Configure for Bare Metal
This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference. The following additional optional configuration can also be included:
- Host OS Config
- Proxy
- Gitops
- IAM Authenticator
- Registry Mirror
- Machine Health Checks
- API Server Extra Args
To generate your own cluster configuration, follow instructions from the Create Bare Metal cluster section and modify it using descriptions below. For information on how to add cluster configuration settings to this file for advanced node configuration, see Advanced Bare Metal cluster configuration .
NOTE: Bare Metal cluster creation with RHEL 9 raw OS images requires advanced cluster configurations to be set. To create Bare Metal RHEL 9 clusters, modify the cluster configurations using descriptions below and follow Advanced Bare Metal cluster configuration .
kind: Cluster
name: my-cluster-name
cilium: {}
count: 1
host: "<Control Plane Endpoint IP>"
kind: TinkerbellMachineConfig
name: my-cluster-name-cp
kind: TinkerbellDatacenterConfig
name: my-cluster-name
kubernetesVersion: "1.31"
name: my-cluster-name
- count: 1
kind: TinkerbellMachineConfig
name: my-cluster-name
name: md-0
kind: TinkerbellDatacenterConfig
name: my-cluster-name
tinkerbellIP: "<Tinkerbell IP>"
kind: TinkerbellMachineConfig
name: my-cluster-name-cp
hardwareSelector: {}
osFamily: bottlerocket
templateRef: {}
- name: ec2-user
- ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2...
kind: TinkerbellMachineConfig
name: my-cluster-name
hardwareSelector: {}
osFamily: bottlerocket
kind: TinkerbellTemplateConfig
name: my-cluster-name
- name: ec2-user
- ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2...
Cluster Fields
name (required)
Name of your cluster (my-cluster-name
in this example).
clusterNetwork (required)
Network configuration.
clusterNetwork.cniConfig (required)
CNI plugin configuration. Supports cilium
clusterNetwork.cniConfig.cilium.policyEnforcementMode (optional)
Optionally specify a policyEnforcementMode of default
, always
or never
clusterNetwork.cniConfig.cilium.egressMasqueradeInterfaces (optional)
Optionally specify a network interface name or interface prefix used for masquerading. See EgressMasqueradeInterfaces option.
clusterNetwork.cniConfig.cilium.skipUpgrade (optional)
When true, skip Cilium maintenance during upgrades. Also see Use a custom CNI.
clusterNetwork.cniConfig.cilium.routingMode (optional)
Optionally specify the routing mode. Accepts default
and direct
. Also see RoutingMode
clusterNetwork.cniConfig.cilium.ipv4NativeRoutingCIDR (optional)
Optionally specify the CIDR to use when RoutingMode is set to direct. When specified, Cilium assumes networking for this CIDR is preconfigured and hands traffic destined for that range to the Linux network stack without applying any SNAT.
clusterNetwork.cniConfig.cilium.ipv6NativeRoutingCIDR (optional)
Optionally specify the IPv6 CIDR to use when RoutingMode is set to direct. When specified, Cilium assumes networking for this CIDR is preconfigured and hands traffic destined for that range to the Linux network stack without applying any SNAT.
clusterNetwork.pods.cidrBlocks[0] (required)
The pod subnet specified in CIDR notation. Only 1 pod CIDR block is permitted. The CIDR block should not conflict with the host or service network ranges.[0] (required)
The service subnet specified in CIDR notation. Only 1 service CIDR block is permitted. This CIDR block should not conflict with the host or pod network ranges.
clusterNetwork.dns.resolvConf.path (optional)
File path to a file containing a custom DNS resolver configuration.
controlPlaneConfiguration (required)
Specific control plane configuration for your Kubernetes cluster.
controlPlaneConfiguration.count (required)
Number of control plane nodes. This number needs to be odd to maintain ETCD quorum. (required)
A unique IP you want to use for the control plane in your EKS Anywhere cluster. Choose an IP in your network range that does not conflict with other machines.
NOTE: This IP should be outside the network DHCP range as it is a floating IP that gets assigned to one of the control plane nodes for kube-apiserver loadbalancing.
controlPlaneConfiguration.machineGroupRef (required)
Refers to the Kubernetes object with Tinkerbell-specific configuration for your nodes. See TinkerbellMachineConfig Fields
controlPlaneConfiguration.taints (optional)
A list of taints to apply to the control plane nodes of the cluster.
Replaces the default control plane taint (For k8s versions prior to 1.24,
. For k8s versions 1.24+,
). The default control plane components will tolerate the provided taints.
Modifying the taints associated with the control plane configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled-out, replacing the existing nodes.
NOTE: The taints provided will be used instead of the default control plane taint. Any pods that you run on the control plane nodes must tolerate the taints you provide in the control plane configuration.
controlPlaneConfiguration.labels (optional)
A list of labels to apply to the control plane nodes of the cluster. This is in addition to the labels that EKS Anywhere will add by default.
Modifying the labels associated with the control plane configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled out, replacing the existing nodes.
controlPlaneConfiguration.upgradeRolloutStrategy (optional)
Configuration parameters for upgrade strategy.
controlPlaneConfiguration.upgradeRolloutStrategy.type (optional)
Default: RollingUpdate
Type of rollout strategy. Supported values: RollingUpdate
NOTE: The upgrade rollout strategy type must be the same for all control plane and worker nodes.
controlPlaneConfiguration.upgradeRolloutStrategy.rollingUpdate (optional)
Configuration parameters for customizing rolling upgrade behavior.
NOTE: The rolling update parameters can only be configured if
controlPlaneConfiguration.upgradeRolloutStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge (optional)
Default: 1
This can not be 0 if maxUnavailable is 0.
The maximum number of machines that can be scheduled above the desired number of machines.
Example: When this is set to n, the new worker node group can be scaled up immediately by n when the rolling upgrade starts. Total number of machines in the cluster (old + new) never exceeds (desired number of machines + n). Once scale down happens and old machines are brought down, the new worker node group can be scaled up further ensuring that the total number of machines running at any time does not exceed the desired number of machines + n.
controlPlaneConfiguration.skipLoadBalancerDeployment (optional)
Optional field to skip deploying the control plane load balancer. Make sure your infrastructure can handle control plane load balancing when you set this field to true. In most cases, you should not set this field to true.
datacenterRef (required)
Refers to the Kubernetes object with Tinkerbell-specific configuration. See TinkerbellDatacenterConfig Fields
kubernetesVersion (required)
The Kubernetes version you want to use for your cluster. The Kubernetes versions supported by your EKS Anywhere version are tabulated in this section.
Known issue related to Kubernetes versions whose minor version is a multiple of 10
managementCluster (required)
Identifies the name of the management cluster. If your cluster spec is for a standalone or management cluster, this value is the same as the cluster name.
workerNodeGroupConfigurations (optional)
This takes in a list of node groups that you can define for your workers.
You can omit workerNodeGroupConfigurations
when creating Bare Metal clusters. If you omit workerNodeGroupConfigurations
, control plane nodes will not be tainted and all pods will run on the control plane nodes. This mechanism can be used to deploy Bare Metal clusters on a single server. You can also run multi-node Bare Metal clusters without workerNodeGroupConfigurations
NOTE: Empty
is not supported when Kubernetes version <= 1.21.
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].count (optional)
Number of worker nodes. (default: 1
) It will be ignored if the cluster autoscaler curated package
is installed and autoscalingConfiguration
is used to specify the desired range of replicas.
Refers to troubleshooting machine health check remediation not allowed and choose a sufficient number to allow machine health check remediation.
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].machineGroupRef (required)
Refers to the Kubernetes object with Tinkerbell-specific configuration for your nodes. See TinkerbellMachineConfig Fields
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].name (required)
Name of the worker node group (default: md-0)
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].autoscalingConfiguration (optional)
Configuration parameters for Cluster Autoscaler.
NOTE: Autoscaling configuration is not supported when using the
upgrade rollout strategy.
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].autoscalingConfiguration.minCount (optional)
Minimum number of nodes for this node group’s autoscaling configuration.
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].autoscalingConfiguration.maxCount (optional)
Maximum number of nodes for this node group’s autoscaling configuration.
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].taints (optional)
A list of taints to apply to the nodes in the worker node group.
Modifying the taints associated with a worker node group configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled-out, replacing the existing nodes associated with the configuration.
At least one node group must not have NoSchedule
or NoExecute
taints applied to it.
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].labels (optional)
A list of labels to apply to the nodes in the worker node group. This is in addition to the labels that EKS Anywhere will add by default.
Modifying the labels associated with a worker node group configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled out, replacing the existing nodes associated with the configuration.
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].kubernetesVersion (optional)
The Kubernetes version you want to use for this worker node group. The Kubernetes versions supported by your EKS Anywhere version are tabulated in this section.
Known issue related to Kubernetes versions whose minor version is a multiple of 10
Must be less than or equal to the cluster kubernetesVersion
defined at the root level of the cluster spec. The worker node Kubernetes version must be no more than two minor Kubernetes versions lower than the cluster control plane’s Kubernetes version. Removing workerNodeGroupConfiguration.kubernetesVersion
will trigger an upgrade of the node group to the kubernetesVersion
defined at the root level of the cluster spec.
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].upgradeRolloutStrategy (optional)
Configuration parameters for upgrade strategy.
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].upgradeRolloutStrategy.type (optional)
Default: RollingUpdate
Type of rollout strategy. Supported values: RollingUpdate
NOTE: The upgrade rollout strategy type must be the same for all control plane and worker nodes.
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].upgradeRolloutStrategy.rollingUpdate (optional)
Configuration parameters for customizing rolling upgrade behavior.
NOTE: The rolling update parameters can only be configured if
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].upgradeRolloutStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge (optional)
Default: 1
This can not be 0 if maxUnavailable is 0.
The maximum number of machines that can be scheduled above the desired number of machines.
Example: When this is set to n, the new worker node group can be scaled up immediately by n when the rolling upgrade starts. Total number of machines in the cluster (old + new) never exceeds (desired number of machines + n). Once scale down happens and old machines are brought down, the new worker node group can be scaled up further ensuring that the total number of machines running at any time does not exceed the desired number of machines + n.
workerNodeGroupConfigurations[*].upgradeRolloutStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable (optional)
Default: 0
This can not be 0 if MaxSurge is 0.
The maximum number of machines that can be unavailable during the upgrade.
Example: When this is set to n, the old worker node group can be scaled down by n machines immediately when the rolling upgrade starts. Once new machines are ready, old worker node group can be scaled down further, followed by scaling up the new worker node group, ensuring that the total number of machines unavailable at all times during the upgrade never falls below n.
TinkerbellDatacenterConfig Fields
tinkerbellIP (required)
Required field to identify the IP address of the Tinkerbell service. This IP address must be a unique IP in the network range that does not conflict with other IPs. Once the Tinkerbell services move from the Admin machine to run on the target cluster, this IP address makes it possible for the stack to be used for future provisioning needs. When separate management and workload clusters are supported in Bare Metal, the IP address becomes a necessity.
osImageURL (required)
Required field to set the operating system. In order to use Ubuntu or RHEL see building baremetal node images
. This field is also useful if you want to provide a customized operating system image or simply host the standard image locally. To upgrade a node or group of nodes to a new operating system version (ie. RHEL 8.7 to RHEL 8.8), modify this field to point to the new operating system image URL and run upgrade cluster command
The osImageURL
must contain the Cluster.Spec.KubernetesVersion
or Cluster.Spec.WorkerNodeGroupConfiguration[].KubernetesVersion
version (in case of modular upgrade). For example, if the Kubernetes version is 1.31, the osImageURL
name should include 1.31, 1_31, 1-31 or 131.
NOTE: osImageURL field cannot be set both in the
objects. If this value is set forTinkerbellDatacenterConfig
, osImageURL has to be set to empty string""
for all theTinkerbellMachineConfigs
hookImagesURLPath (optional)
Optional field to replace the HookOS image. This field is useful if you want to provide a customized HookOS image or simply host the standard image locally. See Artifacts for details.
isoBoot (optional)
Optional field (boolean) to enable the ISO boot mode. Use this field to enable ISO mounting and boot for OS installation. See Boot Modes for details.
hookIsoURL (optional)
Optional field (string URL) to override the default AWS hosted location for the HookOS ISO. Use this field to host the HookOS ISO locally. See Boot Modes for details.
Example TinkerbellDatacenterConfig.spec
tinkerbellIP: "" # Available, routable IP
osImageURL: "http://my-web-server/ubuntu-v1.23.7-eks-a-12-amd64.gz" # Full URL to the OS Image hosted locally
hookImagesURLPath: "http://my-web-server/hook" # Path to the hook images. This path must contain vmlinuz-x86_64 and initramfs-x86_64
isoBoot: false # Set to true to enable the ISO boot mode
hookIsoURL: "http://my-web-server/hook-x86_64-efi-initrd.iso" # Full URL to the HookOS ISO image hosted locally
This is the folder structure for my-web-server
├── hook
│ ├── initramfs-x86_64
│ └── vmlinuz-x86_64
├── ubuntu-v1.23.7-eks-a-12-amd64.gz
└── hook-x86_64-efi-initrd.iso
skipLoadBalancerDeployment (optional)
Optional field to skip deploying the default load balancer for Tinkerbell stack.
EKS Anywhere for Bare Metal uses kube-vip
load balancer by default to expose the Tinkerbell stack externally.
You can disable this feature by setting this field to true
NOTE: If you skip load balancer deployment, you will have to ensure that the Tinkerbell stack is available at tinkerbellIP once the cluster creation is finished. One way to achieve this is by using the MetalLB package.
loadBalancerInterface (optional)
Optional field to configure a custom load balancer interface for Tinkerbell stack.
TinkerbellMachineConfig Fields
In the example, there are TinkerbellMachineConfig
sections for control plane (my-cluster-name-cp
) and worker (my-cluster-name
) machine groups.
The following fields identify information needed to configure the nodes in each of those groups.
NOTE: Currently, you can only have one machine group for all machines in the control plane, although you can have multiple machine groups for the workers.
hardwareSelector (required)
Use fields under hardwareSelector
to add key/value pair labels to match particular machines that you identified in the CSV file where you defined the machines in your cluster.
Choose any label name you like.
For example, if you had added the label node=cp-machine
to the machines listed in your CSV file that you want to be control plane nodes, the following hardwareSelector
field would cause those machines to be added to the control plane:
kind: TinkerbellMachineConfig
name: my-cluster-name-cp
node: "cp-machine"
osFamily (required)
Operating system on the machine. Permitted values: bottlerocket
, ubuntu
, redhat
(Default: bottlerocket
osImageURL (required)
Required field to set the operating system. In order to use Ubuntu or RHEL see building baremetal node images
. This field is also useful if you want to provide a customized operating system image or simply host the standard image locally. To upgrade a node or group of nodes to a new operating system version (ie. RHEL 8.7 to RHEL 8.8), modify this field to point to the new operating system image URL and run upgrade cluster command
. The osImageURL
must contain the Cluster.Spec.KubernetesVersion
or Cluster.Spec.WorkerNodeGroupConfiguration[].KubernetesVersion
version (in case of modular upgrade). For example, if the Kubernetes version is 1.31, the osImageURL
name should include 1.31, 1_31, 1-31 or 131.
NOTE: If this value is set for a single
, osImageURL has to be set for all theTinkerbellMachineConfigs
. osImageURL field cannot be set both in theTinkerbellDatacenterConfig
objects. If set forTinkerbellMachineConfig
, the value must be set to empty string""
templateRef (optional)
Identifies the template that defines the actions that will be applied to the TinkerbellMachineConfig.
See TinkerbellTemplateConfig fields below.
EKS Anywhere will generate default templates based on osFamily
during the create
You can override this default template by providing your own template here.
users (optional)
The name of the user you want to configure to access your virtual machines through SSH.
The default is ec2-user
Currently, only one user is supported.
users[0].sshAuthorizedKeys (optional)
The SSH public keys you want to configure to access your machines through SSH (as described below). Only 1 is supported at this time.
users[0].sshAuthorizedKeys[0] (optional)
This is the SSH public key that will be placed in authorized_keys
on all EKS Anywhere cluster machines so you can SSH into
them. The user will be what is defined under name
above. For example:
ssh -i <private-key-file> <user>@<machine-IP>
The default is generating a key in your $(pwd)/<cluster-name>
folder when not specifying a value.
hostOSConfig (optional)
Optional host OS configurations for the EKS Anywhere Kubernetes nodes. More information in the Host OS Configuration section.
Advanced Bare Metal cluster configuration
When you generate a Bare Metal cluster configuration, by default, the TinkerbellTemplateConfig
is not shown in the generated configuration file. The TinkerbellTemplateConfig
defines the actions to provision each node, such as getting installation media, configuring networking, adding users, and otherwise configuring the node. Internally, EKS Anywhere generates a default TinkerbellTemplateConfig
based on the operating system family you choose. The default TinkerbellTemplateConfig
is sufficient for most use cases.
If your use case necessitates that the operating system have additional configuration, you can add a TinkerbellTemplateConfig
to your cluster configuration file with your own customizations. To do this, start with the default TinkerbellTemplateConfig
generated by EKS Anywhere and modify it as needed. To generate the default TinkerbellTemplateConfig
, use the following command:
eksctl anywhere generate tinkerbelltemplateconfig -f eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml
Now you can add your own Actions for configuring nodes. We highly recommend that you do not modify the first and the last Actions in the default TinkerbellTemplateConfig
. The first Action streams the OS image to the disk, and the last Action reboots the node. See the upstream Tinkerbell documentation for more information on Templates
and Actions
The following shows the default TinkerbellTemplateConfig
generated by eksctl anywhere generate tinkerbelltemplateconfig
kind: TinkerbellTemplateConfig
name: my-cluster-name
global_timeout: 6000
id: ""
name: my-cluster-name
- actions:
- environment:
DEST_DISK: '{{ index .Hardware.Disks 0 }}'
IMG_URL: https://my-file-server/ubuntu-2204-kube-v1.30.gz
name: stream image to disk
timeout: 600
- environment:
DEST_DISK: '{{ formatPartition ( index .Hardware.Disks 0 ) 2 }}'
DEST_PATH: /etc/netplan/config.yaml
DIRMODE: "0755"
FS_TYPE: ext4
GID: "0"
MODE: "0644"
UID: "0"
name: write netplan config
pid: host
timeout: 90
- environment:
CONTENTS: 'network: {config: disabled}'
DEST_DISK: '{{ formatPartition ( index .Hardware.Disks 0 ) 2 }}'
DEST_PATH: /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg
DIRMODE: "0700"
FS_TYPE: ext4
GID: "0"
MODE: "0600"
UID: "0"
name: disable cloud-init network capabilities
timeout: 90
- environment:
metadata_urls: [http://<admin-machine-ip>:50061,http://<tinkerbellIP-from-cluster-config>:50061]
strict_id: false
manage_etc_hosts: localhost
dsid_missing_source: off
DEST_DISK: '{{ formatPartition ( index .Hardware.Disks 0 ) 2 }}'
DEST_PATH: /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/10_tinkerbell.cfg
DIRMODE: "0700"
FS_TYPE: ext4
GID: "0"
MODE: "0600"
UID: "0"
name: add cloud-init config
timeout: 90
- environment:
datasource: Ec2
DEST_DISK: '{{ formatPartition ( index .Hardware.Disks 0 ) 2 }}'
DEST_PATH: /etc/cloud/ds-identify.cfg
DIRMODE: "0700"
FS_TYPE: ext4
GID: "0"
MODE: "0600"
UID: "0"
name: add cloud-init ds config
timeout: 90
- image:
name: reboot
pid: host
timeout: 90
- /worker:/worker
name: my-cluster-name
- /dev:/dev
- /dev/console:/dev/console
- /lib/firmware:/lib/firmware:ro
worker: '{{.device_1}}'
version: "0.1"
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
kind: TinkerbellTemplateConfig
name: my-cluster-name
global_timeout: 6000
id: ""
name: my-cluster-name
- actions:
- environment:
DEST_DISK: '{{ index .Hardware.Disks 0 }}'
IMG_URL: https://my-file-server/rhel-9-kube-v1.30.0.gz
name: stream image to disk
timeout: 600
- environment:
DEST_DISK: '{{ formatPartition ( index .Hardware.Disks 0 ) 1 }}'
DEST_PATH: /etc/netplan/config.yaml
DIRMODE: "0755"
FS_TYPE: ext4
GID: "0"
MODE: "0644"
UID: "0"
name: write netplan config
pid: host
timeout: 90
- environment:
CONTENTS: 'network: {config: disabled}'
DEST_DISK: '{{ formatPartition ( index .Hardware.Disks 0 ) 1 }}'
DEST_PATH: /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg
DIRMODE: "0700"
FS_TYPE: ext4
GID: "0"
MODE: "0600"
UID: "0"
name: disable cloud-init network capabilities
timeout: 90
- environment:
metadata_urls: ['http://<admin-machine-ip>:50061','http://<tinkerbellIP-from-cluster-config>:50061']
strict_id: false
manage_etc_hosts: localhost
dsid_missing_source: off
DEST_DISK: '{{ formatPartition ( index .Hardware.Disks 0 ) 1 }}'
DEST_PATH: /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/10_tinkerbell.cfg
DIRMODE: "0700"
FS_TYPE: ext4
GID: "0"
MODE: "0600"
UID: "0"
name: add cloud-init config
timeout: 90
- environment:
datasource: Ec2
DEST_DISK: '{{ formatPartition ( index .Hardware.Disks 0 ) 1 }}'
DEST_PATH: /etc/cloud/ds-identify.cfg
DIRMODE: "0700"
FS_TYPE: ext4
GID: "0"
MODE: "0600"
UID: "0"
name: add cloud-init ds config
timeout: 90
- image:
name: reboot
pid: host
timeout: 90
- /worker:/worker
name: my-cluster-name
- /dev:/dev
- /dev/console:/dev/console
- /lib/firmware:/lib/firmware:ro
worker: '{{.device_1}}'
version: "0.1"
TinkerbellTemplateConfig fields
Each Action has its own set of environment variables that are used to configure the Action. EKS Anywhere embeds a set of images into HookOS. This means that when these images are used in an Action they will not be pulled from any external registry. No external network communication is needed to use them. These Actions are prefixed with
NOTE: Actions are user-defined and can include any container image that is available to HookOS. You can create your own Action images if the embedded Action images do not meet your requirements.
The following describes the embedded Action images that are available in HookOS and their configuration options.
The cexec
Action executes either within a chroot environment or within the HookOS filesystem. The primary use case is to provision files and an Operating System to disk, and then execute something that resides within that filesystem.
All options can be set either via environment variables or CLI flags. CLI flags take precedence over environment variables, which take precedence over default values.
Env variable | Flag | Type | Default Value | Required | Description |
--block-device |
string | "" | yes | The block device to mount. |
--fs-type |
string | "" | yes | The filesystem type of the block device. |
--chroot |
string | "" | no | If set to y (or a non empty string), the Action will execute the given command within a chroot environment. This option is DEPRECATED. Future versions will always chroot. |
--cmd-line |
string | "" | yes | The command to execute. |
--default-interpreter |
string | "" | no | The default interpreter to use when executing commands. This is useful when you need to execute multiple commands. |
--update-resolv-conf |
boolean | false | no | If set to true , the cexec Action will update the /etc/resolv.conf file within the chroot environment with the /etc/resolv.conf from the host. |
--json-output |
boolean | true | no | If set to true , the cexec Action will log output in JSON format. This defaults to true . If set to false , the cexec Action will log output in plain text format. |
Any environment variables you set on the Action will be available to the command you execute.
For example, if you set DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive
as an environment variable (DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
), it will be available to the command you execute.
The writefile
Action will mount a block device and write a file to a destination path on its filesystem.
Env variable | Type | Required | Description |
string | yes | The block device to mount. |
string | yes | The filesystem type of the block device. |
string | yes | The path to write the file to. |
string | yes | The contents of the file to write. |
string | yes | The user ID to set on the file. |
string | yes | The group ID to set on the file. |
string | yes | The permission bits to set on the file. |
string | yes | The permission bits to set on the directory. |
The follow field must be set on the Action.
pid: host
The image2disk
Action will stream either a compressed or not compressed remote image (raw) to a block device.
Env variable | Type | Default Value | Required | Description |
IMG_URL | string | "" | yes | URL of the image to be streamed. |
DEST_DISK | string | "" | yes | Block device to which the image is written. |
COMPRESSED | bool | false | no | Decompress the image before writing it to the disk. |
RETRY_ENABLED | bool | false | no | Retry the Action, using exponential backoff, for the duration specified in RETRY_DURATION_MINUTES before failing. |
RETRY_DURATION_MINUTES | int | 10 | no | Duration for which the Action will retry before failing. |
PROGRESS_INTERVAL_SECONDS | int | 3 | no | Interval at which the progress of the image transfer will be logged. |
TEXT_LOGGING | bool | false | no | Output from the Action will be logged in a more human friendly text format, JSON format is used by default. |
The oci2disk
Action provides the capability of streaming a raw (compressed) disk image from an OCI compliant-registry to a local block device.
Env variable | Type | Default Value | Required | Description |
IMG_URL | string | "" | yes | URL of the image to be streamed. |
DEST_DISK | string | "" | yes | Block device to which the image is written. |
COMPRESSED | bool | false | no | Decompress the image before writing it to the disk. |
The kexec
Action makes use of the Linux kexec function
to boot directly into a kernel.
Env variable | Type | Default Value | Required | Description |
BLOCK_DEVICE | string | "" | yes | The block device to mount. |
FS_TYPE | string | "" | yes | The filesystem type of the block device. |
KERNEL_PATH | string | "" | no | The path to the kernel to boot. When not supplied the kernel path will discovered from /boot/grub/grub.cfg on the BLOCK_DEVICE . |
INITRD_PATH | string | "" | yes | The path to the initial ramdisk to boot. |
CMD_LINE | string | "" | no | The command line to pass to the kernel. When not supplied, the kernel cmdline parameters will discovered from /boot/grub/grub.cfg on the BLOCK_DEVICE . |
NOTE: There are known issues related to drivers with some hardware that may make it necessary to replace the
Action image with thereboot
Action image.
The reboot
Action will reboot the machine.
The follow fields must be set on the Action.
pid: host
- /worker:/worker
Custom Tinkerbell action examples
The following example shows how to add a .deb package (openssl
) to a Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation:
- environment:
BLOCK_DEVICE: '{{ formatPartition ( index .Hardware.Disks 0 ) 1 }}' # /dev/sda1
CMD_LINE: apt -y update && apt -y install openssl
FS_TYPE: ext4
name: install openssl
timeout: 90
The following shows an example of adding a new user (tinkerbell
) to an Ubuntu installation:
- environment:
BLOCK_DEVICE: '{{ formatPartition ( index .Hardware.Disks 0 ) 2 }}' # /dev/sda2
FS_TYPE: ext4
CMD_LINE: "useradd --password $(openssl passwd -1 tinkerbell) --shell /bin/bash --create-home --groups sudo tinkerbell"
name: create a user
timeout: 90
Look for more examples as they are added to the Tinkerbell examples page.