There are a few dimensions of versioning to consider in your EKS Anywhere deployments:

  • Management clusters to workload clusters: Management clusters can be at most 1 EKS Anywhere minor version greater than the EKS Anywhere version of workload clusters. Workload clusters cannot have an EKS Anywhere version greater than management clusters.
  • Management components to cluster components: Management components can be at most 1 EKS Anywhere minor version greater than the EKS Anywhere version of cluster components.
  • EKS Anywhere version upgrades: Skipping EKS Anywhere minor versions during upgrade is not supported (v0.20.x to v0.22.x). We recommend you upgrade one EKS Anywhere minor version at a time (v0.20.x to v0.21.x to v0.22.x).
  • Kubernetes version upgrades: Skipping Kubernetes minor versions during upgrade is not supported (v1.30.x to v1.32.x). You must upgrade one Kubernetes minor version at a time (v1.30.x to v1.31.x to v1.32.x).
  • Kubernetes control plane and worker nodes: As of Kubernetes v1.28, worker nodes can be up to 3 minor versions lower than the Kubernetes control plane minor version. In earlier Kubernetes versions, worker nodes could be up to 2 minor versions lower than the Kubernetes control plane minor version.