere delete package --cluster <cluster-name> cluster-autoscaler

13.2 - v9.21.0

Configuring Cluster Autoscaler in EKS Anywhere package spec

Parameter Description Default
cloudProvider Cluster Autoscaler cloud provider. This should always be clusterapi.
cloudProvider: “clusterapi”
autoDiscovery.clusterName Name of the kubernetes cluster this autoscaler package should autoscale.
autoDiscovery.clusterName: “mgmt-cluster”
clusterAPIMode Where Cluster Autoscaler should look for a kubeconfig to communicate with the cluster it will manage. See
clusterAPIMode: “incluster-kubeconfig”
clusterAPICloudConfigPath Path to kubeconfig for connecting to Cluster API Management Cluster, only used if clusterAPIMode=kubeconfig-kubeconfig or incluster-kubeconfig
clusterAPICloudConfigPath: “/etc/kubernetes/value”
extraVolumeSecrets Additional volumes to mount from Secrets.
extraVolumeSecrets: {}

13.3 - v9.37.0

Configuring Cluster Autoscaler in EKS Anywhere package spec

Parameter Description Default
cloudProvider Cluster Autoscaler cloud provider. This should always be clusterapi.
cloudProvider: “clusterapi”
autoDiscovery.clusterName Name of the kubernetes cluster this autoscaler package should autoscale.
autoDiscovery.clusterName: “mgmt-cluster”
clusterAPIMode Where Cluster Autoscaler should look for a kubeconfig to communicate with the cluster it will manage. See
clusterAPIMode: “incluster-kubeconfig”
clusterAPICloudConfigPath Path to kubeconfig for connecting to Cluster API Management Cluster, only used if clusterAPIMode=kubeconfig-kubeconfig or incluster-kubeconfig
clusterAPICloudConfigPath: “/etc/kubernetes/value”
extraVolumeSecrets Additional volumes to mount from Secrets.
extraVolumeSecrets: {}

13.4 - v9.43.0

Configuring Cluster Autoscaler in EKS Anywhere package spec

Parameter Description Default
cloudProvider Cluster Autoscaler cloud provider. This should always be clusterapi.
cloudProvider: “clusterapi”
autoDiscovery.clusterName Name of the kubernetes cluster this autoscaler package should autoscale.
autoDiscovery.clusterName: “mgmt-cluster”
clusterAPIMode Where Cluster Autoscaler should look for a kubeconfig to communicate with the cluster it will manage. See
clusterAPIMode: “incluster-kubeconfig”
clusterAPICloudConfigPath Path to kubeconfig for connecting to Cluster API Management Cluster, only used if clusterAPIMode=kubeconfig-kubeconfig or incluster-kubeconfig
clusterAPICloudConfigPath: “/etc/kubernetes/value”
extraVolumeSecrets Additional volumes to mount from Secrets.
extraVolumeSecrets: {}

13.5 - v9.43.2

Configuring Cluster Autoscaler in EKS Anywhere package spec

Parameter Description Default
cloudProvider Cluster Autoscaler cloud provider. This should always be clusterapi.
cloudProvider: “clusterapi”
autoDiscovery.clusterName Name of the kubernetes cluster this autoscaler package should autoscale.
autoDiscovery.clusterName: “mgmt-cluster”
clusterAPIMode Where Cluster Autoscaler should look for a kubeconfig to communicate with the cluster it will manage. See
clusterAPIMode: “incluster-kubeconfig”
clusterAPICloudConfigPath Path to kubeconfig for connecting to Cluster API Management Cluster, only used if clusterAPIMode=kubeconfig-kubeconfig or incluster-kubeconfig
clusterAPICloudConfigPath: “/etc/kubernetes/value”
extraVolumeSecrets Additional volumes to mount from Secrets.
extraVolumeSecrets: {}

14 - Credential Provider Package Configuration

Credential provider package provides a solution to authenticate with private Amazon Elastic Container Registry by utilizing the kubelet image credential provider

Best Practice

Any supported EKS Anywhere curated package should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package) and applied through the command kubectl apply -f packageFileName. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.

For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace field: PackagebundleController.spec

Configuration options for Credential-Provider-Package

14.1 - Credential Provider Package with IAM Roles Anywhere

This tutorial demonstrates how to configure the credential provider package to authenticate using IAM Roles Anywhere to pull from a private AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR).
IAM Roles Anywhere enables workloads outside of AWS to access AWS resources by using X.509 digital certificates to obtain temporary AWS credentials. A trust anchor is used to reference a certificate authority with IAM Roles Anywhere. For this use case, the Kubernetes Cluster CA can be registered and each kubelet client’s x509 cert can be used to authenticate to get temporary AWS credentials.


  1. For setting up the certificate authority later, you will need to obtain your cluster’s CA. This can be obtain by:

    # Assuming CLUSTER_NAME and KUBECONFIG are set:
    kubectl get secret -n eksa-system ${CLUSTER_NAME}-ca -o yaml | yq '.data."tls.crt"' | base64 -d
  2. A role should be created to allow read access for curated packages. This role can be extended to include private registries that you would also like to pull from into your cluster. A sample policy for curated packages would be.

     "Version": "2012-10-17",
     "Statement": [
             "Sid": "ECRRead",
             "Effect": "Allow",
             "Action": [
             "Resource": "arn:aws:ecr:*:783794618700:repository/*"
             "Sid": "ECRLogin",
             "Effect": "Allow",
             "Action": [
             "Resource": "*"
  3. Next create a trust anchor and profile. The trust anchor will be a reference to the CA certificate from step 1 and the profile should point to the role created in step 2. See here for instructions on creating the trust anchor and profile.

  4. Create a secret that will be referenced by the credential-provider-package to authenticate the kubelet with ECR.

    # Set PROFILE_ARN, ROLE_ARN, and TRUST_ANCHOR_ARN obtained in previous step
    # Set AWS_REGION to region to pull images from
    # This will create a file credfile which will then be turned into a secret
    cat << EOF >> credfile
    region = $AWS_REGION
    credential_process = aws_signing_helper credential-process --certificate /var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-client-current.pem --private-key /var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-client-current.pem --profile-arn $PROFILE_ARN --role-arn $ROLE_ARN --trust-anchor-arn $TRUST_ANCHOR_ARN
    # Create secret, for this example the secret name aws-config is used and the package will be installed in eksa-packages
    kubectl create secret generic aws-config --from-file=config=credfile -n eksa-packages
  5. Either edit the existing package or delete and create a new credential-provider-package that points towards the new secret. For more information on specific configuration option refer to installation guide for details]
    The example below changes the default secret name from aws-secret to newly created aws-config. It also changes the match images to pull from multiple regions as well as across multiple accounts. Make sure to change cluster-name to match your CLUSTER_NAME

    kind: Package
      name: my-credential-provider-package
      namespace: eksa-packages-<clusterName>
        "": keep
        "": "true"
      packageName: credential-provider-package
      targetNamespace: eksa-packages
      config: |-
          - key: ""
            operator: "Exists"
            effect: "NoSchedule"
          - key: ""
            operator: "Exists"
            effect: "NoSchedule"
          - matchImages:
            - *.dkr.ecr.*
            profile: "default"
            secretName: aws-config
            defaultCacheDuration: "5h"    

14.2 - Credential Provider Package

Install/upgrade/uninstall Credential Provider Package

If you have not already done so, make sure your cluster meets the package prerequisites. Be sure to refer to the troubleshooting guide in the event of a problem.


By default an instance of this package is installed with the controller to help facilitate authentication for other packages. The following are instructions in case you want to tweak the default values.

  1. Generate the package configuration

    eksctl anywhere generate package credential-provider-package --cluster <cluster-name> > credential-provider-package.yaml
  2. Add the desired configuration to credential-provider-package.yaml Please see complete configuration options for all configuration options and their default values. Example default package using IAM User Credentials installed with the controller

    kind: Package
      name: my-credential-provider-package
      namespace: eksa-packages-<clusterName>
        "": keep
        "": "true"
      packageName: credential-provider-package
      targetNamespace: eksa-packages
      config: |-
          - key: ""
            operator: "Exists"
            effect: "NoSchedule"
          - key: ""
            operator: "Exists"
            effect: "NoSchedule"
          - matchImages:
            profile: "default"
            secretName: aws-secret
            defaultCacheDuration: "5h"
  3. Create the secret. If you are changing the secret, see complete configuration options for the format of the secret.

  4. Create the namespace (if not installing to eksa-packages). If you are overriding targetNamespace, change eksa-packages to the value of targetNamespace.

    kubectl create namespace <namespace-name-here>
  5. Install the credential-provider-package

    eksctl anywhere create packages -f credential-provider-package.yaml
  6. Validate the installation

    eksctl anywhere get packages --cluster <cluster-name>


To update package configuration, update credential-provider-package.yaml file and run the following command:

eksctl anywhere apply package -f credential-provider-package.yaml


Credential-Provider-Package will automatically be upgraded when a new bundle is activated.


To uninstall credential-provider-package, simply delete the package:

eksctl anywhere delete package --cluster <cluster-name> my-credential-provider-package

14.3 - v0.1.0

Configuring Credential Provider Package in EKS Anywhere package spec


The following is the sample configuration for the credential provider package that is installed by default with the package controller. Please refer to Credential Provider Package with IAM Roles Anywhere.

kind: Package
  name: ecr-credential-provider-package
  namespace: eksa-packages-<clusterName>
    "": keep
    "": "true"
  packageName: credential-provider-package
  targetNamespace: eksa-packages
  config: |-
      - key: ""
        operator: "Exists"
        effect: "NoSchedule"
      - key: ""
        operator: "Exists"
        effect: "NoSchedule"
      - matchImages:
        profile: "default"
        secretName: aws-secret
        defaultCacheDuration: "5h"

In this example, the credential provider will use the secret provided in aws-secret (created automatically on cluster creation) to authenticate to the repository from which curated package images are pulled. Tolerations were also added so that the control plane nodes would also be configured with authentication.

The secret can exist in two forms: either a base64 encoding of a credential config or individual keys for fields.

Example credential

Example secret with separate keys
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: aws-secret
  namespace: eksa-packages
  REGION: dXMtd2VzdC0yCg==
Example secret in config form
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: aws-secret
  namespace: eksa-packages
  config: W2RlZmF1bHRdCmF3c19hY2Nlc3Nfa2V5X2lkPUFLSUFJT1NGT0ROTjdFWEFNUExFCmF3c19zZWNyZXRfYWNjZXNzX2tleT13SmFsclhVdG5GRU1JL0s3TURFTkcvYlB4UmZpQ1lFWEFNUExFS0VZCnJlZ2lvbj11cy13ZXN0LTI=
type: Opaque

Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config

Parameter Description Default
image.pullPolicy Specifies image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never. "IfNotPresent"
tolerations Kubernetes tolerations for pod scheduling {}
credential List of credential providers for authenticating with ECR. Currently only one is supported
- secretName: “aws-secret”
matchImages: []
defaultCacheDuration: “1h”
profile: “default
secretName Name of secret that contains the aws credentials "aws-secret"
profile AWS Profile for secretName "default"
matchImages List of strings used to match against images. See here for more info
Example to match against any account across multiple regions for ECR:
defaultCacheDuration Duration the kubelet will cache credentials in-memory. For ECR it is recommended to keep this value less then 12 hours. "5h"

14.4 - v0.4.4

Configuring Credential Provider Package in EKS Anywhere package spec


The following is the sample configuration for the credential provider package that is installed by default with the package controller. Please refer to Credential Provider Package with IAM Roles Anywhere.

kind: Package
  name: ecr-credential-provider-package
  namespace: eksa-packages-<clusterName>
    "": keep
    "": "true"
  packageName: credential-provider-package
  targetNamespace: eksa-packages
  config: |-
      - key: ""
        operator: "Exists"
        effect: "NoSchedule"
      - key: ""
        operator: "Exists"
        effect: "NoSchedule"
      - matchImages:
        profile: "default"
        secretName: aws-secret
        defaultCacheDuration: "5h"

In this example, the credential provider will use the secret provided in aws-secret (created automatically on cluster creation) to authenticate to the repository from which curated package images are pulled. Tolerations were also added so that the control plane nodes would also be configured with authentication.

The secret can exist in two forms: either a base64 encoding of a credential config or individual keys for fields.

Example credential

Example secret with separate keys
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: aws-secret
  namespace: eksa-packages
  REGION: dXMtd2VzdC0yCg==
Example secret in config form
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: aws-secret
  namespace: eksa-packages
  config: W2RlZmF1bHRdCmF3c19hY2Nlc3Nfa2V5X2lkPUFLSUFJT1NGT0ROTjdFWEFNUExFCmF3c19zZWNyZXRfYWNjZXNzX2tleT13SmFsclhVdG5GRU1JL0s3TURFTkcvYlB4UmZpQ1lFWEFNUExFS0VZCnJlZ2lvbj11cy13ZXN0LTI=
type: Opaque

Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config

Parameter Description Default
image.pullPolicy Specifies image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never. "IfNotPresent"
tolerations Kubernetes tolerations for pod scheduling {}
credential List of credential providers for authenticating with ECR. Currently only one is supported
- secretName: “aws-secret”
matchImages: []
defaultCacheDuration: “1h”
profile: “default
secretName Name of secret that contains the aws credentials "aws-secret"
profile AWS Profile for secretName "default"
matchImages List of strings used to match against images. See here for more info
Example to match against any account across multiple regions for ECR:
defaultCacheDuration Duration the kubelet will cache credentials in-memory. For ECR it is recommended to keep this value less then 12 hours. "5h"

14.5 - v0.4.5

Configuring Credential Provider Package in EKS Anywhere package spec


The following is the sample configuration for the credential provider package that is installed by default with the package controller. Please refer to Credential Provider Package with IAM Roles Anywhere.

kind: Package
  name: ecr-credential-provider-package
  namespace: eksa-packages-<clusterName>
    "": keep
    "": "true"
  packageName: credential-provider-package
  targetNamespace: eksa-packages
  config: |-
      - key: ""
        operator: "Exists"
        effect: "NoSchedule"
      - key: ""
        operator: "Exists"
        effect: "NoSchedule"
      - matchImages:
        profile: "default"
        secretName: aws-secret
        defaultCacheDuration: "5h"

In this example, the credential provider will use the secret provided in aws-secret (created automatically on cluster creation) to authenticate to the repository from which curated package images are pulled. Tolerations were also added so that the control plane nodes would also be configured with authentication.

The secret can exist in two forms: either a base64 encoding of a credential config or individual keys for fields.

Example credential

Example secret with separate keys
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: aws-secret
  namespace: eksa-packages
  REGION: dXMtd2VzdC0yCg==
Example secret in config form
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: aws-secret
  namespace: eksa-packages
  config: W2RlZmF1bHRdCmF3c19hY2Nlc3Nfa2V5X2lkPUFLSUFJT1NGT0ROTjdFWEFNUExFCmF3c19zZWNyZXRfYWNjZXNzX2tleT13SmFsclhVdG5GRU1JL0s3TURFTkcvYlB4UmZpQ1lFWEFNUExFS0VZCnJlZ2lvbj11cy13ZXN0LTI=
type: Opaque

Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config

Parameter Description Default
image.pullPolicy Specifies image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never. "IfNotPresent"
tolerations Kubernetes tolerations for pod scheduling {}
credential List of credential providers for authenticating with ECR. Currently only one is supported
- secretName: “aws-secret”
matchImages: []
defaultCacheDuration: “1h”
profile: “default
secretName Name of secret that contains the aws credentials "aws-secret"
profile AWS Profile for secretName "default"
matchImages List of strings used to match against images. See here for more info
Example to match against any account across multiple regions for ECR:
defaultCacheDuration Duration the kubelet will cache credentials in-memory. For ECR it is recommended to keep this value less then 12 hours. "5h"

15 - Emissary Configuration

Emissary Ingress is an open-source Kubernetes-native API Gateway + Layer 7 load balancer + Kubernetes Ingress built on Envoy Proxy.

Best Practice

Any supported EKS Anywhere curated package should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package) and applied through the command kubectl apply -f packageFileName. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.

For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace field: PackagebundleController.spec

Configuration options for Emissary

15.1 - Emissary Ingress

Install/upgrade/uninstall Emissary Ingress

If you have not already done so, make sure your cluster meets the package prerequisites. Be sure to refer to the troubleshooting guide in the event of a problem.


  1. Generate the package configuration

    eksctl anywhere generate package emissary --cluster <cluster-name> > emissary.yaml
  2. Add the desired configuration to emissary.yaml

    Please see complete configuration options for all configuration options and their default values.

    Example package file with standard configuration.

    kind: Package
      name: emissary
      namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
      packageName: emissary
  3. Install Emissary

    eksctl anywhere create packages -f emissary.yaml
  4. Validate the installation

    eksctl anywhere get packages --cluster <cluster-name>

    Example command output

    NAMESPACE     NAME       PACKAGE    AGE     STATE       CURRENTVERSION                                   TARGETVERSION                                              DETAIL
    eksa-packages emissary   emissary   2m57s   installed   3.0.0-a507e09c2a92c83d65737835f6bac03b9b341467   3.0.0-a507e09c2a92c83d65737835f6bac03b9b341467 (latest)


To update package configuration, update emissary.yaml file, and run the following command:

eksctl anywhere apply package -f emissary.yaml


Emissary will automatically be upgraded when a new bundle is activated.


To uninstall Emissary, simply delete the package

eksctl anywhere delete package --cluster <cluster-name> emissary

15.2 - v3.0.0

Configuring Emissary Ingress in EKS Anywhere package spec

Parameter Description Default
hostNetwork Whether Emissary will use the host network, useful for on-premise setup .
hostNetwork: false
createDefaultListeners Whether Emissary should be created with default listeners, HTTP on port 8080 and HTTPS on port 8443.
createDefaultListeners: false
replicaCount Replica count for Emissary to deploy.
replicaCount: 2
daemonSet Whether to create Emissary as a Daemonset instead of a deployment
daemonSet: false

15.3 - v3.3.0

Emissary version 0.3.3 has decoupled the CRD portion of the package, and now supports installing multiple instances of the emissary package in the same cluster.

Configuring Emissary Ingress in EKS Anywhere package spec

Parameter Description Default
hostNetwork Whether Emissary will use the host network, useful for on-premise setup .
hostNetwork: false
createDefaultListeners Whether Emissary should be created with default listeners, HTTP on port 8080 and HTTPS on port 8443.
createDefaultListeners: false
replicaCount Replica count for Emissary to deploy.
replicaCount: 2
daemonSet Whether to create Emissary as a Daemonset instead of a deployment
daemonSet: false

15.4 - v3.9.1

Emissary version 3.9.1 has decoupled the CRD portion of the package, and now supports installing multiple instances of the emissary package in the same cluster.

Configuring Emissary Ingress in EKS Anywhere package spec

Parameter Description Default
hostNetwork Whether Emissary will use the host network, useful for on-premise setup .
hostNetwork: false
createDefaultListeners Whether Emissary should be created with default listeners, HTTP on port 8080 and HTTPS on port 8443.
createDefaultListeners: false
replicaCount Replica count for Emissary to deploy.
replicaCount: 2
daemonSet Whether to create Emissary as a Daemonset instead of a deployment
daemonSet: false

16 - Harbor Configuration

Harbor is an open source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content. Harbor extends the open source Docker Distribution by adding the functionalities usually required by users such as security, identity and management. Having a registry closer to the build and run environment can improve the image transfer efficiency. Harbor supports replication of images between registries, and also offers advanced security features such as user management, access control and activity auditing. For EKS Anywhere deployments, common use cases for Harbor include:

  • Supporting Airgapped environments.
  • Running a registry mirror that is closer to the build and run environment to improve the image transfer efficiency.
  • Following any company policies around image locality.

For additional Harbor use cases see Harbor use cases .

Best Practice

Any supported EKS Anywhere curated package should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package) and applied through the command kubectl apply -f packageFileName. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.

For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace field: PackagebundleController.spec

Configuration options for Harbor

16.1 - Harbor

Install/upgrade/uninstall Harbor

If you have not already done so, make sure your cluster meets the package prerequisites. Be sure to refer to the troubleshooting guide in the event of a problem.


  1. Set the KUBECONFIG environment variable to use the config of the management cluster

    export KUBECONFIG=<path to management cluster kubeconfig>
  2. Generate the package configuration

    eksctl anywhere generate package harbor --cluster <cluster-name> > harbor.yaml
  3. Add the desired configuration to harbor.yaml

    Please see complete configuration options for all configuration options and their default values.

    TLS example with auto certificate generation

    kind: Package
       name: my-harbor
       namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
       packageName: harbor
       config: |-
          secretKey: "use-a-secret-key"
          externalURL: https://harbor.eksa.demo:30003
                certSource: auto
                   commonName: "harbor.eksa.demo"      

    Non-TLS example

    kind: Package
       name: my-harbor
       namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
       packageName: harbor
       config: |-
          secretKey: "use-a-secret-key"
          externalURL: http://harbor.eksa.demo:30002
                enabled: false      
  4. Install Harbor

    eksctl anywhere create packages -f harbor.yaml
  5. Check Harbor

    eksctl anywhere get packages --cluster <cluster-name>

    Example command output

    my-harbor   harbor    5m34s   installed   v2.5.1                     v2.5.1 (latest)

    Harbor web portal is accessible at whatever externalURL is set to. See complete configuration options for all default values.

    Harbor web portal


To update package configuration, update harbor.yaml file, and run the following command:

eksctl anywhere apply package -f harbor.yaml


  1. Verify a new bundle is available

    eksctl anywhere get packagebundle

    Example command output

    NAME         VERSION   STATE
    v1.25-120    1.25      active (upgrade available)
    v1.26-120    1.26      inactive
  2. Upgrade Harbor

    eksctl anywhere upgrade packages --bundle-version v1.26-120
  3. Check Harbor

    eksctl anywhere get packages --cluster <cluster-name>

    Example command output

    my-harbor   Harbor    14m     installed   v2.7.1                     v2.7.1 (latest)


  1. Uninstall Harbor

    eksctl anywhere delete package --cluster <cluster-name> my-harbor

16.2 - Harbor use cases

Try some harbor use cases

Proxy a public Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository

This use case is to use Harbor to proxy and cache images from a public ECR repository, which helps limit the amount of requests made to a public ECR repository, avoiding consuming too much bandwidth or being throttled by the registry server.

  1. Login

    Log in to the Harbor web portal with the default credential as shown below


    Harbor web portal

  2. Create a registry proxy

    Navigate to Registries on the left panel, and then click on NEW ENDPOINT button. Choose Docker Registry as the Provider, and enter public-ecr as the Name, and enter as the Endpoint URL. Save it by clicking on OK.

    Harbor public ecr proxy

  3. Create a proxy project

    Navigate to Projects on the left panel and click on the NEW PROJECT button. Enter proxy-project as the Project Name, check Public access level, and turn on Proxy Cache and choose public-ecr from the pull-down list. Save the configuration by clicking on OK.

    Harbor public proxy project

  4. Pull images

    docker pull harbor.eksa.demo:30003/proxy-project/cloudwatch-agent/cloudwatch-agent:latest

Proxy a private Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository

This use case is to use Harbor to proxy and cache images from a private ECR repository, which helps limit the amount of requests made to a private ECR repository, avoiding consuming too much bandwidth or being throttled by the registry server.

  1. Login

    Log in to the Harbor web portal with the default credential as shown below


    Harbor web portal

  2. Create a registry proxy

    In order for Harbor to proxy a remote private ECR registry, an IAM credential with necessary permissions need to be created. Usually, it follows three steps:

    1. Policy

      This is where you specify all necessary permissions. Please refer to private repository policies , IAM permissions for pushing an image and ECR policy examples to figure out the minimal set of required permissions.

      For simplicity, the build-in policy AdministratorAccess is used here.

      Harbor private ecr policy

    2. User group

      This is an easy way to manage a pool of users who share the same set of permissions by attaching the policy to the group.

      Harbor private ecr user group

    3. User

      Create a user and add it to the user group. In addition, please navigate to Security credentials to generate an access key. Access keys consists of two parts: an access key ID and a secret access key. Please save both as they are used in the next step.

      Harbor private ecr user

    Navigate to Registries on the left panel, and then click on NEW ENDPOINT button. Choose Aws ECR as Provider, and enter private-ecr as Name, https://[ACCOUNT NUMBER] as Endpoint URL, use the access key ID part of the generated access key as Access ID, and use the secret access key part of the generated access key as Access Secret. Save it by click on OK.

    Harbor private ecr proxy

  3. Create a proxy project

    Navigate to Projects on the left panel and click on NEW PROJECT button. Enter proxy-private-project as Project Name, check Public access level, and turn on Proxy Cache and choose private-ecr from the pull-down list. Save the configuration by clicking on OK.

    Harbor private proxy project

  4. Pull images

    Create a repository in the target private ECR registry

    Harbor private ecr repository

    Push an image to the created repository

    docker pull alpine
    docker tag alpine [ACCOUNT NUMBER]
    docker push [ACCOUNT NUMBER]
    docker pull harbor.eksa.demo:30003/proxy-private-project/alpine:latest

Repository replication from Harbor to a private Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository

This use case is to use Harbor to replicate local images and charts to a private ECR repository in push mode. When a replication rule is set, all resources that match the defined filter patterns are replicated to the destination registry when the triggering condition is met.

  1. Login

    Log in to the Harbor web portal with the default credential as shown below


    Harbor web portal

  2. Create a nonproxy project

    Harbor nonproxy project

  3. Create a registry proxy

    In order for Harbor to proxy a remote private ECR registry, an IAM credential with necessary permissions need to be created. Usually, it follows three steps:

    1. Policy

      This is where you specify all necessary permissions. Please refer to private repository policies , IAM permissions for pushing an image and ECR policy examples to figure out the minimal set of required permissions.

      For simplicity, the build-in policy AdministratorAccess is used here.

      Harbor private ecr policy

    2. User group

      This is an easy way to manage a pool of users who share the same set of permissions by attaching the policy to the group.

      Harbor private ecr user group

    3. User

      Create a user and add it to the user group. In addition, please navigate to Security credentials to generate an access key. Access keys consists of two parts: an access key ID and a secret access key. Please save both as they are used in the next step.

      Harbor private ecr user

    Navigate to Registries on the left panel, and then click on the NEW ENDPOINT button. Choose Aws ECR as the Provider, and enter private-ecr as the Name, https://[ACCOUNT NUMBER] as the Endpoint URL, use the access key ID part of the generated access key as Access ID, and use the secret access key part of the generated access key as Access Secret. Save it by clicking on OK.

    Harbor private ecr proxy

  4. Create a replication rule

    Harbor replication rule

  5. Prepare an image

    docker pull alpine
    docker tag alpine:latest harbor.eksa.demo:30003/nonproxy-project/alpine:latest
  6. Authenticate with Harbor with the default credential as shown below

    docker logout
    docker login harbor.eksa.demo:30003
  7. Push images

    Create a repository in the target private ECR registry

    Harbor private ecr repository

    docker push harbor.eksa.demo:30003/nonproxy-project/alpine:latest

    The image should appear in the target ECR repository shortly.

    Harbor replication result

Set up trivy image scanner in an air-gapped environment

This use case is to manually import vulnerability database to Harbor trivy when Harbor is running in an air-gapped environment. All the following commands are assuming Harbor is running in the default namespace.

  1. Configure trivy

    TLS example with auto certificate generation

    kind: Package
       name: my-harbor
       namespace: eksa-packages
       packageName: harbor
       config: |-
         secretKey: "use-a-secret-key"
         externalURL: https://harbor.eksa.demo:30003
             certSource: auto
               commonName: "harbor.eksa.demo"
             skipUpdate: true
             offlineScan: true     

    Non-TLS example

    kind: Package
       name: my-harbor
       namespace: eksa-packages
       packageName: harbor
       config: |-
         secretKey: "use-a-secret-key"
         externalURL: http://harbor.eksa.demo:30002
             enabled: false
           skipUpdate: true
           offlineScan: true     

    If Harbor is already running without the above trivy configurations, run the following command to update both skipUpdate and offlineScan

    kubectl edit statefulsets/harbor-helm-trivy
  2. Download the vulnerability database to your local host

    Please follow oras installation instruction .

    oras pull -a
  3. Upload database to trivy pod from your local host

    kubectl cp db.tar.gz harbor-helm-trivy-0:/home/scanner/.cache/trivy -c trivy
  4. Set up database on Harbor trivy pod

    kubectl exec -it harbor-helm-trivy-0 -c trivy bash
    cd /home/scanner/.cache/trivy
    mkdir db
    mv db.tar.gz db
    cd db
    tar zxvf db.tar.gz

16.3 - v2.5.0

Trivy, Notary and Chartmuseum are not supported at this moment.

Configuring Harbor in EKS Anywhere package spec

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Harbor package spec and the default values.

Parameter Description Default
externalURL The external URL for Harbor core service
imagePullPolicy The image pull policy IfNotPresent
logLevel The log level: debug, info, warning, error or fatal info
harborAdminPassword The initial password of the Harbor admin account. Change it from the portal after launching Harbor Harbor12345
secretKey The key used for encryption. Must be a string of 16 chars ""
expose.type How to expose the service: nodePort or loadBalancer, other values will be ignored and the creation of the service will be skipped. nodePort
expose.tls.enabled Enable TLS or not. true
expose.tls.certSource The source of the TLS certificate. Set as auto, secret or none and fill the information in the corresponding section: 1) auto: generate the TLS certificate automatically 2) secret: read the TLS certificate from the specified secret. The TLS certificate can be generated manually or by cert manager 3) none: configure no TLS certificate. secret The common name used to generate the certificate. It’s necessary when expose.tls.certSource is set to auto
expose.tls.secret.secretName The name of the secret which contains keys named: tls.crt - the certificate; tls.key - the private key harbor-tls-secret The name of the NodePort service harbor
expose.nodePort.ports.http.port The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 80
expose.nodePort.ports.http.nodePort The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 30002
expose.nodePort.ports.https.port The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 443
expose.nodePort.ports.https.nodePort The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 30003 The name of the service harbor
expose.loadBalancer.IP The IP address of the loadBalancer. It only works when the loadBalancer supports assigning an IP address ""
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpPort The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 80
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpsPort The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 30002
expose.loadBalancer.annotations The annotations attached to the loadBalancer service {}
expose.loadBalancer.sourceRanges List of IP address ranges to assign to loadBalancerSourceRanges []
Internal TLS
internalTLS.enabled Enable TLS for the components (core, jobservice, portal, and registry) true
persistence.resourcePolicy Setting it to keep to avoid removing PVCs during a helm delete operation. Leaving it empty will delete PVCs after the chart is deleted. Does not affect PVCs created for internal database and redis components. keep
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.size The size of the volume 5Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.size The size of the volume 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.size The size of the volume. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.size The size of the volume. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volumem, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored ""
registry.relativeurls If true, the registry returns relative URLs in Location headers. The client is responsible for resolving the correct URL. Needed if harbor is behind a reverse proxy false

16.4 - v2.5.1

Notary and Chartmuseum are not supported at this moment.

Configuring Harbor in EKS Anywhere package spec

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Harbor package spec and the default values.

Parameter Description Default
externalURL The external URL for Harbor core service
imagePullPolicy The image pull policy IfNotPresent
logLevel The log level: debug, info, warning, error or fatal info
harborAdminPassword The initial password of the Harbor admin account. Change it from the portal after launching Harbor Harbor12345
secretKey The key used for encryption. Must be a string of 16 chars ""
expose.type How to expose the service: nodePort or loadBalancer, other values will be ignored and the creation of the service will be skipped. nodePort
expose.tls.enabled Enable TLS or not. true
expose.tls.certSource The source of the TLS certificate. Set as auto, secret or none and fill the information in the corresponding section: 1) auto: generate the TLS certificate automatically 2) secret: read the TLS certificate from the specified secret. The TLS certificate can be generated manually or by cert manager 3) none: configure no TLS certificate. secret The common name used to generate the certificate. It’s necessary when expose.tls.certSource is set to auto
expose.tls.secret.secretName The name of the secret which contains keys named: tls.crt - the certificate; tls.key - the private key harbor-tls-secret The name of the NodePort service harbor
expose.nodePort.ports.http.port The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 80
expose.nodePort.ports.http.nodePort The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 30002
expose.nodePort.ports.https.port The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 443
expose.nodePort.ports.https.nodePort The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 30003 The name of the service harbor
expose.loadBalancer.IP The IP address of the loadBalancer. It only works when loadBalancer supports assigning an IP address ""
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpPort The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 80
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpsPort The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 30002
expose.loadBalancer.annotations The annotations attached to the loadBalancer service {}
expose.loadBalancer.sourceRanges List of IP address ranges to assign to loadBalancerSourceRanges []
Internal TLS
internalTLS.enabled Enable TLS for the components (core, jobservice, portal, and registry) true
persistence.resourcePolicy Setting it to keep to avoid removing PVCs during a helm delete operation. Leaving it empty will delete PVCs after the chart is deleted. Does not affect PVCs created for internal database and redis components. keep
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.size The size of the volume 5Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.size The size of the volume 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.size The size of the volume. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.size The size of the volume. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trivy.size The size of the volume 5Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trivy.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
trivy.enabled The flag to enable Trivy scanner true
trivy.vulnType Comma-separated list of vulnerability types. Possible values os and library. os,library
trivy.severity Comma-separated list of severities to be checked UNKNOWN,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL
trivy.skipUpdate The flag to disable Trivy DB downloads from GitHub false
trivy.offlineScan The flag prevents Trivy from sending API requests to identify dependencies. false
registry.relativeurls If true, the registry returns relative URLs in Location headers. The client is responsible for resolving the correct URL. Needed if harbor is behind a reverse proxy false

16.5 - v2.7.1

Notary and Chartmuseum are not supported at this moment.

Configuring Harbor in EKS Anywhere package spec

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Harbor package spec and the default values.

Parameter Description Default
externalURL The external URL for Harbor core service
imagePullPolicy The image pull policy IfNotPresent
logLevel The log level: debug, info, warning, error or fatal info
harborAdminPassword The initial password of the Harbor admin account. Change it from the portal after launching Harbor Harbor12345
secretKey The key used for encryption. Must be a string of 16 chars ""
expose.type How to expose the service: nodePort or loadBalancer, other values will be ignored and the creation of the service will be skipped. nodePort
expose.tls.enabled Enable TLS or not. true
expose.tls.certSource The source of the TLS certificate. Set as auto, secret or none and fill the information in the corresponding section: 1) auto: generate the TLS certificate automatically 2) secret: read the TLS certificate from the specified secret. The TLS certificate can be generated manually or by cert manager 3) none: configure no TLS certificate. secret The common name used to generate the certificate. It’s necessary when expose.tls.certSource is set to auto
expose.tls.secret.secretName The name of the secret which contains keys named: tls.crt - the certificate; tls.key - the private key harbor-tls-secret The name of the NodePort service harbor
expose.nodePort.ports.http.port The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 80
expose.nodePort.ports.http.nodePort The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 30002
expose.nodePort.ports.https.port The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 443
expose.nodePort.ports.https.nodePort The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 30003 The name of the service harbor
expose.loadBalancer.IP The IP address of the loadBalancer. It only works when loadBalancer supports assigning an IP address ""
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpPort The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 80
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpsPort The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 30002
expose.loadBalancer.annotations The annotations attached to the loadBalancer service {}
expose.loadBalancer.sourceRanges List of IP address ranges to assign to loadBalancerSourceRanges []
Internal TLS
internalTLS.enabled Enable TLS for the components (core, jobservice, portal, and registry) true
persistence.resourcePolicy Setting it to keep to avoid removing PVCs during a helm delete operation. Leaving it empty will delete PVCs after the chart is deleted. Does not affect PVCs created for internal database and redis components. keep
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.size The size of the volume 5Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.jobLog.size The size of the volume 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.jobLog.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.size The size of the volume. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.size The size of the volume. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trivy.size The size of the volume 5Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trivy.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
trivy.enabled The flag to enable Trivy scanner true
trivy.vulnType Comma-separated list of vulnerability types. Possible values os and library. os,library
trivy.severity Comma-separated list of severities to be checked UNKNOWN,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL
trivy.skipUpdate The flag to disable Trivy DB downloads from GitHub false
trivy.offlineScan The flag prevents Trivy from sending API requests to identify dependencies. false
registry.relativeurls If true, the registry returns relative URLs in Location headers. The client is responsible for resolving the correct URL. Needed if harbor is behind a reverse proxy false

16.6 - v2.10.2

Configuring Harbor in EKS Anywhere package spec

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Harbor package spec and the default values.

Parameter Description Default
externalURL The external URL for Harbor core service
imagePullPolicy The image pull policy IfNotPresent
logLevel The log level: debug, info, warning, error or fatal info
harborAdminPassword The initial password of the Harbor admin account. Change it from the portal after launching Harbor Harbor12345
secretKey The key used for encryption. Must be a string of 16 chars ""
expose.type How to expose the service: nodePort or loadBalancer, other values will be ignored and the creation of the service will be skipped. nodePort
expose.tls.enabled Enable TLS or not. true
expose.tls.certSource The source of the TLS certificate. Set as auto, secret or none and fill the information in the corresponding section: 1) auto: generate the TLS certificate automatically 2) secret: read the TLS certificate from the specified secret. The TLS certificate can be generated manually or by cert manager 3) none: configure no TLS certificate. secret The common name used to generate the certificate. It’s necessary when expose.tls.certSource is set to auto
expose.tls.secret.secretName The name of the secret which contains keys named: tls.crt - the certificate; tls.key - the private key harbor-tls-secret The name of the NodePort service harbor
expose.nodePort.ports.http.port The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 80
expose.nodePort.ports.http.nodePort The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 30002
expose.nodePort.ports.https.port The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 443
expose.nodePort.ports.https.nodePort The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 30003 The name of the service harbor
expose.loadBalancer.IP The IP address of the loadBalancer. It only works when loadBalancer supports assigning an IP address ""
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpPort The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 80
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpsPort The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 30002
expose.loadBalancer.annotations The annotations attached to the loadBalancer service {}
expose.loadBalancer.sourceRanges List of IP address ranges to assign to loadBalancerSourceRanges []
Internal TLS
internalTLS.enabled Enable TLS for the components (core, jobservice, portal, and registry) true
persistence.resourcePolicy Setting it to keep to avoid removing PVCs during a helm delete operation. Leaving it empty will delete PVCs after the chart is deleted. Does not affect PVCs created for internal database and redis components. keep
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.size The size of the volume 5Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.jobLog.size The size of the volume 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.jobLog.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.size The size of the volume. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.size The size of the volume. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trivy.size The size of the volume 5Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trivy.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
trivy.enabled The flag to enable Trivy scanner true
trivy.vulnType Comma-separated list of vulnerability types. Possible values os and library. os,library
trivy.severity Comma-separated list of severities to be checked UNKNOWN,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL
trivy.skipUpdate The flag to disable Trivy DB downloads from GitHub false
trivy.offlineScan The flag prevents Trivy from sending API requests to identify dependencies. false
registry.relativeurls If true, the registry returns relative URLs in Location headers. The client is responsible for resolving the correct URL. Needed if harbor is behind a reverse proxy false

16.7 - v2.11.1

Configuring Harbor in EKS Anywhere package spec

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Harbor package spec and the default values.

Parameter Description Default
externalURL The external URL for Harbor core service
imagePullPolicy The image pull policy IfNotPresent
logLevel The log level: debug, info, warning, error or fatal info
harborAdminPassword The initial password of the Harbor admin account. Change it from the portal after launching Harbor Harbor12345
secretKey The key used for encryption. Must be a string of 16 chars ""
expose.type How to expose the service: nodePort or loadBalancer, other values will be ignored and the creation of the service will be skipped. nodePort
expose.tls.enabled Enable TLS or not. true
expose.tls.certSource The source of the TLS certificate. Set as auto, secret or none and fill the information in the corresponding section: 1) auto: generate the TLS certificate automatically 2) secret: read the TLS certificate from the specified secret. The TLS certificate can be generated manually or by cert manager 3) none: configure no TLS certificate. secret The common name used to generate the certificate. It’s necessary when expose.tls.certSource is set to auto
expose.tls.secret.secretName The name of the secret which contains keys named: tls.crt - the certificate; tls.key - the private key harbor-tls-secret The name of the NodePort service harbor
expose.nodePort.ports.http.port The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 80
expose.nodePort.ports.http.nodePort The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 30002
expose.nodePort.ports.https.port The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 443
expose.nodePort.ports.https.nodePort The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 30003 The name of the service harbor
expose.loadBalancer.IP The IP address of the loadBalancer. It only works when loadBalancer supports assigning an IP address ""
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpPort The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 80
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpsPort The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 30002
expose.loadBalancer.annotations The annotations attached to the loadBalancer service {}
expose.loadBalancer.sourceRanges List of IP address ranges to assign to loadBalancerSourceRanges []
Internal TLS
internalTLS.enabled Enable TLS for the components (core, jobservice, portal, and registry) true
persistence.resourcePolicy Setting it to keep to avoid removing PVCs during a helm delete operation. Leaving it empty will delete PVCs after the chart is deleted. Does not affect PVCs created for internal database and redis components. keep
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.size The size of the volume 5Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.jobLog.size The size of the volume 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.jobLog.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.size The size of the volume. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.size The size of the volume. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trivy.size The size of the volume 5Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trivy.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
trivy.enabled The flag to enable Trivy scanner true
trivy.vulnType Comma-separated list of vulnerability types. Possible values os and library. os,library
trivy.severity Comma-separated list of severities to be checked UNKNOWN,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL
trivy.skipUpdate The flag to disable Trivy DB downloads from GitHub false
trivy.offlineScan The flag prevents Trivy from sending API requests to identify dependencies. false
registry.relativeurls If true, the registry returns relative URLs in Location headers. The client is responsible for resolving the correct URL. Needed if harbor is behind a reverse proxy false

17 - MetalLB Configuration

MetalLB is a load-balancer implementation for on-premises Kubernetes clusters, using standard routing protocols.

Best Practice

Any supported EKS Anywhere curated package should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package) and applied through the command kubectl apply -f packageFileName. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.

For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace field: PackagebundleController.spec

Configuration options for MetalLB

17.1 - MetalLB

Install/upgrade/uninstall MetalLB

If you have not already done so, make sure your cluster meets the package prerequisites. Be sure to refer to the troubleshooting guide in the event of a problem.


  1. Generate the package configuration

    eksctl anywhere generate package metallb --cluster <cluster-name> > metallb.yaml
  2. Add the desired configuration to metallb.yaml

    Please see complete configuration options for all configuration options and their default values.

    Example package file with bgp configuration:

    kind: Package
      name: mylb
      namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
      packageName: metallb
      config: |
          - name: default
          - ipAddressPools:
            - default
          - peerAddress:
            peerASN: 65000
            myASN: 65002    

    Example package file with ARP configuration:

    kind: Package
      name: mylb
      namespace: eksa-packages
      packageName: metallb
      config: |
          - name: default
          - ipAddressPools:
            - default    
  3. Create the namespace (If overriding targetNamespace, change metallb-system to the value of targetNamespace)

    kubectl create namespace metallb-system
  4. Install MetalLB

    eksctl anywhere create packages -f metallb.yaml
  5. Validate the installation

    eksctl anywhere get packages --cluster <cluster-name>

    Example command output

    NAME   PACKAGE   AGE   STATE       CURRENTVERSION                                    TARGETVERSION                                              DETAIL
    mylb   metallb   22h   installed   0.13.5-ce5b5de19014202cebd4ab4c091830a3b6dfea06   0.13.5-ce5b5de19014202cebd4ab4c091830a3b6dfea06 (latest)


To update package configuration, update metallb.yaml file, and run the following command:

eksctl anywhere apply package -f metallb.yaml


MetalLB will automatically be upgraded when a new bundle is activated.


To uninstall MetalLB, simply delete the package

eksctl anywhere delete package --cluster <cluster-name> mylb

17.2 - v0.12.1

FRRouting is currently not supported for MetalLB.

Configuring MetalLB in EKS Anywhere package spec


kind: Package
  name: mylb
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: metallb
  targetNamespace: metallb-system
  config: |
      - name: default
      - name: bgp
      - IPAddressPools:
          - default
      - IPAddressPools:
          - bgp 
      - myASN: 123
        peerASN: 55001
        keepaliveTime: 30s
Parameter Description Default
IPAddressPools[] A list of IPAddressPool. None
L2Advertisements[] A list of L2Advertisement. None
BGPAdvertisements[] A list of BGPAdvertisement. None
BGPPeers[] A list of BGPPeer. None
IPAddressPool A list of IP address ranges over which MetalLB has authority. You can list multiple ranges in a single pool and they will all share the same settings. Each range can be either a CIDR prefix, or an explicit start-end range of IPs.
name Name for the address pool. None
addresses[] A list of string representing CIRD or IP ranges. None
autoAssign AutoAssign flag used to prevent MetalLB from automatic allocation for a pool. true
L2Advertisement L2Advertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the LoadBalancer IPs provided by the selected pools via L2.
IPAddressPools[] The list of IPAddressPools to advertise via this advertisement, selected by name. None
BGPAdvertisement BGPAdvertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the IPs coming from the selected IPAddressPools via BGP, setting the parameters of the BGP Advertisement.
aggregationLength The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /32s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 32. Works for IPv4 addresses. 32
aggregationLengthV6 The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /128s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 128. Works for IPv6 addresses. 128
communities[] The BGP communities to be associated with the announcement. Each item can be a community of the form 1234:1234 or the name of an alias defined in the Community CRD. None
IPAddressPools[] The list of IPAddressPools to advertise via this advertisement, selected by name. None
localPref The BGP LOCAL_PREF attribute which is used by BGP best path algorithm, Path with higher localpref is preferred over one with lower localpref. None
BGPPeer Peers for the BGP protocol.
bfdProfile The name of the BFD Profile to be used for the BFD session associated to the BGP session. If not set, the BFD session won’t be set up. None
holdTime Requested BGP hold time, per RFC4271. None
keepaliveTime Requested BGP keepalive time, per RFC4271. None
myASN AS number to use for the local end of the session. None
password Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. None
peerASN AS number to expect from the remote end of the session. None
peerAddress Address to dial when establishing the session. None
peerPort Port to dial when establishing the session. 179
routerID BGP router ID to advertise to the peer. None
sourceAddress Source address to use when establishing the session. None

17.3 - v0.13.5

FRRouting is currently not supported for MetalLB.

Configuring MetalLB in EKS Anywhere package spec

Starting at v0.13.5, keys within each config section start with lowercase. For example:

    - IPAddressPools:
        - default


    - ipAddressPools:
        - default

Top-level section names remain capitalized as they represent CRDs:

config: |


kind: Package
  name: mylb
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: metallb
  targetNamespace: metallb-system
  config: |
      - name: default
      - name: bgp
      - ipAddressPools:
          - default
      - ipAddressPools:
          - bgp 
        autoAssign: false
      - myASN: 123
        peerASN: 55001
        keepaliveTime: 30s
Parameter Description Default Required
IPAddressPools[] A list of ip address pools. See IPAddressPool. None False
L2Advertisements[] A list of Layer 2 advertisements. See L2Advertisement. None False
BGPAdvertisements[] A list of BGP advertisements. See BGPAdvertisement. None False
BGPPeers[] A list of BGP peers. See BGPPeer. None False
IPAddressPool A list of IP address ranges over which MetalLB has authority. You can list multiple ranges in a single pool and they will all share the same settings. Each range can be either a CIDR prefix, or an explicit start-end range of IPs.
name Name for the address pool. None True
addresses[] A list of string representing CIRD or IP ranges. None True
autoAssign AutoAssign flag used to prevent MetalLB from automatic allocation for a pool. true False
L2Advertisement L2Advertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the LoadBalancer IPs provided by the selected pools via L2.
ipAddressPools[] The list of IPAddressPool names to advertise. None True
name Name for the L2Advertisement. None False
BGPAdvertisement BGPAdvertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the IPs coming from the selected ipAddressPools via BGP, setting the parameters of the BGP Advertisement.
aggregationLength The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /32s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 32. Works for IPv4 addresses. 32 False
aggregationLengthV6 The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /128s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 128. Works for IPv6 addresses. 128 False
communities[] The BGP communities to be associated with the announcement. Each item can be a community of the form 1234:1234 or the name of an alias defined in the Community CRD. None False
ipAddressPools[] The list of IPAddressPool names to be advertised via BGP. None True
localPref The BGP LOCAL_PREF attribute which is used by BGP best path algorithm, Path with higher localpref is preferred over one with lower localpref. None False
peers[] List of peer names. Limits the bgppeer to advertise the ips of the selected pools to. When empty, the loadbalancer IP is announced to all the BGPPeers configured. None False
BGPPeer Peers for the BGP protocol.
holdTime Requested BGP hold time, per RFC4271. None False
keepaliveTime Requested BGP keepalive time, per RFC4271. None False
myASN AS number to use for the local end of the session. None True
password Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. None False
peerASN AS number to expect from the remote end of the session. None True
peerAddress Address to dial when establishing the session. None True
peerPort Port to dial when establishing the session. 179 False
routerID BGP router ID to advertise to the peer. None False
sourceAddress Source address to use when establishing the session. None False

17.4 - v0.13.7

FRRouting is currently not supported for MetalLB.

Configuring MetalLB in EKS Anywhere package spec

Starting at v0.13.5, keys within each config section start with lowercase. See v0.13.5 for details.


kind: Package
  name: mylb
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: metallb
  targetNamespace: metallb-system
  config: |
      - name: default
      - name: bgp
      - ipAddressPools:
          - default
      - ipAddressPools:
          - bgp 
        autoAssign: false
      - myASN: 123
        peerASN: 55001
        keepaliveTime: 30s
Parameter Description Default Required
IPAddressPools[] A list of ip address pools. See IPAddressPool. None False
L2Advertisements[] A list of Layer 2 advertisements. See L2Advertisement. None False
BGPAdvertisements[] A list of BGP advertisements. See BGPAdvertisement. None False
BGPPeers[] A list of BGP peers. See BGPPeer. None False
IPAddressPool A list of IP address ranges over which MetalLB has authority. You can list multiple ranges in a single pool and they will all share the same settings. Each range can be either a CIDR prefix, or an explicit start-end range of IPs.
name Name for the address pool. None True
addresses[] A list of string representing CIRD or IP ranges. None True
autoAssign AutoAssign flag used to prevent MetalLB from automatic allocation for a pool. true False
L2Advertisement L2Advertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the LoadBalancer IPs provided by the selected pools via L2.
ipAddressPools[] The list of IPAddressPool names to advertise. None True
name Name for the L2Advertisement. None False
BGPAdvertisement BGPAdvertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the IPs coming from the selected ipAddressPools via BGP, setting the parameters of the BGP Advertisement.
aggregationLength The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /32s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 32. Works for IPv4 addresses. 32 False
aggregationLengthV6 The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /128s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 128. Works for IPv6 addresses. 128 False
communities[] The BGP communities to be associated with the announcement. Each item can be a community of the form 1234:1234 or the name of an alias defined in the Community CRD. None False
ipAddressPools[] The list of IPAddressPool names to be advertised via BGP. None True
localPref The BGP LOCAL_PREF attribute which is used by BGP best path algorithm, Path with higher localpref is preferred over one with lower localpref. None False
peers[] List of peer names. Limits the bgppeer to advertise the ips of the selected pools to. When empty, the loadbalancer IP is announced to all the BGPPeers configured. None False
BGPPeer Peers for the BGP protocol.
holdTime Requested BGP hold time, per RFC4271. None False
keepaliveTime Requested BGP keepalive time, per RFC4271. None False
myASN AS number to use for the local end of the session. None True
password Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. None False
peerASN AS number to expect from the remote end of the session. None True
peerAddress Address to dial when establishing the session. None True
peerPort Port to dial when establishing the session. 179 False
routerID BGP router ID to advertise to the peer. None False
sourceAddress Source address to use when establishing the session. None False
password Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. None False
passwordSecret passwordSecret is a reference to the authentication secret for BGP Peer. The secret must be of type ‘’ and the password stored under the “password” key. Example:
name: mySecret
namespace: metallb-system
None False

17.5 - v0.14.5

FRRouting is currently not supported for MetalLB.

Configuring MetalLB in EKS Anywhere package spec


kind: Package
  name: mylb
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: metallb
  targetNamespace: metallb-system
  config: |
      - name: default
      - name: bgp
      - ipAddressPools:
          - default
      - ipAddressPools:
          - bgp 
        autoAssign: false
      - myASN: 123
        peerASN: 55001
        keepaliveTime: 30s
Parameter Description Default Required
IPAddressPools[] A list of ip address pools. See IPAddressPool. None False
L2Advertisements[] A list of Layer 2 advertisements. See L2Advertisement. None False
BGPAdvertisements[] A list of BGP advertisements. See BGPAdvertisement. None False
BGPPeers[] A list of BGP peers. See BGPPeer. None False
IPAddressPool A list of IP address ranges over which MetalLB has authority. You can list multiple ranges in a single pool and they will all share the same settings. Each range can be either a CIDR prefix, or an explicit start-end range of IPs.
name Name for the address pool. None True
addresses[] A list of string representing CIRD or IP ranges. None True
autoAssign AutoAssign flag used to prevent MetalLB from automatic allocation for a pool. true False
L2Advertisement L2Advertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the LoadBalancer IPs provided by the selected pools via L2.
ipAddressPools[] The list of IPAddressPool names to advertise. None True
name Name for the L2Advertisement. None False
BGPAdvertisement BGPAdvertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the IPs coming from the selected ipAddressPools via BGP, setting the parameters of the BGP Advertisement.
aggregationLength The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /32s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 32. Works for IPv4 addresses. 32 False
aggregationLengthV6 The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /128s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 128. Works for IPv6 addresses. 128 False
communities[] The BGP communities to be associated with the announcement. Each item can be a community of the form 1234:1234 or the name of an alias defined in the Community CRD. None False
ipAddressPools[] The list of IPAddressPool names to be advertised via BGP. None True
localPref The BGP LOCAL_PREF attribute which is used by BGP best path algorithm, Path with higher localpref is preferred over one with lower localpref. None False
peers[] List of peer names. Limits the bgppeer to advertise the ips of the selected pools to. When empty, the loadbalancer IP is announced to all the BGPPeers configured. None False
BGPPeer Peers for the BGP protocol.
holdTime Requested BGP hold time, per RFC4271. None False
keepaliveTime Requested BGP keepalive time, per RFC4271. None False
myASN AS number to use for the local end of the session. None True
password Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. None False
peerASN AS number to expect from the remote end of the session. None True
peerAddress Address to dial when establishing the session. None True
peerPort Port to dial when establishing the session. 179 False
routerID BGP router ID to advertise to the peer. None False
sourceAddress Source address to use when establishing the session. None False
password Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. None False
passwordSecret passwordSecret is a reference to the authentication secret for BGP Peer. The secret must be of type ‘’ and the password stored under the “password” key. Example:
name: mySecret
namespace: metallb-system
None False

17.6 - v0.14.8

FRRouting is currently not supported for MetalLB.

Configuring MetalLB in EKS Anywhere package spec


kind: Package
  name: mylb
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: metallb
  targetNamespace: metallb-system
  config: |
      - name: default
      - name: bgp
      - ipAddressPools:
          - default
      - ipAddressPools:
          - bgp
        autoAssign: false
      - myASN: 123
        peerASN: 55001
        keepaliveTime: 30s
Parameter Description Default Required
IPAddressPools[] A list of ip address pools. See IPAddressPool. None False
L2Advertisements[] A list of Layer 2 advertisements. See L2Advertisement. None False
BGPAdvertisements[] A list of BGP advertisements. See BGPAdvertisement. None False
BGPPeers[] A list of BGP peers. See BGPPeer. None False
IPAddressPool A list of IP address ranges over which MetalLB has authority. You can list multiple ranges in a single pool and they will all share the same settings. Each range can be either a CIDR prefix, or an explicit start-end range of IPs.
name Name for the address pool. None True
addresses[] A list of string representing CIRD or IP ranges. None True
autoAssign AutoAssign flag used to prevent MetalLB from automatic allocation for a pool. true False
L2Advertisement L2Advertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the LoadBalancer IPs provided by the selected pools via L2.
ipAddressPools[] The list of IPAddressPool names to advertise. None True
name Name for the L2Advertisement. None False
BGPAdvertisement BGPAdvertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the IPs coming from the selected ipAddressPools via BGP, setting the parameters of the BGP Advertisement.
aggregationLength The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /32s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 32. Works for IPv4 addresses. 32 False
aggregationLengthV6 The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /128s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 128. Works for IPv6 addresses. 128 False
communities[] The BGP communities to be associated with the announcement. Each item can be a community of the form 1234:1234 or the name of an alias defined in the Community CRD. None False
ipAddressPools[] The list of IPAddressPool names to be advertised via BGP. None True
localPref The BGP LOCAL_PREF attribute which is used by BGP best path algorithm, Path with higher localpref is preferred over one with lower localpref. None False
peers[] List of peer names. Limits the bgppeer to advertise the ips of the selected pools to. When empty, the loadbalancer IP is announced to all the BGPPeers configured. None False
BGPPeer Peers for the BGP protocol.
holdTime Requested BGP hold time, per RFC4271. None False
keepaliveTime Requested BGP keepalive time, per RFC4271. None False
myASN AS number to use for the local end of the session. None True
password Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. None False
peerASN AS number to expect from the remote end of the session. None True
peerAddress Address to dial when establishing the session. None True
peerPort Port to dial when establishing the session. 179 False
routerID BGP router ID to advertise to the peer. None False
sourceAddress Source address to use when establishing the session. None False
password Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. None False
passwordSecret passwordSecret is a reference to the authentication secret for BGP Peer. The secret must be of type ‘’ and the password stored under the “password” key. Example:
name: mySecret
namespace: metallb-system
None False

17.7 - v0.14.9

FRRouting is currently not supported for MetalLB.

Configuring MetalLB in EKS Anywhere package spec


kind: Package
  name: mylb
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: metallb
  targetNamespace: metallb-system
  config: |
      - name: default
      - name: bgp
      - ipAddressPools:
          - default
      - ipAddressPools:
          - bgp
        autoAssign: false
      - myASN: 123
        peerASN: 55001
        keepaliveTime: 30s
Parameter Description Default Required
IPAddressPools[] A list of ip address pools. See IPAddressPool. None False
L2Advertisements[] A list of Layer 2 advertisements. See L2Advertisement. None False
BGPAdvertisements[] A list of BGP advertisements. See BGPAdvertisement. None False
BGPPeers[] A list of BGP peers. See BGPPeer. None False
IPAddressPool A list of IP address ranges over which MetalLB has authority. You can list multiple ranges in a single pool and they will all share the same settings. Each range can be either a CIDR prefix, or an explicit start-end range of IPs.
name Name for the address pool. None True
addresses[] A list of string representing CIRD or IP ranges. None True
autoAssign AutoAssign flag used to prevent MetalLB from automatic allocation for a pool. true False
L2Advertisement L2Advertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the LoadBalancer IPs provided by the selected pools via L2.
ipAddressPools[] The list of IPAddressPool names to advertise. None True
name Name for the L2Advertisement. None False
BGPAdvertisement BGPAdvertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the IPs coming from the selected ipAddressPools via BGP, setting the parameters of the BGP Advertisement.
aggregationLength The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /32s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 32. Works for IPv4 addresses. 32 False
aggregationLengthV6 The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /128s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 128. Works for IPv6 addresses. 128 False
communities[] The BGP communities to be associated with the announcement. Each item can be a community of the form 1234:1234 or the name of an alias defined in the Community CRD. None False
ipAddressPools[] The list of IPAddressPool names to be advertised via BGP. None True
localPref The BGP LOCAL_PREF attribute which is used by BGP best path algorithm, Path with higher localpref is preferred over one with lower localpref. None False
peers[] List of peer names. Limits the bgppeer to advertise the ips of the selected pools to. When empty, the loadbalancer IP is announced to all the BGPPeers configured. None False
BGPPeer Peers for the BGP protocol.
holdTime Requested BGP hold time, per RFC4271. None False
keepaliveTime Requested BGP keepalive time, per RFC4271. None False
myASN AS number to use for the local end of the session. None True
password Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. None False
peerASN AS number to expect from the remote end of the session. None True
peerAddress Address to dial when establishing the session. None True
peerPort Port to dial when establishing the session. 179 False
routerID BGP router ID to advertise to the peer. None False
sourceAddress Source address to use when establishing the session. None False
password Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. None False
passwordSecret passwordSecret is a reference to the authentication secret for BGP Peer. The secret must be of type ‘’ and the password stored under the “password” key. Example:
name: mySecret
namespace: metallb-system
None False

18 - Prometheus Configuration

Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit. It collects and stores metrics as time series data.

Best Practice

Any supported EKS Anywhere curated package should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package) and applied through the command kubectl apply -f packageFileName. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.

For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace field: PackagebundleController.spec

Configuration options for Prometheus

18.1 - Prometheus with Grafana

This tutorial demonstrates how to config the Prometheus package to scrape metrics from an EKS Anywhere cluster, and visualize them in Grafana.

This tutorial walks through the following procedures:

Install the Prometheus package

The Prometheus package creates two components by default:

  • Prometheus-server, which collects metrics from configured targets, and stores the metrics as time series data;
  • Node-exporter, which exposes a wide variety of hardware- and kernel-related metrics for prometheus-server (or an equivalent metrics collector, i.e. ADOT collector) to scrape.

The prometheus-server is pre-configured to scrape the following targets at 1m interval:

  • Kubernetes API servers
  • Kubernetes nodes
  • Kubernetes nodes cadvisor
  • Kubernetes service endpoints
  • Kubernetes services
  • Kubernetes pods
  • Prometheus-server itself

If no config modification is needed, a user can proceed to the Prometheus installation guide .

Prometheus Package Customization

In this section, we cover a few frequently-asked config customizations. After determining the appropriate customization, proceed to the Prometheus installation guide to complete the package installation. Also refer to Prometheus package spec for additional config options.

Change prometheus-server global configs

By default, prometheus-server is configured with evaluation_interval: 1m, scrape_interval: 1m, scrape_timeout: 10s. Those values can be overwritten if preferred / needed.

The following config allows the user to do such customization:

kind: Package
  name: generated-prometheus
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: prometheus
  config: |
        evaluation_interval: "30s"
        scrape_interval: "30s"
        scrape_timeout: "15s"    

Run prometheus-server as statefulSets

By default, prometheus-server is created as a deployment with replicaCount equals to 1. If there is a need to increase the replicaCount greater than 1, a user should deploy prometheus-server as a statefulSet instead. This allows multiple prometheus-server pods to share the same data storage.

The following config allows the user to do such customization:

kind: Package
  name: generated-prometheus
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: prometheus
  config: |
      replicaCount: 2
        enabled: true    

Disable prometheus-server and use node-exporter only

A user may disable the prometheus-server when:

  • they would like to use node-exporter to expose hardware- and kernel-related metrics, while
  • they have deployed another metrics collector in the cluster and configured a remote-write storage solution, which fulfills the prometheus-server functionality (check out the ADOT with Amazon Managed Prometheus and Amazon Managed Grafana workshop to learn how to do so).

The following config allows the user to do such customization:

    kind: Package
      name: generated-prometheus
      namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
      packageName: prometheus
      config: |
          enabled: false        

Disable node-exporter and use prometheus-server only

A user may disable the node-exporter when:

  • they would like to deploy multiple prometheus-server packages for a cluster, while
  • deploying only one or none node-exporter instance per node.

The following config allows the user to do such customization:

    kind: Package
      name: generated-prometheus
      namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
      packageName: prometheus
      config: |
          enabled: false        

Prometheus Package Test

To ensure the Prometheus package is installed correctly in the cluster, a user can perform the following tests.

Access prometheus-server web UI

Port forward Prometheus to local host 9090:

export PROM_SERVER_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace <namespace> -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]")
kubectl port-forward $PROM_SERVER_POD_NAME -n <namespace> 9090

Go to http://localhost:9090 to access the web UI.

Run sample queries

Run sample queries in Prometheus web UI to confirm the targets have been configured properly. For example, a user can run the following query to obtain the CPU utilization rate by node.

100 - (avg by(instance) (irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode="idle"}[5m])) * 100 )

The output will be displayed on the Graph tab. Prometheus Grafana Import Dashboard

Install Grafana helm charts

A user can install Grafana in the cluster to visualize the Prometheus metrics. We used the Grafana helm chart as an example below, though other deployment methods are also possible.

  1. Get helm chart repo info

    helm repo add grafana
    helm repo update
  2. Install the helm chart

    helm install my-grafana grafana/grafana

Set up Grafana dashboards

Access Grafana web UI

  1. Obtain Grafana login password:

    kubectl get secret --namespace default my-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode; echo
  2. Port forward Grafana to local host 3000:

    export GRAFANA_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
    kubectl --namespace default port-forward $GRAFANA_POD_NAME 3000
  3. Go to http://localhost:3000 to access the web UI. Log in with username admin, and password obtained from the Obtain Grafana login password in step 1 above.

Add Prometheus data source

  1. Click on the Configuration sign on the left navigation bar, select Data sources, then choose Prometheus as the Data source.

    Prometheus Grafana Add Data Source

  2. Configure Prometheus data source with the following details:

    • Name: Prometheus as an example.
    • URL: http://<prometheus-server-end-point-name>.<namespace>:9090. If the package default values are used, this will be http://generated-prometheus-server.observability:9090.
    • Scrape interval: 1m or the value specified by user in the package config.
    • Select Save and test. A notification data source is working should be displayed.

    Prometheus Grafana Config Data Source

Import dashboard templates

  1. Import a dashboard template by hovering over to the Dashboard sign on the left navigation bar, and click on Import. Type 315 in the Import via textbox and select Import. From the dropdown at the bottom, select Prometheus and select Import.

    Prometheus Grafana Import Dashboard

  2. A Kubernetes cluster monitoring (via Prometheus) dashboard will be displayed.

    Prometheus Grafana View Dashboard Kubernetes

  3. Perform the same procedure for template 1860. A Node Exporter Full dashboard will be displayed. Prometheus Grafana View Dashboard Node Exporter

18.2 - Prometheus

Install/upgrade/uninstall Prometheus

If you have not already done so, make sure your cluster meets the package prerequisites. Be sure to refer to the troubleshooting guide in the event of a problem.


  1. Generate the package configuration

    eksctl anywhere generate package prometheus --cluster <cluster-name> > prometheus.yaml
  2. Add the desired configuration to prometheus.yaml

    Please see complete configuration options for all configuration options and their default values.

    Example package file with default configuration, which enables prometheus-server and node-exporter:

     kind: Package
       name: generated-prometheus
       namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
       packageName: prometheus

    Example package file with prometheus-server (or node-exporter) disabled:

     kind: Package
       name: generated-prometheus
       namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
       packageName: prometheus
       config: |
         # disable prometheus-server
           enabled: false
         # or disable node-exporter
         # nodeExporter:
         #   enabled: false     

    Example package file with prometheus-server deployed as a statefulSet with replicaCount 2, and set scrape config to collect Prometheus-server’s own metrics only:

     kind: Package
       name: generated-prometheus
       namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
       packageName: prometheus
       targetNamespace: observability
       config: |
           replicaCount: 2
             enabled: true
               - job_name: prometheus
                   - targets:
                     - localhost:9090     
  3. Create the namespace (If overriding targetNamespace, change observability to the value of targetNamespace)

    kubectl create namespace observability
  4. Install prometheus

    eksctl anywhere create packages -f prometheus.yaml
  5. Validate the installation

    eksctl anywhere get packages --cluster <cluster-name>

    Example command output

    NAMESPACE                      NAME                   PACKAGE      AGE   STATE       CURRENTVERSION                                    TARGETVERSION                                              DETAIL
    eksa-packages-<cluster-name>   generated-prometheus   prometheus   17m   installed   2.41.0-b53c8be243a6cc3ac2553de24ab9f726d9b851ca   2.41.0-b53c8be243a6cc3ac2553de24ab9f726d9b851ca (latest)


To update package configuration, update prometheus.yaml file, and run the following command:

eksctl anywhere apply package -f prometheus.yaml


Prometheus will automatically be upgraded when a new bundle is activated.


To uninstall Prometheus, simply delete the package

eksctl anywhere delete package --cluster <cluster-name> generated-prometheus

18.3 - v2.39.1

Configuring Prometheus in EKS Anywhere package spec


kind: Package
  name: generated-prometheus
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: prometheus
  targetNamespace: observability
  config: |
      replicaCount: 2
        enabled: true

Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config

Parameter Description Default
rbac.create Specifies if clusterRole / role and clusterRoleBinding / roleBinding will be created for prometheus-server and node-exporter true
sourceRegistry Specifies image source registry for prometheus-server and node-exporter ""
nodeExporter.enabled Indicates if node-exporter is enabled true
nodeExporter.hostNetwork Indicates if node-exporter shares the host network namespace true
nodeExporter.hostPID Indicates if node-exporter shares the host process ID namespace true
nodeExporter.image.pullPolicy Specifies node-exporter image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never "IfNotPresent"
nodeExporter.image.repository Specifies node-exporter image repository "prometheus/node-exporter"
nodeExporter.resources Specifies resource requests and limits of the node-exporter container. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation ResourceRequirements field for more details {}
nodeExporter.service Specifies how to expose node-exporter as a network service See footnote 1
nodeExporter.tolerations Specifies node tolerations for node-exporter scheduling to nodes with taints. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation toleration field for more details. See footnote 2
serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.annotations Specifies node-exporter service account annotations {}
serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.create Indicates if node-exporter service account will be created true Specifies node-exporter service account name ""
server.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server is enabled true Specifies how frequently the prometheus-server rules are evaluated "1m" Specifies how frequently prometheus-server will scrape targets "1m" Specifies how long until a prometheus-server scrape request times out "10s"
server.image.pullPolicy Specifies prometheus-server image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never "IfNotPresent"
server.image.repository Specifies prometheus-server image repository "prometheus/prometheus" Specifies prometheus-server container name "server"
server.persistentVolume.accessModes Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume access modes "ReadWriteOnce"
server.persistentVolume.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server will create/use a Persistent Volume Claim true
server.persistentVolume.existingClaim Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume existing claim name. It requires server.persistentVolume.enabled: true. If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound ""
server.persistentVolume.size Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume size "8Gi"
server.remoteRead Specifies prometheus-server remote read configs. Refer to Prometheus docs remote_read for more details []
server.remoteWrite Specifies prometheus-server remote write configs. Refer to Prometheus docs remote_write for more details []
server.replicaCount Specifies the replicaCount for prometheus-server deployment / statefulSet. Note: server.statefulSet.enabled should be set to true if server.replicaCount is greater than 1 1
server.resources Specifies resource requests and limits of the prometheus-server container. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation ResourceRequirements field for more details {}
server.retention Specifies prometheus-server data retention period "15d"
server.service Specifies how to expose prometheus-server as a network service See footnote 3
server.statefulSet.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server is deployed as a statefulSet. If set to false, prometheus-server will be deployed as a deployment false
serverFiles.“prometheus.yml”.scrape_configs Specifies a set of targets and parameters for prometheus-server describing how to scrape them. Refer to Prometheus docs scrape_config for more details See footnote 4
serviceAccounts.server.annotations Specifies prometheus-server service account annotations {}
serviceAccounts.server.create Indicates if prometheus-server service account will be created true Specifies prometheus-server service account name ""

  1. Node-exporter service is exposed as a clusterIP with port: 9100 (controlled by nodeExporter.service.servicePort below) and targetPort: 9100 (controlled by nodeExporter.service.hostPort below) by default. Note the annotation "true" is mandatory in order for node-exporter to be discovered by prometheus-server as a scrape target. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            hostPort: 9100
            servicePort: 9100
            type: ClusterIP    
  2. Node-exporter pods have the following toleration by default, which allows daemonSet to be scheduled on control plane node.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            # For K8 version prior to 1.24
            - key: ""
              operator: "Exists"
              effect: "NoSchedule"
            # For K8 version 1.24+
            - key: ""
              operator: "Exists"
              effect: "NoSchedule"    
  3. Prometheus-server service is exposed as a clusterIP with port: 9090 (controlled by server.service.servicePort below) and targetPort: 9090 (not overridable) by default. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            enabled: true
            servicePort: 9090
            type: ClusterIP    
  4. Prometheus-server by default has the following scrape configs.

    kind: Package
      config: | 
              - job_name: prometheus
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - targets:
                  - localhost:9090
              - job_name: kubernetes-apiservers
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace, __meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: default;kubernetes;https
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-nodes
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$1/proxy/metrics
                  action: replace
                - role: node
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-nodes-cadvisor
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$1/proxy/metrics/cadvisor
                  action: replace
                - role: node
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: node
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints-slow
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 5m
                scrape_timeout: 30s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: node
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: prometheus-pushgateway
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: pushgateway
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - role: service
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-services
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                  - http_2xx
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /probe
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__address__]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __param_target
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: blackbox
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__param_target]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: instance
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: service
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-pods
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: pod
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_phase]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed|Completed
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - role: pod
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-pods-slow
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 5m
                scrape_timeout: 30s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: pod
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_phase]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed|Completed
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - role: pod
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true

18.4 - v2.41.1

Configuring Prometheus in EKS Anywhere package spec


kind: Package
  name: generated-prometheus
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: prometheus
  targetNamespace: observability
  config: |
      replicaCount: 2
        enabled: true

Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config

Parameter Description Default
rbac.create Specifies if clusterRole / role and clusterRoleBinding / roleBinding will be created for prometheus-server and node-exporter true
sourceRegistry Specifies image source registry for prometheus-server and node-exporter ""
nodeExporter.enabled Indicates if node-exporter is enabled true
nodeExporter.hostNetwork Indicates if node-exporter shares the host network namespace true
nodeExporter.hostPID Indicates if node-exporter shares the host process ID namespace true
nodeExporter.image.pullPolicy Specifies node-exporter image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never "IfNotPresent"
nodeExporter.image.repository Specifies node-exporter image repository "prometheus/node-exporter"
nodeExporter.resources Specifies resource requests and limits of the node-exporter container. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation ResourceRequirements field for more details {}
nodeExporter.service Specifies how to expose node-exporter as a network service See footnote 1
nodeExporter.tolerations Specifies node tolerations for node-exporter scheduling to nodes with taints. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation toleration field for more details. See footnote 2
serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.annotations Specifies node-exporter service account annotations {}
serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.create Indicates if node-exporter service account will be created true Specifies node-exporter service account name ""
server.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server is enabled true Specifies how frequently the prometheus-server rules are evaluated "1m" Specifies how frequently prometheus-server will scrape targets "1m" Specifies how long until a prometheus-server scrape request times out "10s"
server.image.pullPolicy Specifies prometheus-server image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never "IfNotPresent"
server.image.repository Specifies prometheus-server image repository "prometheus/prometheus" Specifies prometheus-server container name "server"
server.persistentVolume.accessModes Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume access modes "ReadWriteOnce"
server.persistentVolume.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server will create/use a Persistent Volume Claim true
server.persistentVolume.existingClaim Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume existing claim name. It requires server.persistentVolume.enabled: true. If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound ""
server.persistentVolume.size Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume size "8Gi"
server.remoteRead Specifies prometheus-server remote read configs. Refer to Prometheus docs remote_read for more details []
server.remoteWrite Specifies prometheus-server remote write configs. Refer to Prometheus docs remote_write for more details []
server.replicaCount Specifies the replicaCount for prometheus-server deployment / statefulSet. Note: server.statefulSet.enabled should be set to true if server.replicaCount is greater than 1 1
server.resources Specifies resource requests and limits of the prometheus-server container. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation ResourceRequirements field for more details {}
server.retention Specifies prometheus-server data retention period "15d"
server.service Specifies how to expose prometheus-server as a network service See footnote 3
server.statefulSet.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server is deployed as a statefulSet. If set to false, prometheus-server will be deployed as a deployment false
serverFiles.“prometheus.yml”.scrape_configs Specifies a set of targets and parameters for prometheus-server describing how to scrape them. Refer to Prometheus docs scrape_config for more details See footnote 4
serviceAccounts.server.annotations Specifies prometheus-server service account annotations {}
serviceAccounts.server.create Indicates if prometheus-server service account will be created true Specifies prometheus-server service account name ""

  1. Node-exporter service is exposed as a clusterIP with port: 9100 (controlled by nodeExporter.service.servicePort below) and targetPort: 9100 (controlled by nodeExporter.service.hostPort below) by default. Note the annotation "true" is mandatory in order for node-exporter to be discovered by prometheus-server as a scrape target. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            hostPort: 9100
            servicePort: 9100
            type: ClusterIP    
  2. Node-exporter pods have the following toleration by default, which allows daemonSet to be scheduled on control plane node.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            # For K8 version prior to 1.24
            - key: ""
              operator: "Exists"
              effect: "NoSchedule"
            # For K8 version 1.24+
            - key: ""
              operator: "Exists"
              effect: "NoSchedule"    
  3. Prometheus-server service is exposed as a clusterIP with port: 9090 (controlled by server.service.servicePort below) and targetPort: 9090 (not overridable) by default. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            enabled: true
            servicePort: 9090
            type: ClusterIP    
  4. Prometheus-server by default has the following scrape configs.

    kind: Package
      config: | 
              - job_name: prometheus
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - targets:
                  - localhost:9090
              - job_name: kubernetes-apiservers
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace, __meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: default;kubernetes;https
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-nodes
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$1/proxy/metrics
                  action: replace
                - role: node
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-nodes-cadvisor
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$1/proxy/metrics/cadvisor
                  action: replace
                - role: node
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: node
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints-slow
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 5m
                scrape_timeout: 30s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: node
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: prometheus-pushgateway
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: pushgateway
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - role: service
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-services
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                  - http_2xx
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /probe
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__address__]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __param_target
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: blackbox
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__param_target]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: instance
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: service
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-pods
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: pod
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_phase]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed|Completed
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - role: pod
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-pods-slow
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 5m
                scrape_timeout: 30s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: pod
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_phase]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed|Completed
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - role: pod
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true

18.5 - v2.52.0

Configuring Prometheus in EKS Anywhere package spec


kind: Package
  name: generated-prometheus
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: prometheus
  targetNamespace: observability
  config: |
      replicaCount: 2
        enabled: true

Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config

Parameter Description Default
rbac.create Specifies if clusterRole / role and clusterRoleBinding / roleBinding will be created for prometheus-server and node-exporter true
sourceRegistry Specifies image source registry for prometheus-server and node-exporter ""
nodeExporter.enabled Indicates if node-exporter is enabled true
nodeExporter.hostNetwork Indicates if node-exporter shares the host network namespace true
nodeExporter.hostPID Indicates if node-exporter shares the host process ID namespace true
nodeExporter.image.pullPolicy Specifies node-exporter image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never "IfNotPresent"
nodeExporter.image.repository Specifies node-exporter image repository "prometheus/node-exporter"
nodeExporter.resources Specifies resource requests and limits of the node-exporter container. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation ResourceRequirements field for more details {}
nodeExporter.service Specifies how to expose node-exporter as a network service See footnote 1
nodeExporter.tolerations Specifies node tolerations for node-exporter scheduling to nodes with taints. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation toleration field for more details. See footnote 2
serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.annotations Specifies node-exporter service account annotations {}
serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.create Indicates if node-exporter service account will be created true Specifies node-exporter service account name ""
server.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server is enabled true Specifies how frequently the prometheus-server rules are evaluated "1m" Specifies how frequently prometheus-server will scrape targets "1m" Specifies how long until a prometheus-server scrape request times out "10s"
server.image.pullPolicy Specifies prometheus-server image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never "IfNotPresent"
server.image.repository Specifies prometheus-server image repository "prometheus/prometheus" Specifies prometheus-server container name "server"
server.persistentVolume.accessModes Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume access modes "ReadWriteOnce"
server.persistentVolume.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server will create/use a Persistent Volume Claim true
server.persistentVolume.existingClaim Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume existing claim name. It requires server.persistentVolume.enabled: true. If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound ""
server.persistentVolume.size Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume size "8Gi"
server.remoteRead Specifies prometheus-server remote read configs. Refer to Prometheus docs remote_read for more details []
server.remoteWrite Specifies prometheus-server remote write configs. Refer to Prometheus docs remote_write for more details []
server.replicaCount Specifies the replicaCount for prometheus-server deployment / statefulSet. Note: server.statefulSet.enabled should be set to true if server.replicaCount is greater than 1 1
server.resources Specifies resource requests and limits of the prometheus-server container. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation ResourceRequirements field for more details {}
server.retention Specifies prometheus-server data retention period "15d"
server.service Specifies how to expose prometheus-server as a network service See footnote 3
server.statefulSet.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server is deployed as a statefulSet. If set to false, prometheus-server will be deployed as a deployment false
serverFiles.“prometheus.yml”.scrape_configs Specifies a set of targets and parameters for prometheus-server describing how to scrape them. Refer to Prometheus docs scrape_config for more details See footnote 4
serviceAccounts.server.annotations Specifies prometheus-server service account annotations {}
serviceAccounts.server.create Indicates if prometheus-server service account will be created true Specifies prometheus-server service account name ""

  1. Node-exporter service is exposed as a clusterIP with port: 9100 (controlled by nodeExporter.service.servicePort below) and targetPort: 9100 (controlled by nodeExporter.service.hostPort below) by default. Note the annotation "true" is mandatory in order for node-exporter to be discovered by prometheus-server as a scrape target. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            hostPort: 9100
            servicePort: 9100
            type: ClusterIP    
  2. Node-exporter pods have the following toleration by default, which allows daemonSet to be scheduled on control plane node.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            # For K8 version prior to 1.24
            - key: ""
              operator: "Exists"
              effect: "NoSchedule"
            # For K8 version 1.24+
            - key: ""
              operator: "Exists"
              effect: "NoSchedule"    
  3. Prometheus-server service is exposed as a clusterIP with port: 9090 (controlled by server.service.servicePort below) and targetPort: 9090 (not overridable) by default. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            enabled: true
            servicePort: 9090
            type: ClusterIP    
  4. Prometheus-server by default has the following scrape configs.

    kind: Package
      config: | 
              - job_name: prometheus
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - targets:
                  - localhost:9090
              - job_name: kubernetes-apiservers
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace, __meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: default;kubernetes;https
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-nodes
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$1/proxy/metrics
                  action: replace
                - role: node
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-nodes-cadvisor
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$1/proxy/metrics/cadvisor
                  action: replace
                - role: node
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: node
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints-slow
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 5m
                scrape_timeout: 30s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: node
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: prometheus-pushgateway
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: pushgateway
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - role: service
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-services
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                  - http_2xx
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /probe
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__address__]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __param_target
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: blackbox
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__param_target]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: instance
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: service
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-pods
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: pod
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_phase]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed|Completed
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - role: pod
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-pods-slow
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 5m
                scrape_timeout: 30s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: pod
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_phase]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed|Completed
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - role: pod
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true

18.6 - v2.54.1

Configuring Prometheus in EKS Anywhere package spec


kind: Package
  name: generated-prometheus
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: prometheus
  targetNamespace: observability
  config: |
      replicaCount: 2
        enabled: true

Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config

Parameter Description Default
rbac.create Specifies if clusterRole / role and clusterRoleBinding / roleBinding will be created for prometheus-server and node-exporter true
sourceRegistry Specifies image source registry for prometheus-server and node-exporter ""
nodeExporter.enabled Indicates if node-exporter is enabled true
nodeExporter.hostNetwork Indicates if node-exporter shares the host network namespace true
nodeExporter.hostPID Indicates if node-exporter shares the host process ID namespace true
nodeExporter.image.pullPolicy Specifies node-exporter image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never "IfNotPresent"
nodeExporter.image.repository Specifies node-exporter image repository "prometheus/node-exporter"
nodeExporter.resources Specifies resource requests and limits of the node-exporter container. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation ResourceRequirements field for more details {}
nodeExporter.service Specifies how to expose node-exporter as a network service See footnote 1
nodeExporter.tolerations Specifies node tolerations for node-exporter scheduling to nodes with taints. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation toleration field for more details. See footnote 2
serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.annotations Specifies node-exporter service account annotations {}
serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.create Indicates if node-exporter service account will be created true Specifies node-exporter service account name ""
server.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server is enabled true Specifies how frequently the prometheus-server rules are evaluated "1m" Specifies how frequently prometheus-server will scrape targets "1m" Specifies how long until a prometheus-server scrape request times out "10s"
server.image.pullPolicy Specifies prometheus-server image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never "IfNotPresent"
server.image.repository Specifies prometheus-server image repository "prometheus/prometheus" Specifies prometheus-server container name "server"
server.persistentVolume.accessModes Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume access modes "ReadWriteOnce"
server.persistentVolume.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server will create/use a Persistent Volume Claim true
server.persistentVolume.existingClaim Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume existing claim name. It requires server.persistentVolume.enabled: true. If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound ""
server.persistentVolume.size Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume size "8Gi"
server.remoteRead Specifies prometheus-server remote read configs. Refer to Prometheus docs remote_read for more details []
server.remoteWrite Specifies prometheus-server remote write configs. Refer to Prometheus docs remote_write for more details []
server.replicaCount Specifies the replicaCount for prometheus-server deployment / statefulSet. Note: server.statefulSet.enabled should be set to true if server.replicaCount is greater than 1 1
server.resources Specifies resource requests and limits of the prometheus-server container. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation ResourceRequirements field for more details {}
server.retention Specifies prometheus-server data retention period "15d"
server.service Specifies how to expose prometheus-server as a network service See footnote 3
server.statefulSet.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server is deployed as a statefulSet. If set to false, prometheus-server will be deployed as a deployment false
serverFiles.“prometheus.yml”.scrape_configs Specifies a set of targets and parameters for prometheus-server describing how to scrape them. Refer to Prometheus docs scrape_config for more details See footnote 4
serviceAccounts.server.annotations Specifies prometheus-server service account annotations {}
serviceAccounts.server.create Indicates if prometheus-server service account will be created true Specifies prometheus-server service account name ""

  1. Node-exporter service is exposed as a clusterIP with port: 9100 (controlled by nodeExporter.service.servicePort below) and targetPort: 9100 (controlled by nodeExporter.service.hostPort below) by default. Note the annotation "true" is mandatory in order for node-exporter to be discovered by prometheus-server as a scrape target. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            hostPort: 9100
            servicePort: 9100
            type: ClusterIP    
  2. Node-exporter pods have the following toleration by default, which allows daemonSet to be scheduled on control plane node.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            # For K8 version prior to 1.24
            - key: ""
              operator: "Exists"
              effect: "NoSchedule"
            # For K8 version 1.24+
            - key: ""
              operator: "Exists"
              effect: "NoSchedule"    
  3. Prometheus-server service is exposed as a clusterIP with port: 9090 (controlled by server.service.servicePort below) and targetPort: 9090 (not overridable) by default. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            enabled: true
            servicePort: 9090
            type: ClusterIP    
  4. Prometheus-server by default has the following scrape configs.

    kind: Package
      config: |
              - job_name: prometheus
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - targets:
                  - localhost:9090
              - job_name: kubernetes-apiservers
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace, __meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: default;kubernetes;https
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-nodes
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$1/proxy/metrics
                  action: replace
                - role: node
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-nodes-cadvisor
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$1/proxy/metrics/cadvisor
                  action: replace
                - role: node
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: node
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints-slow
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 5m
                scrape_timeout: 30s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: node
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: prometheus-pushgateway
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: pushgateway
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - role: service
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-services
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                  - http_2xx
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /probe
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__address__]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __param_target
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: blackbox
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__param_target]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: instance
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: service
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-pods
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: pod
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_phase]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed|Completed
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - role: pod
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-pods-slow
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 5m
                scrape_timeout: 30s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: pod
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_phase]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed|Completed
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - role: pod
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true    

18.7 - v2.55.1

Configuring Prometheus in EKS Anywhere package spec


kind: Package
  name: generated-prometheus
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: prometheus
  targetNamespace: observability
  config: |
      replicaCount: 2
        enabled: true

Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config

Parameter Description Default
rbac.create Specifies if clusterRole / role and clusterRoleBinding / roleBinding will be created for prometheus-server and node-exporter true
sourceRegistry Specifies image source registry for prometheus-server and node-exporter ""
nodeExporter.enabled Indicates if node-exporter is enabled true
nodeExporter.hostNetwork Indicates if node-exporter shares the host network namespace true
nodeExporter.hostPID Indicates if node-exporter shares the host process ID namespace true
nodeExporter.image.pullPolicy Specifies node-exporter image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never "IfNotPresent"
nodeExporter.image.repository Specifies node-exporter image repository "prometheus/node-exporter"
nodeExporter.resources Specifies resource requests and limits of the node-exporter container. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation ResourceRequirements field for more details {}
nodeExporter.service Specifies how to expose node-exporter as a network service See footnote 1
nodeExporter.tolerations Specifies node tolerations for node-exporter scheduling to nodes with taints. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation toleration field for more details. See footnote 2
serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.annotations Specifies node-exporter service account annotations {}
serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.create Indicates if node-exporter service account will be created true Specifies node-exporter service account name ""
server.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server is enabled true Specifies how frequently the prometheus-server rules are evaluated "1m" Specifies how frequently prometheus-server will scrape targets "1m" Specifies how long until a prometheus-server scrape request times out "10s"
server.image.pullPolicy Specifies prometheus-server image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never "IfNotPresent"
server.image.repository Specifies prometheus-server image repository "prometheus/prometheus" Specifies prometheus-server container name "server"
server.persistentVolume.accessModes Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume access modes "ReadWriteOnce"
server.persistentVolume.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server will create/use a Persistent Volume Claim true
server.persistentVolume.existingClaim Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume existing claim name. It requires server.persistentVolume.enabled: true. If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound ""
server.persistentVolume.size Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume size "8Gi"
server.remoteRead Specifies prometheus-server remote read configs. Refer to Prometheus docs remote_read for more details []
server.remoteWrite Specifies prometheus-server remote write configs. Refer to Prometheus docs remote_write for more details []
server.replicaCount Specifies the replicaCount for prometheus-server deployment / statefulSet. Note: server.statefulSet.enabled should be set to true if server.replicaCount is greater than 1 1
server.resources Specifies resource requests and limits of the prometheus-server container. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation ResourceRequirements field for more details {}
server.retention Specifies prometheus-server data retention period "15d"
server.service Specifies how to expose prometheus-server as a network service See footnote 3
server.statefulSet.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server is deployed as a statefulSet. If set to false, prometheus-server will be deployed as a deployment false
serverFiles.“prometheus.yml”.scrape_configs Specifies a set of targets and parameters for prometheus-server describing how to scrape them. Refer to Prometheus docs scrape_config for more details See footnote 4
serviceAccounts.server.annotations Specifies prometheus-server service account annotations {}
serviceAccounts.server.create Indicates if prometheus-server service account will be created true Specifies prometheus-server service account name ""

  1. Node-exporter service is exposed as a clusterIP with port: 9100 (controlled by nodeExporter.service.servicePort below) and targetPort: 9100 (controlled by nodeExporter.service.hostPort below) by default. Note the annotation "true" is mandatory in order for node-exporter to be discovered by prometheus-server as a scrape target. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            hostPort: 9100
            servicePort: 9100
            type: ClusterIP    
  2. Node-exporter pods have the following toleration by default, which allows daemonSet to be scheduled on control plane node.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            # For K8 version prior to 1.24
            - key: ""
              operator: "Exists"
              effect: "NoSchedule"
            # For K8 version 1.24+
            - key: ""
              operator: "Exists"
              effect: "NoSchedule"    
  3. Prometheus-server service is exposed as a clusterIP with port: 9090 (controlled by server.service.servicePort below) and targetPort: 9090 (not overridable) by default. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            enabled: true
            servicePort: 9090
            type: ClusterIP    
  4. Prometheus-server by default has the following scrape configs.

    kind: Package
      config: |
              - job_name: prometheus
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - targets:
                  - localhost:9090
              - job_name: kubernetes-apiservers
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace, __meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: default;kubernetes;https
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-nodes
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$1/proxy/metrics
                  action: replace
                - role: node
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-nodes-cadvisor
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$1/proxy/metrics/cadvisor
                  action: replace
                - role: node
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: node
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints-slow
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 5m
                scrape_timeout: 30s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: node
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: prometheus-pushgateway
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: pushgateway
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - role: service
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-services
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                  - http_2xx
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /probe
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__address__]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __param_target
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: blackbox
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__param_target]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: instance
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: service
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-pods
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: pod
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_phase]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed|Completed
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - role: pod
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-pods-slow
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 5m
                scrape_timeout: 30s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: pod
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_phase]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed|Completed
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - role: pod
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true    

19 - Metrics Server Configuration

Metrics Server is a scalable, efficient source of container resource metrics for Kubernetes built-in autoscaling pipelines.

Configuration options for Metrics Server

19.1 - Metrics Server

Install/upgrade/uninstall Metrics Server

If you have not already done so, make sure your cluster meets the package prerequisites. Be sure to refer to the troubleshooting guide in the event of a problem.


  1. Generate the package configuration

    eksctl anywhere generate package metrics-server --cluster <cluster-name> > metrics-server.yaml
  2. Add the desired configuration to metrics-server.yaml

    Please see complete configuration options for all configuration options and their default values.

    Example package file configuring a cluster autoscaler package to run on a management cluster.

    kind: Package
      name: metrics-server
      namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
      packageName: metrics-server
      targetNamespace: <namespace-to-install-component>
      config: |-
          - "--kubelet-insecure-tls"    
  3. Install Metrics Server

    eksctl anywhere create packages -f metrics-server.yaml
  4. Validate the installation

    eksctl anywhere get packages --cluster <cluster-name>

    Example command output

    NAME                   PACKAGE              AGE   STATE        CURRENTVERSION                                                     TARGETVERSION                                                               DETAIL
    metrics-server         metrics-server       8h    installed    0.6.1-eks-1-23-6-b4c2524fabb3dd4c5f9b9070a418d740d3e1a8a2          0.6.1-eks-1-23-6-b4c2524fabb3dd4c5f9b9070a418d740d3e1a8a2 (latest)


To update package configuration, update metrics-server.yaml file, and run the following command:

eksctl anywhere apply package -f metrics-server.yaml


Metrics Server will automatically be upgraded when a new bundle is activated.


To uninstall Metrics Server, simply delete the package

eksctl anywhere delete package --cluster <cluster-name> metrics-server

19.2 - v3.8.2

Configuring Metrics Server in EKS Anywhere package spec

Parameter Description Default
args Additional args to provide to metrics-server
cloudProvider: ["–kubelet-insecure-tls"] 

19.3 - v3.12.1

Configuring Metrics Server in EKS Anywhere package spec

Parameter Description Default
args Additional args to provide to metrics-server
cloudProvider: ["–kubelet-insecure-tls"] 

19.4 - v3.12.2

Configuring Metrics Server in EKS Anywhere package spec

Parameter Description Default
args Additional args to provide to metrics-server
cloudProvider: ["–kubelet-insecure-tls"] 

20 -

AWS Region