Authenticate cluster with AWS IAM Authenticator

Configure AWS IAM Authenticator to authenticate user access to the cluster

AWS IAM Authenticator Support (optional)

EKS Anywhere supports configuring AWS IAM Authenticator as an authentication provider for clusters.

When you create a cluster with IAM Authenticator enabled, EKS Anywhere

  • Installs aws-iam-authenticator server as a DaemonSet on the workload cluster.
  • Configures the Kubernetes API Server to communicate with iam authenticator using a token authentication webhook .
  • Creates the necessary ConfigMaps based on user options.

Create IAM Authenticator enabled cluster

Generate your cluster configuration and add the necessary IAM Authenticator configuration. For a full spec reference check AWSIamConfig .

Create an EKS Anywhere cluster as follows:

eksctl anywhere create cluster -f ${CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml

Example AWSIamConfig configuration

This example uses a region in the default aws partition and EKSConfigMap as backendMode. Also, the IAM ARNs are mapped to the kubernetes system:masters group.

kind: Cluster
   name: my-cluster-name
   # IAM Authenticator
      - kind: AWSIamConfig
        name: aws-iam-auth-config
kind: AWSIamConfig
   name: aws-iam-auth-config
    awsRegion: us-west-1
        - EKSConfigMap
        - roleARN: arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:role/myRole
          username: myKubernetesUsername
          - system:masters
        - userARN: arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:user/myUser
          username: myKubernetesUsername
          - system:masters
    partition: aws

Authenticating with IAM Authenticator

After your cluster is created you may now use the mapped IAM ARNs to authenticate to the cluster.

EKS Anywhere generates a KUBECONFIG file in your local directory that uses aws-iam-authenticator client to authenticate with the cluster. The file can be found at



  1. Ensure the IAM role/user ARN mapped in the cluster is configured on the local machine from which you are trying to access the cluster.

  2. Install the aws-iam-authenticator client binary on the local machine.

    • We recommend installing the binary referenced in the latest release manifest of the kubernetes version used when creating the cluster.
    • The below commands can be used to fetch the installation uri for clusters created with 1.32 kubernetes version and OS linux.
    export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
    EKS_D_MANIFEST_URL=$(kubectl get bundles $CLUSTER_NAME -o jsonpath="{.spec.versionsBundles[?(@.kubeVersion==\"$KUBERNETES_VERSION\")].eksD.manifestUrl}")
    curl -fsSL $EKS_D_MANIFEST_URL | yq e '.status.components[] | select(.name=="aws-iam-authenticator") | .assets[] | select(.os == '"\"$OS\""' and .type == "Archive") | .archive.uri' -
  3. Export the generated IAM Authenticator based KUBECONFIG file.

    export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-aws.kubeconfig
  4. Run kubectl commands to check cluster access. Example,

    kubectl get pods -A

Modify IAM Authenticator mappings

EKS Anywhere supports modifying IAM ARNs that are mapped on the cluster. The mappings can be modified by either running the upgrade cluster command or using GitOps.

upgrade command

The mapRoles and mapUsers lists in AWSIamConfig can be modified when running the upgrade cluster command from EKS Anywhere.

As an example, let’s add another IAM user to the above example configuration.

kind: AWSIamConfig
   name: aws-iam-auth-config
        - userARN: arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:user/myUser
          username: myKubernetesUsername
          - system:masters
        - userARN: arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:user/anotherUser
          username: anotherKubernetesUsername
    partition: aws

and then run the upgrade command

eksctl anywhere upgrade cluster -f ${CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml

EKS Anywhere now updates the role mappings for IAM authenticator in the cluster and a new user gains access to the cluster.


If the cluster created has GitOps configured, then the mapRoles and mapUsers list in AWSIamConfig can be modified by the GitOps controller. For GitOps configuration details refer to Manage Cluster with GitOps .

  1. Clone your git repo and modify the cluster specification. The default path for the cluster file is:
  2. Modify the AWSIamConfig object and add to the mapRoles and mapUsers object lists.
  3. Commit the file to your git repository
    git add eksa-cluster.yaml
    git commit -m 'Adding IAM Authenticator access ARNs'
    git push origin main

EKS Anywhere GitOps Controller now updates the role mappings for IAM authenticator in the cluster and users gains access to the cluster.